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September 2nd to October 31st 2019

Welcome to the newest challenge and the sixth one of 2019! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!

Good wishes and the best of luck to all. Work hard, keep your mind focused on your goals, and we will all succeed together!

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SW 175

GW 165

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USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 212.2 (9/2/19)

LW - 207.6

CW - 207.4

GW - 205.0 (10/31/19)

Stretch goal weight - 203.0

Mini goal - 200 or less by the end of 2019

UGW - 150.0


Need to start pushing a bit more as I have been at 207 for two weeks now. Had my six month doctor visit last week and all is well. I am now working on getting all my tests done (been putting them off too long because of hubby's issues). Continuing to work on de-cluttering all areas of life and setting realistic, achievable goals.

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USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 212.2 (9/2/19)

LW - 207.4

CW - 206.2

GW - 205.0 (10/31/19)

Stretch goal weight - 203.0

Mini goal - 200 or less by the end of 2019

UGW - 150.0


And just like that the weight is going down. More water, better portion control, no chips at lunch. Still having trouble fixing my poor sleep habits and am not making my steps but apparently, every little thing helps.

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Where is everyone?

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Been walking and doing challengers, bird watching, etc.
Losing weight has been up and down for sure.
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cw 149.8

Not losing as fast as I want to but hey I need to eat fewer nuts at night I guess. 

Been walking over 3 miles most days.

Keep up the losing trend.

Wonder why so few folks here now. 

Barbara G


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Everyone’s home eating
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Well @ki6avf, I certainly was this past weekend!

USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 212.2 (9/2/19)

LW - 206.2

CW - 211.8

GW - 205.0 (10/31/19)

Stretch goal weight - 203.0

Mini goal - 200 or less by the end of 2019

UGW - 150.0


My family did a small trade show Friday and Saturday, my daughter was in town and it was fast food central all weekend. Now that the show is over I'll be able to get back into a routine and re-shed what was least after I eat the specialty cupcake purchased yesterday LOL!

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I absolutely know the feeling. Restarted once again today
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I have been an unfaithful poster! However, here I am catching up (a bit!)


USW - 330 (2012); 290.9 as of June 2, 2019

SW - 252

CW - 244.9 

PW - 251.5

GW - 240

MGW - 220

UGW- 190


I hope all is going well with you folks. I don't think I will make 240 by October 31 but I am pretty happy to be down more than 85 pounds overall. I never thought it would happen to me. And yet... here I am. It is really amazing. Thank you for this forum which keeps me (theoretically!) checking in and accountable.

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USW - 178

SW - 173

CW - 173

PW - N/A

LW - N/A

GW - 171

MGW- 165 by end of the year. 

UGW- 135

I am just joining this challenge but need some encouragement going into winter.  Hoping you continue this to the end of the year.  

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Today is the day. Got to get control back into my life. It's voting day here in Canada so I'm going to go vote then walk over to the YMCA and sign up so I can go back to the pool. I hurt my feet and joints too much when I go out to walk, so it's back to water aerobics for me. 

I still don't have a fitbit, but I'll just have to do my best at guestimating my calorie burn. I hope everyone is doing well. I'll post again when I return from the Y.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Welcome @Sweetiepie13  - I'm pretty sure these challenges will continue to the end of the year (at least) as they have been happening for quite a while now.


@_Lilac_  - Glad to hear you're going back to the Y, I know price is an issue but your health is so worth it in the long run. We are looking at another surgery (possibly sooner rather than later) for hubby. He keeps apologizing for missing work and causing more bills and I keep telling him it's not his fault and his well being is more important - it always works out somehow.


I haven't weighed in yet this weekend - hopefully tomorrow.

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I went over to the YMCA and joined up again. I brought my swim stuff so I went to class immediately. I got home and ordered a new fitbit. I have to put my money where my mouth is in order to force myself into submission. I am now going to do some work to earn the money to actually pay for it all. 

Here's to the beginning of the next step in the struggle. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Better late than never!!




CW- 192.6

PW- 195

MGW- get my BMI out of the obese.                   range

AGW- 145

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This exercise crap is either going to help me or kill me. It hasn't decided which yet. Besides walking to the pool, doing the water aerobics class, walking home, I also have to walk to the doctor's office this afternoon and back. It's hard to believe how little I can do now after having got so fit at one point. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Happy Tuesday, everyone. Ten days left in this challenge/accountability event (what would you call it?)


Here is where things stand for me.


USW - 330 (2012); 290.9 as of June 2, 2019

SW - 252

CW - 244.0 

PW - 244.9

GW - 240

MGW - 220

UGW- 190


I don't think I am going to hit 240 by October 31st! However... I have to tell you... if I get to 240.9 by November 2nd then I will have lost 50 pounds in five months! So that's better than kick in the teeth, I guess.


I hope you all are doing well. I am having some kind of weird mind stuff around extreme weight loss (I am down 85 pounds now so that is having a mental impact - mostly good but also kind of a trip). Also, I originally thought my realistic goal weight was 220 - having been overweight all my life that seemed like the most realistic and healthy and reasonable place to aim for, but the more I head down the more I feel like my real goal is actually the 190. I don't know if that is the most mentally healthy way to feel but that is what is happening. 190 or bust!

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@_Lilac_ Hey buddy - so I want to encourage you. First of all, you 100 percent do NOT look like Jabba the Hut's sister, so I want to encourage you to be a little kinder and gentler with yourself, my Canadian sister. And second of all, you got this! Look at all the activity you are doing. Look at how well you are caring for yourself right now. You're doing it! No shame, no regrets, you're taking care of business today. You got this.

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My new fitbit arrived today! Yay. I'm in the charging and setting up process now. I'm excited. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Been using fitbit for more than 2 years. I walk approximately 3 miles.

I lost 32 lbs. I gained back 6 lbs. My goal is to lose that.

Current weight 126 lbs

Goal weight 120 lbs


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