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September 7th to October 31st 2020 Challenge

Hello and welcome to the 6th challenge of 2020!

We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Any one is welcome to join at any time, just hit reply on the most recent post and let us know a bit about yourself.

Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, etc. please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!


If you want to respond to or 'tag' a particular person with your response, type in @ and you will get a drop down box of recent users to choose from, this will alert them that someone has responded to something they posted and we will all see who you are talking to or about. For example: @_Lilac_  hope to see you here!

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I apologize.  I thought it was constructive to suggest people google the reviews of the company before they signed up for Noom.  

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The next challenge is set up and ready to go: October 31st to November 26th 2020


Hope to see you all there!


@Glenda  Apology accepted. I think it was the fact that it was in all caps that made it read in a way you did not intend. 

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Thank you.

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I've been having a love/hate relationship with Noom. I don't like my goal specialist because she's never helped me set a goal, just stops in once a week and says how's it going, but my group coach is good. Honestly if you've got less than 20 lbs to lose and are decently in tune with your body logging food with Fitbit will suffice. Early on they just give some simple tips and strategies. They are finally getting into the deeper stuff for those of us who have much more to lose and are out of tune with out body signals or maybe have psychological reasons. For example, I can go 24 hours and never feel physical hunger until my stomach starts to growl or hurt. I can also binge on thousands of calories of junk just for the flavor, even if I've already eaten a healthy meal. I grew up in a feast or famine situation. Sometimes I would have a few slices of plain white bread for breakfast and sometimes my mom would give me $1 for a cupcake and a juice. We only ate veggies at Thanksgiving. Most of the time it was just pasta or chicken and potatoes or rice if we could afford meat. I'm the only woman in my family who hasn't gone over 300 lbs but I was hospitalized in 8th grade for anorexia. I've gone from one extreme to the other. I learned to enjoy tasty food when available and eat anything to stop the hunger pains when it's not, or just don't feel anything at all. At this stage of the program Noom is teaching how to retrain the mindset and re-tune the body signals. For some of us it's not enough to just say lower stress, eat right, and exercise. 

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For some reason I couldn't find y'all on the app so I'm late for final weigh in but here it is...


USW - Ultimate start weight 205.2 lbs.

SW - starting weight for this challenge 192.6 lbs.

CW - current weight  188.8 lbs.

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in 192.6

LW - last weight/weigh-in 192.6

GW - goal weight for the challenge 190 lbs.

MGW - mini goal weight ?

UGW- ultimate goal weight 150 lbs

My height is 5' 3"

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@TNJEN  - First off, way to go on the loss! Second, thanks for giving us a bit of background on your journey - sounds like it hasn't been easy. Third, the discussions aren't available through the app so you will only find this through the website, though you can get to the website on a smart phone. Last, you had a question mark after MGW - mini goal weight. I'm not sure if it's because you don't understand it or if you don't have one. In case you need clarification, this is just a milestone that is along the route to your ultimate goal weight. I find that thinking in 10 pound increments is much easier on my brain than the entire chunk of 60 pounds looming at me. You don't have to list it if your choice is different, or you might work better with 5 pound increments, or some other number. Hope this helps.

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