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Valentines Day to April 18th

@Bobbinyc, I hope it's ok for me to plagerize your Christmas to Valentine's Day Topic Starter but it was absolutely perfect!!!


Welcome all Challengers!  What an amazing group we have!

Let's all continue together to take off the excess pounds and keep getting healthier.

This challenge will begin on Valentine's Day and finish on (American) Tax Day - 18 April 2017.   (Really!  It's the 18th this Year, not the 15th!)


All you need to join this challenge is to post your stats regarding your weight, and check in weekly or as often as you'd like. We are a great support group and enjoy keeping up with each other and being there for our ups and downs.  Generally we have found that the more we check in and offer support, tips, info,  and ideas to others, the more we get for ourselves.


We list our weight, as well as any other goals we might have related to being healthy (such as increase water, more active minutes, etc).  Developing good health habits is primary.



A little rundown of terminology for anyone who is new.


USW- Ultimate Starting Weight

CSW- Current Starting Weight (for this challenge)

GW- Goal Weight   (for Feb 14)

UGW- Ultimate Goal Weight   (what your healthy target weight is)

PW- Previous Weight

CW- Current Weight

MFP- My Fitness Pal


List as much info as you like.  Some people include age, gender, height....whatever seems relevant to you.


We keep it as serious or light as we feel, but we always keep it focused on being as healthy as possible, while we support each other kindly.  We can do this together!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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926 REPLIES 926

@terryrunning  I couldn't agree more with all that @GettingfitinSC  said. I did exactly the same thing. I have people around me losing double what I am, BUT in my opinion it is not the weight loss that is going to last. You can lose weight on any diet short term. The test is when you can lose it and it stay off. For me it wasn't until I decided I was going to do something I could live with the rest of my life. Yes, granted I have not been doing the best I have lost 46 pounds in less than a year and IF I get my rump in gear my goal is to lose at least 5 more before the one year anniversary, just so I can say I lost 50 pounds in a Now some will just laugh at that and say, well I lost 50 pounds in 4 or 6 months. I just smile and say well that is wonderful, and it is! ( I don't say it but think)But will it stay off, time will tell. I am sure some who do it the right way can get it to stay off, but for me and my past experience, fad diets never worked for long. I always gained it back with some extra. So someone on here has the motto, Slow and steady wins the race! So I have kinda borrowed that as I own. I try to remind myself of this all the time. Yes we all want a beach ready body by tomorrow, BUT, it is not gonna happen, So back to the slow and You made the comment about being glad you found this group... Let me just say this group is awesome. I just love it here. Everyone is so inspirational. Also you see that everyone is human, and we all make mistakes and we all have craving and a lot of the time we give in to them, but get back in here and find such awesome support and encouragement!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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@_Lilac_  I am so excited that you got some new clothes that fit better. I know that always makes me smile when I can get a smaller size. I was just talking with a friend yesterday and saying since I seem to be struggling lately... I am gonna try to get to a good will or thrift store this weekend and but me a pair of Jeans one size smaller than I am just to hang on the bathroom door as an inspiration to get my butt in gear. This last 4 pounds is defeating me at the moment and I have to win this!!!

@GettingfitinSC  I'm super happy for you and getting the new treadmill. A supportive husband sure make this journey so much easier! I have an awesome supportive husband as well and I tell you, there is nothing like them! I sure notice you are putting it to use as well. You are kicking my butt badly in the You go girl! Maybe I will gain some wild energy to "try" to catch

@RachelShrinks@TravellingSunnyI am one of those that weigh daily... there are days I wish I didn't, but I do. I don't count the weight anywhere except at Just because when I started this journey I started on my work scale, so I still continue to use it for my official weigh in's. I guess I figure it will give me an ideal of how I trend in weight.. but mostly just aggravates me I will get better.. I HAVE TO!

@TT_is_meI feel your struggle. Weight loss hasn't been happening for me much lately. We need to get back in this together! We got this and we can do this!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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@Bobbinyc @_Lilac_ I'm glad the storm hasn't hit you too hard! Where I'm at, it has been pretty bad. We've gotten a couple feet of very heavy snow which paired with the wind with it makes it unbearable. My younger brother has had two consecutive snow days now and, although not many people are on campus because we are on spring break, my college has closed for the past two days. As of 8pm tonight, we aren't supposed to be getting any new snow, so hopefully it will all be cleaned up pretty quickly. Unfortunately, this has made it difficult for me to get steps. I took my dog out for a walk yesterday because he would not calm down and it felt like we were walking into the wind no matter what direction we faced. Quite the challenge! Today, he will be staying in and I'll be trying to get steps as I snow-blow the driveway. One good thing that has come out of this: I finally tried a Leslie Sansone video! I was way down for steps one night and I remembered you all talking about them so I gave it a go! It's so nice! I can get my steps in without braving this awful weather and without pacing around the kitchen. I'll probably be trying more of her videos tonight because even with snow-blowing, it'll be difficult to hit my 10k goal.

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@HeartBiller and @GettingfitinSC  I appreciate your support and advice.  And thanks to @Bobbinyc.

I feel like you got into my head and got to know me better than I know myself.  You are so right.  I am great at helping others but never myself.  I guess it is time to let go of the self-criticism.  It just seems to come so naturally.  I never really noticed or paid attention to it before.  I bought myself a pretty notebook and wrote down the reasons I want to lose weight.  I also started logging on MyFitness Pal as @A_Lurker suggested.  I had no idea how many calories I was eating and drinking.  And the day isn't over.  I have so many changes to make.  I have always sabotaged myself and I want to stop doing that finally.  Thanks to this wonderful group.  I am lucky to have found you and I plan to make the most of it.

Best Answer When I started this journey back in July/August I tried her 1 mile walk and could barely make it through. It ached in muscled I didn't know I had and I was sweating so much. (I HATE sweating). I did her 2 mile a few weeks ago and it was a great workout. It gets your heart going and the time passes because you are paying attention to what she's doing. It's also using extra muscles you might not necessarily use in a walk outside or on the treadmill, which is good. I'm glad you like them!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Well I made my 10,000 steps... (barely). But I count it as a victory. Tomorrow is another day of traveling, so not sure that I will get many in. I am hopful that either I can get some between appointments or at least get home early enough to get some in before bed.

i hope everyone has a blessed evening and tomorrow! 

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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@_Lilac_ I had to laugh at your sentence about HATING to sweat, I'm the same way.  I take these towels to the gym that you wet and put around your neck to keep cool. If they start to get too warm you hold each end and snap them to make them cool again. I only need to use them when I'm doing cardio so when I'm using weight machines or stretching I just put them on a paper towel. Sometimes I wonder if others (especially the teens and 20-year olds) wonder why I'm carrying 2 wet towels around.  :^D  I think "when you become a middle-aged woman then you'll KNOW why I have these wet towels".


F, 53, 5'9", PA
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hi all you wonderful supportive challengers,

Just read a couple pages of posts. Welcome to the newer folks. Thanks for your honesty in sharing. Thanks for the amazing supportive responses. 

It is great to read people's insights about themselves and the changes in the way they think.  

I've been in a zone of 2.5 lbs swinging back and forth. Tonight I came home from dancing and decided to eat 0, absolutely 0, since it was after 8 pm and I've been drinking tea instead for 1 3/4 hours. I'm hungry but hey tummy please eat the fat that is blanketing you tonight! I had a nice small low carb tortilla, with chicken, cheese and guacomole at about 4 pm and it is way too late to eat.  I'm more motivated than I have been all month because I watched a video of me dancing and I didn't like the 13 lbs of belly fat that was hanging out.  So I'm trying a new stricter cut off time for no more food in my mouth.  So far so good.  The student dance performance is Sat. March 25 less than 10 days away and it is time to lose a couple lbs.  I think that I have been in denial this month about how much it matters to me to have a flatter belly in my ball gown. So.....

148.5 this morning and let's see how long I can stay committed over these 10 days. 

I made my steps  11,030 today and will dance for close to 2 hrs tomorrow. I'm pledging to skip more calories this week and drink more water, tea or veggie broth in place of a meal or two. 

@Lilacand I have a injured knee in common.  It is bursitis for me the MD said and mild OA.  So I iced packed & elevated it when I came home tonight and will bring the ice packs with me tomorrow.

Did I whine enough? Yes I did.

Time for some news of our world gone mad, more tea and then zzzz sleep.

It is so good to come here and find this group choosing health. Stay strong and determined to make a difference in your life.

Barbara G 


Best Answer

USW - 154 (12/30/16)

CSW - 138 (02/14/17)

PW - 138.4 (02/19)

PW - 136.5 (02/22)

PW - 138.4 (02/28)

PW - 137.3 (03/11)

CW - 136.9 (03/16)


GW - 130 (04/18) - not looking very realistic at the moment Smiley Sad

UGW - 125 (summer?)


One month to lose 7 pounds....hmmmm.  Difficult.

Best Answer

@dancefoxtrot  Hi West Coast Barbara,  it is so good to see your posts on here.  I know it has been a struggle, but I also remember very well when you lost the weight before.  Your body has been through a number of things since then.  I know you can do it again.  You are strong and determined and you know what to do.  And we are here to cheer you on.  It will happen.  What will you be dancing on the 25th?  

Are you sure you should be watching news at night?  The horror of it keeps me up.  I watch/read the papers in the a.m., take whatever action I can, and only check in in the afternoon.  Otherwise it is one more thing that makes me lose sleep.

Warm wishes to you,

East Coast Barbara (Bobbi)




The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@DJC_63  I love the idea of those 2 towels.  I am definitely going to get some; especially for the summer.  Very smart.  Now that I am actually drinking water I am sweating. On young athletic people it looks like a badge of honor.  On me, not so much.   

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@terryrunning   My two three cents. I think you are off to a great start.  When we have had bad habits and a negative way of thinking our whole lives, change isn't easy.  It means we have a lot to take care of.  For most of us, it means letting go of the negative thinking, which we do so automatically we barely notice it.  It also means changing habits with little steps at a time, learning to handle stress and all the emotions differently, learning to calm ourselves so we can switch to something positive whenever we need to.  And probably a whole lot more I am not thinking of right now.

Whenever we commit to a project, we start with a wish, then figure out some of the steps, figure out what it will cost us in terms of either money or time or convenience, and figure out what we will give up for it.  That is true with renovating a kitchen, cleaning out a closet, finding a new job, a work project - everything.  It is true for losing weight.  Once we figure those things out, we can fully commit to it.  It then can move from a wish to a goal with steps in it.

Losing weight, sadly, is not easy, and does not happen because we just wish it.  I think you see how hard people here are working for it, and how we all struggle with occasional setbacks.

My advice:  if you are determined to make this one effort the one that works, think about the cost to you; what support you will need; what you are willing to give up; what will have to change....a lot goes in to this.  

If you still want to do this, the next step would be preparation.  Just like any other big thing we do, we have to prepare first.

By the way, I think you sound far more determined than you did initially.  You also sound more energetic about it.  Nice to hear.




The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@HeartBiller and @RachelShrinks - Today is one of those days that I regret being a daily weight tracker.  I finally broke the 144 barrier yesterday that I'd been bouncing around for the past week and a half.  Literally, my daily logs shows 144.4, 145, 144.4, 145, 144.4, 145 like a sad, scratched vinyl album.


Yesterday I weighed in at 143.6.  Today?  144.6.  😞

Sunny - 45 - F - Virginia - Charge 2
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@terryrunning You are getting some high level advice on here.  @Bobbinyc has laid out such a great plan to get started.  We don't usually think about what we need to do first with weight loss.  I have watched so many just jump in, usually with a fad diet, and have a setback and give up.  Mostly because they weren't ready at all in the first place.  I think you are getting some free therapy or coaching on here.  We can all benefit from this advice.  


@Bobbinyc are you a coach?


This whole forum is the most support and smart I have seen on here.

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CSW 180

Goal is to reach 178 by April 1 and maintain it throughout the summer.

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@TravellingSunny My scale does that frequently to me as well. But, you can say it gave you a peek at where you're headed. When my scale does that to me, it means that number is coming to stay in a day or two. Hope you break that barrier permanently very soon! 

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Afternoon All,  I'm not MIA,  just been too busy, stressed etc to have time to get updates on line.  It's been snowing/sleeting here with wind so the wind chill has been very nasty.

so, have been missing getting my steps in during week after work Smiley Frustrated

- Some days I've been right on track with the calories, then others.......  

feeling frustrated .. think I need to have some time off from work, but that's not for a while yet.   Trying to start each day with a positive out look, but it seems when I get derailed it's a total train wreck for day.   

It's great to see all the postings and how everyone is doing.  It does keep me trying each day.   SO that being said, today so far is very good! (food wise)  Sun is shinning but very cold yet, gonna tell my pup we are going out no matter what for our 2 miles for sure.  Catch ya all tomorrow!

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March 16 update:

USW- 184 (highest, January 2017)

CSW- 180.9 on 2/15/17 (BMI=26)

GW- 170 (BMI =24.4)

UGW- 160 would be nice (BMI=23)

PW- 183.0 2/27/17 (Mardi Gras weekend in NOLA) BMI=26.3

PW- 181.2 3/2/17 (BMI=26)

PW- 177.8 3/9/17, also BBG - 38 inches* (BMI=25.4)

CW-175.8 3/16/2017, BBG still 38 inches


Two days into the Couch to 5K - will be doing day three this evening.

Started yoga on Monday, so that's a daily thing now, and wow, that's tough! My 55 year old Montgomery Burns physique is no match for some of those yoga positions. Very humbling.

Walked a 5K Saturday - great fun. Working on the abs - firmer now, but not smaller yet (see BBG).

I don't think the fitbit device is helping so much as the awesome community here. So thank you all.


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I'm getting really frustrated with this knee! My mother has beaten me in weekly step count! Noooo. We planned to go walking tomorrow since I thought my knee should be much better but I hurt it getting out of bed and again getting out of her car. This stupid thing!! It feels ok with movement but any twisting or mis-step will cause me to think I have to start all over again with resting it.

I'm bored. Getting cranky. I want a nap and it's too late. I feel like a three year old. I have errands I have to do tomorrow so hopefully those will keep me busy to prevent me from continuing to go crazy.

Mom called last night to ask if I wanted to go to lunch with her and my cousin. We went to have Japanese and now I'm not sure I should have. I had tempura vegetable bento box lunch thingy and it was just too much. The oil from the frying is sitting in my belly. It was light and delicious but it's all made in oil. It's 6pm and the only other thing I've had to eat today is an apple and a coffee. I suppose I should make something very fresh to cut through that lunch. I am hungry but feel kinda icky too. 

Alright, enough whining. I want everyone to learn from my mistake and choose better from menus. You want to feel *good* after your meal, not poorly. You want to be proud of your choices and be able to celebrate them. Like yesterday, I had a big pile of steamed spinach on my plate. Now *that* is to celebrate. Oh yeah, go drink your water!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@_Lilac_  Sorry your knee is still cranky, but it really hasn't been that long.  Is it worth seeing a doctor?  Maybe they could recommend something simple that will help.  I have found a couple of pharmacists here that often come up with great tips for healing.  Maybe one will know if compression will help and have a suggestions.  That might also keep the knee stable awhile.

And if you are going to whine, it might as well be here.  You earned it.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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