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Brand New Member Today

Hi! I'm new to this program today. Are these forums helpful?


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Hi!  I am new as of today and I'm excited to be starting on this journey!  My goal is to lose 75 pounds.  If anyone wants friends for motivation please add me 🙂

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I just started today, a little overwhelmed
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MitzD you've got this!
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Hi I'm Sue and I bought a Fitbit one yesterday, my oh bought me another brand for my birthday and I've managed to lose it less than a month after recieving it, so I thought one that clips to my clothing might not get lost ... hopefully. I'm 52 and need to lose 4 stone so please feel free to add me as I desperately need some motivation or a kick up the (very large) backside !!!

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@smarttart wrote: I thought one that clips to my clothing might not get lost ... hopefully.

Mine fell off when I clipped it to the pocket of my pants.  I was at the park, and fortunately someone saw it, so it wasn't a total loss.


Now I clip it to my bra strap, right above the cup.  You really can't see it, and it has never once fallen off.


FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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hey you guys!
Just got it for Fathers day, I am soo stoked! i use to train MMA for 3 yrs then completed insanity but excited to see what it will show now.
I try to do burpees at least 15 a night.
well add me and its go Time!!!

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@Raviv wrote:

@smarttart wrote: I thought one that clips to my clothing might not get lost ... hopefully.

Mine fell off when I clipped it to the pocket of my pants.  I was at the park, and fortunately someone saw it, so it wasn't a total loss.


Now I clip it to my bra strap, right above the cup.  You really can't see it, and it has never once fallen off.


Mine's clipped to my bra I put it right in the centre and I have a piece of cord with a clip attached threaded through my fitbit clip and that's clipped to my bra so hopefully it's going nowhere Smiley Happy
I just need to remember to take it off when my bra goes in the washing machine.

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Hello All,


I just got my Fitbit charge 2 days ago so I'm just now learning the ropes. Any suggestions or tips? Looking for someone to challenge with me. I lost 10lbs so far and looking to use this charge to help me lose the last 10!

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Hi everyone I am new and I just started with the FitBit Charge HR and I love it.  I am looking for others of the same with helping me get down to my goal weight.  I got the FitBit in order to help me keep track of my weight loss and so far it is helping me with that end of my program.  I  look at it and I start walking even more to get my numbers up higher all the time and it does help and for me was well worth what I paid for it.


I want to get frends to talk about it and what we could do more to make ourselves more successful with it.  Hope to hear from you.  Ray

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Hi Everyone 

I am new I just got my watch a week ago and I am really enjoying it as it helps to to continue with my weight loss and just by looking at it encourages me to do more.  I lost a bunch of weight by other means and right now I want to keep it up so it does not stop. My goal is 190 pounds (from 260) and presently at 223 lbs so anyone who wants to chat or discuss I would love to hear from you.


I have been overweight my whole life and I finally getting it off with my program that I am on and the FitBit Charge HR.  Only thing that I am sorry about that it was not around years ago. - Ray


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Hey rubygirl and carol b; totally agree with carol, been with Fitbit about a month, hit the YMCA every day for about two hours, log in running, elipticals and rowing, and of course steps and stairs.  Great device to keep u motivated.  


Two interesting things I noticed, steps are captured by arm movement, so washing windows will count as steps...ahhhh!  And waking up in the morning has me already burning 600 calories.  I'll take it.  Biggest challenge for me so far is recording  calories, not buringing them.


All the best, you;ll love it



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RayQ and others - Glad to learn your Charge HR is providing you with success. Here's wishing you continued success on reaching your goals. While noble, I sense you are looking for more than just well-wishing. From a practical standpoint, try gradual increases in activity. If you are doing X number of steps or X minutes of workouts, use that as a starting point and gradually increase them. If you're having success with weight management with your tracker alone, more power to you.


Should that change, you might consider adding the Fitbit Aria to your arsenal of weapons. It measures weight, percentage of body fat and BMI, making it easier to track progress right within your Dashboard. Don't  fret occasional upswings; don't get too excited if initial losses dwindle to smaller increaments over time. For one thing, getting more fit replaces fat with muscle, which is heavier. Eventually, you should continue to lose weight overall. And slower losses tend to remain off.


Early losses often tend to be more from water loss due to sweating more than before. But don't forget to keep hydrated. For sessions longer than an hour, sports drinks help to replace electrolytes. Or you can simply add a little salt to water. But your body needs water to properly process nutrients, etc. I like to track my fitness level with my minimum heart rate, obtained by wearing while I sleep. Being more fit tends to reduce that because your heart become more efficient. None of these are total answers but help provide keys to how you're progressing. Check with your doctor on what might be a suggested course of action. For example, mine suggested I maintain over 130 BPM heart rate for 30 minutes three or four times a week. I got to do better on that myself! Hope this helps . . .

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KSkeie - Some post that arm motion is what makes the trackers detect steps. I'm not entirely convinced that is so. During SilverSneakers class I typically double-time everything I can without colliding with anyone.  Most of the time I keep pace with the rest for hand weight routines but double leg motion. When I can I double my steps but keep arms the same in what appears to be uncoordinated mis-matching movements with dual moves. Comparing my steps with others suggests I get double the steps that others do. So maybe it detects more than just arm swings. Do you have any input on this from your perspective?


Today I noted our instructor was wearing an activity band. So I asked what tracker she used, which was the HR. She said she liked the Garman while running because of the features it had. But for workouts she preferred the Fitbit bacause she didn't like to have her cell phone with her. Indeed, that is part of the reason my wife and I went with the Fitbit: because we don't have smartphones -- a dying breed! I do like my Surge.

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I also decided on the Fitbit (One) because I don't have a smart phone (or any phone lol, which I know at 26 is uncommon). I just got this in the mail on Friday so today will be my second full day of using it. Every day that I get outside for a 10 minute walk is an achievement at this stage, and I'm really happy to have this little bit of extra motivation to do that! 


I don't know about arm motion as I clip it to my pocket. I clip it from the inside so that if it falls out, it would just fall into my pocket. I've read way too many stories of lost Fitbits to risk that one <_< I suppose you were probably referring to one that you wear on the wrist? That wouldn't make much sense to me, as I don't swing my arms like most people when I walk (I'm a little awkward that way lol). Seems pretty accurate the way I have it set up so far. 

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Well done I wouldn't be without mine took it on holiday with me for 2weeks forgot the charger but lasted the full time. Only drawback is the clip it the tip at back works loose it's as sharp at hell. The wrist strap you only wear at night to monitor your sleep. Good luck
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Kazzyp - You wore your tracker on a 2-week long holiday without the charger? AND it kept working? Fantastic! By "holiday" I presume you mean a vacation. Did you "take off" exercising too? Just wondering. I've heard some models use the wrist band to only register sleep patterns. Now I know why they aren't worn 24/7. Isn't there a way to "bandage" the sharp edge or something? At least it seems to be working for you. And that's worth a lot.

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Hi yes went to fuerteventura Canary Islands (yes it was a vacation) I will try and cover the sharp metal end. We did a lot of walking I got ribbed by friends cause I wanted to increase my steps/fitness I didn't care. I feel better for it. Take care x
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I also joined today and have just set up the Fitbit.  I'm really looking foward to using the device and all of the facitliies on the dashboard.  I have a way to go before I am at my goal weight, but I am determined to get there.

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Hey Ray Q; congrats on the weight loss far, I share a very similar story, peaking at 252 lbs, now at 223 as well, with a inital target of 210, eventual target of 205.  Jumped on Fitbit to motivate me to the home stretch.  


Clocking in 10,000+ steps per day, hit the elipitcal, free weights, spin, row, cybex circuit and at the end of a week, a one hour session of therapy yoga!  The fitbit weekly summary does it for me.  


Keep on trucking,



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Welcome to the FITBIT club Kehalagold, you'll see there are lots of goal driven weight loss folks on board including yours triuly and the device is certainly a motviator for sure.  Wait umtil you get your first weekly summary, it;s llike a full tank of gas for weeks to come.  


The device is pretty intuitive and the forum and discussion menus can help out.  I try to log in 10,000+ steps per day, and log in every exercise ro tuine each day which varies.  Foir weight loss the thing to maually maitian is what foods your are consuming and the drop down lists at times are too specific, so I find the one meal that best equals the calories I acutally consumed.  Set up the meal plan too, that;s cool,


good luck, 



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