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Looking for Fitbit Friends

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Hey Community and Fitbitters around the world!


Are you looking for more information about how to connect with friends? This is definitely the right place!


Fitbit is expanding everyday and we want you to feel free and happy to share with all of us your thoughts, goals, personal trainings, achievements, pictures, stats and everything you would like us to see. 


  • First things first, we want you to feel safe about what information you're sharing. So take a moment to read about how to personalize your Fitbit profile and be in control of the information you share with friends: How do I manage my Fitbit profile?


  • Now, let's add some Fitbit friends. Since you're here, you can easily add Community Forums members to your friend list. Follow these steps!


    1. Click on user's Community profile page.

    2. Click "Go to profile" next to user's profile image.

    3. Send a friend request. 


  • Have you seen the option 'Community tab' on the Fitbit app? Excellent! You can join and take a look of our Feed, Friends and Group options. You might want to take a moment to learn more about this here: What should I know about the Fitbit Community?


    1. Feed: Share information, photos, and achievements with a group or with all your Fitbit friends.

    2. Friends: Cheer, taunt, or message your friends, keep up with them.

    3. Groups: Create or join a closed group in the Fitbit community to share tips and information.


Remember you can report Fitbit Community posts, users, and groups if you see something that you think isn't appropriate for our community.


As always, please reach out if you have any questions. Hurrah for new Fitbit Friends! 

Want to get more active? ᕙ(˘◡˘)ᕗ Visit Get Moving in the Health & Wellness Forums.

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3,437 REPLIES 3,437
Alright I'm excited! I'm on a machine called "bun and thigh roller" but I will be using my elliptical afterwards! Let's move it so we can lose it!♡♡♡♡♡
Best Answer
Had a Fitbit for a while but just discovered the challenges with friends section as I have been using it mainly as a pedometer to measure my steps. Now I want to actually challenge myself to get out and about more but I have no friends that use a Fitbit so can't challenge them. I am from the uk.
Feel free to add me

Best Answer

Hello!  I'd love some Fitbit friends - please add me:  //

I like to go running and enjoy the gym - I'm currently in training for a 10 mile run in October.  

I'm having a small operation in a week which will put me out of action for a few weeks, and I'm not looking forward to being sedentary, but would like some friends to keep me motivated and help me get back into it after.

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Sent you a request. I'm new to the community as well. (:
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0 Votes
I am looking for friends to connect with here. I like doing the challenges. Add me. (:
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0 Votes
@calico blue
I'm going to add you as a friend! I'm also a mom of 4, though mine are all toddlers. (2 year old triplets and a 12 month old)
I've been overweight my whole life, and back to back complicated pregnancies didn't help! I really want to get in shape to better care for my kids, and would love some support and a friend for challenges! I mostly do goal day challenges right now, but want to get into the other ones and push myself. My goal is roughly 5000 to 6000 steps per day.

Anyone else in the "under 10,000" range interested in new friends for challenges? I think it's extra motivating when everyone is close and anyone could win! 🙂
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The above message is for @CalicoBlue - my autocorrect messed it up. 🙂
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0 Votes
Hey everybody!

I would love some new fitbit friends! I need some help to stay motivated and I do believe a few of you lovely ladies and gents could help with that! Add me!
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0 Votes

Greetings everyone its been weeks I'm back on fitbit due to my flex quit working (and Yes I got my money back from walmart insurance) and now I'm back with alta! Please add me as a friend, looking for good folks to keep me motivated and staying happy. 🙂

Best Answer
Hi, I've been running on/off, have run couple of 10k runs recently and aiming to do a half marathon!
Motivation is a strange thing & you can use all you can get by all the means right!!
I'll be adding few people here, feel free to add me as well!
Best Answer
Surely! You can add me to your friends list I had surgery in February and my fit bit friends kept me focusing on getting better so I could do the challenges they gave me hope and strength😀
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Hey guys! I'm looking for some fitbit friends so we can play challenges and motivate each other to reach our goals! Smiley Happy


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0 Votes

Needing some motivation and support, looking for fitbit friends for challenges and cheering to help motivate...

Lover of the outdoors, History Buff, Artist, Mason, Historical Reenactor, collector of Hobbies
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0 Votes

Also trying to get the best out of my fitbit experience... had my fitbit for about two months and still having troubles hitting those 10k steps every day. Would like some people to keep me motivated. Add me.



Best Answer

Hi sports mate !


Please, feel free to add me ! Almost 2 years after aquires my fitbit flex, i'm still on and looking to continuously improve Smiley Very Happy


By the way, i'm living in Singapore if you like to join me for a jog !  

Best Answer
Corey feel free to text me for challenges. I'm new too but am also a results driven person and this fit bit device has helped so much. Connect with your exercise convictions and you wil win. I challenge you to 10000 steps daily bro.
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0 Votes
Alright sister! Let's synchronize for Saturday morning 8am to10am? Ok?
Best Answer

Hi Everyone,


I am new to the fitbit world and would love to make new friends and stay motivated.

my id is :

Feel free to connect.



Piyush Arora

Best Answer

Hi Everyone,


I am new to the fitbit world and would love to make new friends and stay motivated.

my id is :

Feel free to connect.



Piyush Arora

Best Answer

Welcome to all of you @Tee88888888, @HollyJK, @piyusharora28, it's great to see all the new users that are getting started in the Community, I have sent you a friend request as well. I happy stepping everyone, I hope to see you around more often in the forums. Smiley Happy

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

Ti invito a partecipare nelle nostre discussioni! Commenti

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