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Motivation: What Motivates You?

Motivation is so important in any aspect of life. What motivated you to start your weight loss journey?  I have a few things:


1.) I have a 9 year old niece and a 5 year old nephew.  I want to see them grow up, go to their graduations, be there for their weddings, and hopefully see the day when I become a great-aunt.  How can I do that if I don't adopt healthy habits now?


2.) I'm a frontline worker in a nursing home, I am sick and tired of the stress brought on by COVID.  More specifically, I am sick and tired of the COVID related weight gain.  This summer, I took a big step in helping to combat that by rejoining Weight Watchers and have since lost about 10 pounds.


3.) My residents: when I wonder why I'm having to mask up or why I can't do certain things in regards to COVID, I think of their sweet faces and how heartbroken I would be if I passed COVID on to them.


However, the one person holding me accountable through my weight loss journey is my mom.  She also is a frontline worker in healthcare, and we decided to take back control of our lives.  We decided we were sick of our COVID weight and rejoined Weight Watchers together this summer!  We even use our Fitbits to hold us accountable: at the end of the day, we always share who has the most steps!  



Moderator edit: format. 

Kristen | USA Cruising through the Lifestyle Forums

one cruise ship at a time!
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For me, it's wanting to be around to watch my nephew and niece as they grow up.  Also, diabetes runs in both sides of my family, so I need to take care how much sugar I consume. I'm not overweight, but it's being in decent physical shape that motivates me.  Another source of motivation is the theme from The Mandalorian by Ludwig Goransson because it inspires me to do better. 😎 


A pair of jeans as motivation isn't silly. It's a great motivator. 😀


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To be honest, I have struggled with motivation since a debilitating accident to my legs.  My old self was very active: trail running throughout the Marin Headlands, mtn. biking Mt. Tam (or around La Honda), kayaking in the SF Bay, etc. Over the years of PT and other various forms of rehab for my legs I lost a core principle... showing up consistently.  The podcast None to Run episode 34 (link to apple podcast) has an interview with the author of the book: Atomic Habits (James Clear). Listening to that podcast reminded me to make things simple. Simple things that are easily performed, makes it easier to consistently show up; results will follow.


Using an activity device is great because it provides trend data that can illustrate progress when the mirror or scale doesn't always reflect the work that we have applied in the journey for a healthier life. I have tried a variety of activity devices and the Fitbit wins out for me because of its simple nature to tracking which compliments my goals (instead of being the focus point) which I find to be more helpful.


Keep us posted and share your progress!

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Lost my wife to COVID. Raising my son alone is hard but I just have to be strong for my son.✊🏾

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I'm very motivated that my mother was able to lose 25 kg at 40 and start a new life. I realized that I can do it too.

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I am motivated by music and the sun😊

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The goal is to lose weight to feel better and healthier. I am also motivated by clothes, for example, which came to me after reading Lord And Taylor reviews. It would fit better on me if I lost a little weight and it's really one of my motivations. I also want to look great in the summer and not be ashamed of my body

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