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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621
I got a portable battery USB charger so I could recharge my fitbit if I was running low. Got to do this for the first time whilst on holiday in NYC, and found my fitbit was low on battery just before heading out on a long walk to the Met. Connected it to my charger and set off, and was pleased to see it counted steps whilst charging.

Now how amazing is this. I'm in the Met looking at Egyptian art and I get the "you have walked the Nile badge" !!!!
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You know you're a Fitbit addict're asked to write a blog at work on any subject in the world and you choose activity trackers...

Handsome Dan: Fitbit wearer - overweight - not as active as i should be - interested in tracking that
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Your husband is in surgery and you are pacing and continue to check your
tracker to see if you have another light.
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I received my Charge on May 1st, I was immediately addicted. I do all of the tings mentioned, I look at the data constantly and I am obsessed with hitting all the goals everyday. It makes going to the gym more fun, eating the right foods and tracking progress easier. I have lost 14lbs and I am well on my way to my goal of -50lbs. I wish I had bought my charge a long time ago.

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You know you're a FitBit addict when you stop keeping filled waterbottle next to your workdesk and instead walk to the bathroom to get a new glass of water when you're thirsty Smiley Very Happy

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Guilty of all threeSmiley Happy:

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You're waiting in the Sprint Store (and you know how long that is) and you begin to walk in place in wave your FitBit arm to log steps......Gotta get to over 10,000! 



Keep on Steppin

FitHR Charge....Weight Watchers....Meltdown Challenge....Samsung......Windows 8....Educator.....Lucille Roberts
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You've got bronchitis, a persistent hacking cough, body aches and a headache but you still want to go run to meet your step goal for the day. Maybe I'll just take a slow walk...
Fitbit Surge | 3x Marathoner - Marathon Coach starting in August 2015 | Run 3x wk | Elliptical 2x wk | Strength sessions (Progressive Resistance Training) 3x wk - DO WORK!
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So, I started on this board 16 months ago, when I got my fitbit force for xmas.  I loved it, and then I developed the allergic reaction and had to send it back. At that time, I also stopped coming to the forums.  3 days ago I got my new Charge HR - and Im back!


So, you know when you are an addict when ....


1)  If you cant track your steps, you stop using the fit bit site  ( sorry)

2) You sit to charge your device -- to not waste steps

3) you start parking farther away at work, shopping, restaurants, everywhere

4) Suddenly,  the elevator takes too long --and you opt for the stairs

5) High heels no longer ties the outfit together -- cuzz you cant walk 6+ flights of  stairs in heels !




Goals: Low Carb, high fat, 70-20-10 .... lose 20 pounds by 6/2017
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#5 all the way!!!
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I Am guilty of all three!!!!!!! 🙂 LOVE LOVE LOVE my fitbit!!!!

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Had the Fitbit Charge HR for 4 weeks...know when addicted...


1) When going for a walk, your 5-year old asks, "Mommy, why can't I hold that hand?" (Fitbit hand)

2) When you despise running, yet run 3 miles every day anyway (but feel awesome afterwards).

3) When you look at the chicken on your plate, and think..."hmmm, that's about 3000 steps"

4) When your 5 old asks, "Mommy, how many steps did you get today?"

5) When at 11 pm at night you run up and down the hallway in your house in your pajamas.

6) When you lose 8 lbs in the first 4 weeks you've had your Fitbit :-).

7) When you try to get your friends to get one, just so you can have more Fitbit buddies to compete against.

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I've read a few posts on here about people having issues with charging etc, however my first flex gave out 3 weeks ago and I contacted customer services and a replacement was sent out to me, it arrived last Thursday (04 June) and today has completely died on me again. So im allegedly getting my 3rd one shipped out to me. It basically won't hold a charge after cleaning, resetting etc. Anyone else onto multiple fitbit?
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yes think i am addicted...left fitbit at home on charge & tried to get hubby to bring it to work..he drove 

straight past & I pined all day as I do lots of steps all day & stairs..also great watch!

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#5 all the time Smiley LOL

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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When your Fitbit dies whilst working out at the gym and you want to cry! I had to come home and look up how to restart my Charge HR. Thankfully it worked and back to business as usual. Phew 🙂
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I've not had mine long but I quickly became an addict - I'm looking for alternative (longer) ways of getting from A to B - even if involves going via XY and Z. There is a post box just down the road from where I live but now I'm going to the one all the way up the hill to get in the extra steps. On the days when I don't have enough time I feel very frustrated not to have met my goal.

"Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!"

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The other day i was at a hospital waiting on the guy with the keys to let me into the room where we were going to work so I got in a few flights of stairs while I was waiting. The people on the other end of the security cameras must have thought I was nuts.

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You know you're addicted:


  1. When you go to the supermarket and steer the cart with your dominant hand because the Fitbit is on the other hand
  2. When you continue to walk the supermarket aisles even though you've bought everything on your list
  3. When you park way across the parking lot, even though you've already met your goal steps


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