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01-17-2017 00:49
01-17-2017 00:49
01-17-2017 03:37
01-17-2017 03:37
When I switched from a Flex to the Alta, it was just a matter of adding one device to my account and removing the other.
01-17-2017 07:57
01-17-2017 07:57
Even if your just moving 10 steps to to another table, or going to collect another box to fill with envelopes you will gain steps. I may not add up to a lot of steps but they will help your final numbers of the day.
01-17-2017 08:31
01-17-2017 08:31
@SunnylaneIf you're responding to me, I gotta tell you, it was counting steps when I was just moving my arms to reach for envelopes. I kid you not!
01-25-2017 02:35
01-25-2017 02:35
New to fit bit Christmas present from my daughter , been having a giggle at all the post about being addicted. Bought my daughter one so we could share . Just got of the phone from her saying I dont need to talk about wahts happening with me on fit bit everyday lol. I am driving the family crazy. Older and bolder 🙂
01-25-2017 02:36
01-25-2017 02:36
lol worn out my shoes already 🙂
01-25-2017 02:39
01-25-2017 02:39
loving these comments I found myself running on the spot while ironing and brushing my teeth , my family think I have gone bonkers lol
01-25-2017 02:41
02-03-2017 10:02
02-03-2017 10:02
You know when you are a fitbit addict when...
You automatically buy a second charger (no third party stuff) when you upgrade your device.
You have at least one and maybe two fitbits in reserve just in case....
03-03-2017 14:14
03-03-2017 14:14
I am not on a diet, I have a nutrition plan! Funnily enough, it involves logging my food, drink and exercise every day so that I know exactly how much I can eat. <snigger>
03-05-2017 05:33
03-05-2017 05:33
You know you are a Fitbit addict when you start using the timer and stopwatch option for cooking your healthy meals! 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃
03-08-2017 03:49
03-08-2017 03:49
I'm not an addict yet as I am a new owner of a Charge HR. However, my hubby is addicted to his Charge HR which drives me crazy at times.
- When the internet connect is lost and he cannot sync his Fitbit so starts to pace.
- When he just about plows me down if I cross his path when he is walking in the house to add to his steps.
- I twiddle my thumbs waiting for him to get to his quota of steps or time before we go to do errands.
- When I need his help but he is building up his steps so once again I am on hold
Now maybe it is pay back time and perhaps I can do as well as or beat him at this game 😄
03-08-2017 07:50
03-08-2017 07:50
I am not sure what really happened but on Nov. 9, 2016, I started the 10,000 steps a day. For some reason, it clicked and I MUST have the 10,000 plus every day. I do feel better and would be upset if I missed. I'm 71 years old and my doctor was impressed. I am addicted for sure! I also make my husband just wait until I get a certain number of steps before we go places or get up early to get those steps before he wants to leave. I'm always figuring out how many steps I might get when we go shopping here or that other store. This is crazy!
03-08-2017 14:40
03-08-2017 14:40
My hubby and I are 73 and although I have worn a pedometer for years it was no longer motivating me - it didn't help to notice how well my husband was doing with his Fitbit so I decided to give in and get one. Bought two Charge 2's and return one, then the replacement one because they would not change - at that point I was giving up on Fitbits. However, within a week saw an advertisement for a Charge HR at a much better price than I had paid for my husband's 10 months ago and decided to take a third chance in the hope it would be 'three times lucky' and it has been. I am motivated and getting $ 20 back from Best Buy (match price) on the price my Charge HR cost has made me a true fan and soon to be addicted I'm sure.
03-08-2017 18:27
03-08-2017 18:27
I am 74 soon to be 75. I retired in 2012. I have high cholesterol and I wanted to bring it down. I started to exercise, but didn't stick with it. My daughter had a Fitbit Zip. She said give it a try. I have been useing the Zip since Dec. of 2015. I don't always meet my goal. But the Zip keeps me motivated to get as meet my steps or come as close as I can to the goal. You could say I am a Fitbit addict because I always have the Zip on. I even have it on my waist band when I sleep. Just in case I get up in the night to the bathroom I will not loose those few steps.
03-08-2017 19:31
03-08-2017 19:31
I agree with you! I had to recharge my Charge 2 this evening and I immediately sat down to knit while it charged. I didn't want to not have my steps to register! I do sleep with mine on as well. I do feel better since I have been walking the 10,000 steps and just want to see how long I can keep it up.
03-09-2017 03:20
03-09-2017 03:20
03-09-2017 04:59
03-09-2017 04:59
I have had my Charge less than two full days so have not had to charge it yet but will be using some of the ideas others have. and
Yes less than two days and already doing silly things to get steps. When I realized that for steps to count 10 steps up are needed so now I make sure when I come up the back stairs not to stop on the landing to let the dog in or look out the door at the bird feeders, I come all the way up to the kitchen and then go back down to the landing 😄 Also do a couple of up and downs while waiting for the kettle to boil 😄
03-09-2017 05:09
03-09-2017 05:09
The first evening I had my Fitbit and was tired I sat down to crochet in the hope that I would tally more steps and I did not many but enough for it to be worth wearing the Fitbit 😄
I have started an encouragement, tips etc. group Good Old 60's 70's if you are interested.
03-09-2017 05:17
03-09-2017 05:17
When I hubby cycles (not often) he moves his Fitbit from his wrist to his pocket seems to work for him.