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We have several friends that have the Fitbits for their wrists and decided the Fitbit One is more accurate then any of them. You can move your arm and get steps on all the wristband styles. Believe me, we've played with them. Even some of our friends don't use their Fitbits any longer because of this. Not sure what to do when my Fitbit One finally bites it.
Moderator Edit: Updated Subject for Clarity
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Since I'm not sure where to post this and research seemed the closest match...I'm posting here. But if there's a better spot, maybe a moderator can move it.
How much research was done before deciding to eliminate the One? Did you actually check the target audience or just decide that the cheaper less detailed Zip was good enough for us? -- Or that for some reason a target market that spends this kind of money on a fitness device would want to wear something that looks like it's made for a child's exuberant energy?
I don't want to wear some cheap looking plastic watch band with my expensive gold jewelry. It is distracting, tacky, and tasteless! On the other hand, why should I have to give up all the features of my current Fitbit One? The Fitbit one is discrete. I can wear it at work (I teach) and it's not a distraction). I can wear it when I am running around the house and don't want to wear something on my wrist, yet can still full track all things I am interested in having. I can wear it to track my sleep without having something on my wrist which keeps me awake. I can wear it to attend weddings, or other functions where I don't want to have cheap costume stylized adornments, yet still want to track my activities like walking, dancing, whatever....how long I've been stationary to remind me to move.... The fit bit One is far superior to the Zip and that's what you are calling a comparable replacement when my One gets lost or dies because it's over 4 years old? You realize you have thrown away money as the after market for these has gone up and up to well over the original purchase cost as people struggle to keep buying this product. You've essentially lost out on money you could have been making from this product if you had decided to keep and develop it rather than the cheaper version or the ridiculous watch version. Yes, obviously someone out there is using the watch version, but what will happen is people are going to start leaving your company to find someone who actually listens to their needs. You've already given the "scalpers" lots of extra money by your choice in eliminating the One, how about you take back the power and bring back the One?
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08-21-2018 08:52
08-21-2018 08:52
I'm on my 4th Fitbit 1, BTW.
08-21-2018 13:05
08-21-2018 13:05
I am a Fitbit One diehard, started with my first 5 years ago and am currently on my second.
Still hoping they recant and bring back the One. There are many of us who reject a wristband for a variety of reasons, among them:
- more accuracy all steps are counted as opposed to arm movements with the wristbands
- its tiny size makes it easy to tuck away and wear unobtrusively
- wristband aren't for everyone (allergic reactions, dressing up, don't like wearing on wrist)
There is no current replacement except for the wristbands, unless of course you want to consider the larger, more intrusive Zip which doesn't count stairs and needs frequent battery replacement. If they were to drop one from the line it should have been the Zip.
08-21-2018 17:01
08-21-2018 17:01
I tried the flex, charge, charge hr. each time I returned them and went back to my beloved one.
I work with my arms and would end up with 17,000 steps by noon. (I get 10K) before 6 am so I knew this was way off. Calories burnt are more accurate. and IMHO if you have to swing your arm while pushing a shopping card or put it on your ankle, you are not getting enough exercise if that is what you need to do to count your steps. I do have an apple watch which actually is the closest I have found to the fit bit. I does not count phantom arm movements. No it really does not count if I am pushing a shopping cart but I could care less. That is not freaking exercise. Its called life. I bought have one fitbit one in reserve. When they finally die, I will be devastated. My apple watch is because I cannot carry my phone at work. I can see if I get important phone calls and text messages without having to have my phone on my person. (i know its extravagant )
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Thanks vipers32!
I don't need or want all the functions the other Fitbits offer and I definitely do not like wearing anything on my wrist. The Fitbit One was the perfect solution, I know many other "fitbit-ers" are also disappointed but apparently Fitbit has decided to move on from those of us who have clamored to bring it back (or a similar design) and who have enjoyed having a tiny, discreet tracker.
Moderator Edit: Format
08-22-2018 05:43 - edited 08-22-2018 15:44
08-22-2018 05:43 - edited 08-22-2018 15:44
My husband has been checking out what is the most accurate. I think he said Garmin has one that has a wrist band, but you can remove the tracker and put it in a pocket. We may have to go that way if our One's die.
08-22-2018 07:09
08-22-2018 07:09
Yes I have had 3 and the wife 2. Looking to buy something similar but may have to buy a different brand since I can't get one.
08-23-2018 07:58
08-23-2018 07:58
Hi Everyone - we created this post to discuss the One Availability. As mentioned there, unfortunately, there are no plans to bring the One back and we do not have any information on future products. Feel free to check the discussion there, I'll be closing this thread as a duplicate.