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How do I stop my Fitbit Charge 2 from lighting up ( with quick view always in the off position ) when I clap my hands at a performance, when I get up in the middle of the night, or other random times. It looks like a software bug to me and I would like to have a setting that turns the display off always unless I press the button. Also, turning on in the middle of the night should be tied to the sleep schedule so that even with quick view on you must press the button for a display.
08-07-2017 08:54
08-07-2017 08:54
Welcome to the community!
Turning off quick view should prevent the screen from coming on as you described. I would try it myself, but I have my Charge 2 loaned out to a friend to test drive.
As for turning off while you're sleeping, it's not as simple as you think... The tracker itself does not know that you're sleeping. All the tracker does is collect information about you... Your movements, your heart rate, etc. Only after that's been synced and pushed to the server does the Fitbit service processing determine when you fell asleep and your sleep stages. Thus there's no real way for your tracker itself to know when you're sleeping.
I hope this helps.
Frank | Washington, USA
Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
08-07-2017 18:18
08-07-2017 18:18
08-10-2017 10:29
08-10-2017 10:29
I have the same problem as you described and often see the display turn on when I did nothing to initiate it (and I ALWAYS have quick view turned off in settings). It would be so nice to have a setting that only turns the display on when I press the button (not when I move my wrist, or bump the fitbit, or make a sudden, jarring move). Call it "Stealth Mode" or something like that maybe.
To me, this is absolutely the most annoying feature of the Charge 2. My original charge HR only lit up when I pressed the only button on the device. Why can't the Charge 2 do the same?! I'm getting sick of the occasional bright light in the middle of the night and since the display is so much bigger, the light can be that much more annoying while sleeping!
08-10-2017 11:45
08-10-2017 11:45
@FitStepper and @SunsetRunner, when quickview is off, are you still able to turn the display on by lifting up the arm and twisting the wrist? If you can not then we can say that the quickview function is not what is turning on tye tracker.
We still have 2 more ways to turn on the tracker. - double tap and by pressing the button once.
The doubletap function is simply looking for 2 quick movements caused by the tracker bouncing on the arm when your finger taps tge screen. The best place to tap is between the face and the lower band.
When clapping, the tracker is Interprets the bouncing and the shock of the hands coming together as a double tap.
As for sleepping i can not come up with a reason. I sleep soundly enough and with my eyes closed tyat if the display turned on i would not notice it. In fact i slept through 2 people trying to call me this afternoon.
08-10-2017 13:26
08-10-2017 13:26
08-10-2017 14:11
08-10-2017 14:11
Thanks for the explanation, @Rich_Laue! When I lift/ twist my wrist, the display does not turn on. But clapping and other non-tap movements seem to turn it on when I don't want it on.
I think that the problem must be that the Charge 2 (quite) often misinterprets inputs as double tapping. Why can't we simply have an option to turn off (or on) the double tap feature and only have the button turn the display on like the Charge HR did? Seems like a very simple programming solution to fix what I (and some others) find to be an annoying problem.
08-10-2017 15:29
08-10-2017 15:29
I have the same problem,my Fitbit charge 2 turns itself on several times in the night and wakes me each time.(I'm a very light sleeper).It also disturbs my husbands sleep.Hence both of us are frustrated by this and need a solution.I want to wear it for sleep tracking so taking it off is not an option.I have it permanently turned off in the App so how could I possibly turn it on in my sleep by double tapping or clapping?Help I'm turning into an even grumpier old woman.Thank you in advance for helpful suggestions.
08-10-2017 17:13
08-10-2017 17:13
Mine does to. It hasn't always done it though. I always have quick view turned off and it has stayed that way until maybe the last couple of weeks. Since then I have noticed movement during the night will turn it on. If I try to turn it on it won't do it. It is just some random thing that seems to happen at night when I am trying to sleep. I have checked it to make sure it is still turned off and it is. But since it doesn't happen when I try to make it come on, I didn't think that was the issue.
08-17-2017 13:45
08-17-2017 13:45
Of course it is possible @FitStepper, but it is not something a fitvit user will be able to setup.
Hqve you voted for the night mode option, it is tye votes tyat get the attention of the developers.
08-21-2017 13:38
08-21-2017 13:38
Thanks for the recommendation, @Rich_Laue ! I did "vote" the original message here, and also searched for and voted for all other similar feature requests (including one with nearly 2,000 votes and still no action). I'm not gonna hold my breath for this to happen anytime soon since there's so much discussion about it, but not much (if any) developer input/action.
I'll just keep using electrical tape to cover the screen before I go to bed at night...
08-30-2017 15:31
08-30-2017 15:31
So tired of being told that my charge 2 light is waking up my husband at night. I wish there was a do not disturb between certain hours that you could set, or at least dim the very bright light.
You can set when you want to sleep, I wish it would not light up during those hours.
08-31-2017 07:33
08-31-2017 07:33
I may have found a deeper problem with the Fitbit Charge 2 lighting up with quick view turned off and me not pressing the button. I was working recently using a shop hammer (about 1 pound in size) and noticed that every time I struck with the hammer, the screen changed on my fitbit across the Run, Bike and so on screens. I was using my right hand to hold the hammer and my fitbit was strapped to my left hand. This means that the Fitbit button must be tied to vibration also, because I watched the button as I was working and it was not being touched by my skin or pressed in any way. A side note here is that when I mow my yard on my riding mower, my step count goes up by large amounts.
08-31-2017 15:11
08-31-2017 15:11
It's not related to button use, simply to vibration. It's interpreting the hammer blow vibration through your body as a tap on the screen and is thus tripping through the display options in turn.
Mike | London, UK
Blaze, Surge, Charge 2, Charge, Flex 2 - iPad Air 2, Nokia Lumia 925 (Deceased), iPhone 6
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
10-19-2017 05:04
10-19-2017 05:04
I stumbled on another message in the forum that had a reboot sequence which might help...ive just done this on mine but not sure yet if it makes a difference
@SunsetRunner wrote:How do I stop my Fitbit Charge 2 from lighting up ( with quick view always in the off position ) when I clap my hands at a performance, when I get up in the middle of the night, or other random times. It looks like a software bug to me and I would like to have a setting that turns the display off always unless I press the button. Also, turning on in the middle of the night should be tied to the sleep schedule so that even with quick view on you must press the button for a display.
02-07-2018 08:55
02-07-2018 08:55
Thanks for the electrical tape idea! Super annoying, but at least it works. That darn light is really bright and wakes me up at least 2-3 times a night. Fitbit devs, PLEASE FIX! Thank you!
04-05-2018 03:15
04-05-2018 03:15
Can someone post the link to vote for this. I just got my charge2 and am extremely annoyed at this issue after one night. I have a lot of trouble sleeping which is why I want to wear my Fitbit at night but it lit up five times last night without prompting and with quick view off.
I made a suggestion two years ago and it just got moved to under consideration so I know the process takes MUCH longer than it should when many users agree but I want to add my vote to the cause. I don’t want to have to stop wearing it.
04-05-2018 20:30
04-05-2018 20:30
I think the best feature request for this is here: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/Turn-off-quick-view-when-I-m-sleeping-or-at-cust...
Sadly, it looks like it won't be for the Charge 2. The Ionic and later models is specifically mentioned, so I don't have high hopes for a firmware update to fix this ultra-annoying design flaw.
04-06-2018 05:45
04-06-2018 05:45
This whole thread is about the tracker still lighting up while quick view is off.
This tells me the tracker is turning on by one of the other two methods.
As for the Charge 2. sleep is not detected by the tracker, but is calculated in the cloud after the first sync after the wearer has woke up. Therefore the tracker itself does not know that the wearer is asleep, yes the option to disable quickview could be added to a schedule but accordig to this thread disabling QV does not stop the display from lighting up.
05-03-2018 05:33
05-03-2018 05:33
Blah blah snore, I got the Charge 2 thinking it would help with my own awareness of the issues I have from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Imperfect sleep being one (of many) of them.
I turned off the QuickView immediately upon purchase, and yet it still comes on 24/7 when I move my wrist. It still comes on when I know for a fact I haven't touched the screen *or* the button.
Fitbit devs, please fix this so those of us with chronic illnesses can still use it. Otherwise, I'm throwing it in the trash and buying a new Timex.