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I have noticed an occasional strange spike in my heart rate late at night when I am asleep. It's happened a few times now, most recently on Saturday evening.
It shows on the app as happening around 23:59, and my heart rate jumps up from around 60 to 150, although in one instance it was 170.
I am assuming it's a bug/glitch, as it happens at the same time of night each time but I'd like to know what is causing this issue.
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I've had another one of these spikes this week - anyone know what might be causing them?
06-20-2016 09:39
06-20-2016 09:39
Ah I just posted a similar thread about it.... Maybe it's a glitch? Or both of us are about to have a stroke / horrible nightmares.
Not sure if your graph looks similar?
06-20-2016 10:15
06-20-2016 10:15
My graph looks different, there's just one spike at roughly the same time at night.
06-20-2016 10:35
06-20-2016 10:35
I think yours looks like a gitch.... Guess I need to investigate mine!
08-17-2016 07:56
08-17-2016 07:56
@KittyB52 @thelister Welcome to our Community!
@KittyB52 This does seem odd. Have you tried restarting your tracker? If you haven't then please do the following:
1.- Plug your charging cable into the USB port and insert the other end into the port on the back of your 2.- Fitbit Charge HR. Your Charge HR will begin charging.
3.- Press and hold the button for 10 to 12 seconds until you see the Fitbit icon and a version number (e.g. "V30").
4.- Let go of the button.
5.- Unplug your tracker from the charging cable.
Also do you have any alarms that may be set at that time? Of something that may wake you up at that time (TV, cell phone message or anything like this)? I do think it is something related to the tracker or app and not something external but I just wanted to know if there are any external factors.
@thelister Thanks for contributing on this thread and I see that you got a response on your own.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
08-30-2016 13:26
08-30-2016 13:26
Very interesting, as I have had a similar thing occur on my device. At 1.55am, for approximately five minutes, my heart rate is shown to spike massively at around 160, before going back down to what it usually is for the time of night.
09-01-2016 07:47
09-01-2016 07:47
Hey there, @ggggenegenie! Welcome aboard. This seems weird, however it happens to me sometimes that I have a nightmare and wake up in the middle of the night with my heart beating so fast! If this is not the case and you think your tracker is not recording correctly, please try the above troubleshooting steps provided by my friend, @AlvaroFitbit.
If that doesn't work, please get in contact with our Customer Support team.
09-10-2016 01:48
09-10-2016 01:48
09-10-2016 09:35
09-10-2016 09:35
Hey, @Girlonthebridge! Thanks for joining us! In this case this could not affect your Heart rate because the Heart rate sensor is on the inside of the wristband detecting your pulse.
10-16-2016 06:04
10-16-2016 06:04
10-18-2016 06:08
10-18-2016 06:08
Hey, @Kickboxer007! Welcome to the Forums! Hmm...This should not be happening. Have you tried to restart your tracker?
Another thing to consider is making sure you are wearing it correctly. Try with placing your tracker higher on your wrist; because blood flow in your arm increases the farther up you go, moving the tracker up a couple inches can be helpful. Also, make sure you're not wearing your tracker too tightly; a tight band restricts blood flow, potentially affecting the heart rate signal. After a short wait, you should see your correct heart rate again.
If this reading persists, try changing your Heart Rate setting from "Auto," which means the heart rate tracker is usually active when you're moving, to "On," which means the heart rate tracker is always active. Then, try relaxing your wrist and staying still briefly about 10 seconds, after which you should see an accurate heart rate reading.
This should get you back on track, let me know!
06-09-2017 19:28
06-09-2017 19:28
Mine is also increasing. Every week its more. Started out at 59 and over the period of a month went up to 75 all while sleeping. My awake time resting BPM is a different story, even higher, sometimes up to 90. How did you get a pic of your graph? I'd like to show my doctor mine. Thanks
06-10-2017 00:47
06-10-2017 00:47
I use an iPhone, so was able to get a screenshot by pressing the Home and Power buttons at the same time.
06-23-2017 07:45 - edited 06-23-2017 09:38
06-23-2017 07:45 - edited 06-23-2017 09:38
Hey, @Chevymama, @KittyB52! It is nice to see you.
@Chevymama, what troubleshoot have you tried? You can learn how to take a screenshot on your phone, here.
@KittyB52, hey are you back on track?
Keep me updated! :}
08-06-2017 12:27
08-06-2017 12:27
Same here .... my graphs look like those already posted. I presume this is a fitbit problem
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I recently had congestive heart failure, I'm not convinced it's Fitbit
giving false readings. My heart rate spikes during simple tasks. It's good
to keep an eye on it and speak with your doctor. If you have a blood
pressure monitor, I suggest taking your blood pressure and compare your
heart rate with that and the Fitbit. Seems to be accurate on my end.
I recently had congestive heart failure, I'm not convinced it's Fitbit
giving false readings. My heart rate spikes during simple tasks. It's good
to keep an eye on it and speak with your doctor. If you have a blood
pressure monitor, I suggest taking your blood pressure and compare your
heart rate with that and the Fitbit. Seems to be accurate on my end.
Moderator edit: merged reply
09-28-2017 19:55 - edited 09-28-2017 19:59
09-28-2017 19:55 - edited 09-28-2017 19:59
Hello everyone, I started looking around on the net after I checked my tracker this week, I noticed that while I was sleeping one night , up to 12:50am I had a regular 64 BPM but from 1:00 am to 6:00am I was running between 192 - 200 BPM. I have verified my trackers accuracy and it seems to check out. I have not seen anything out of the ordinary before or since and have spoken to doctor and found out that tachycardia (a heart rate of 100 or more when you are at rest) is pretty common and now with many people wearing fitness trackers it is getting easier to be made aware of it. My suggestion, speak with your doctor if you see anything odd, better safe than sorry.
01-01-2018 06:45
01-01-2018 06:45
I am wearing mine as I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and spikes are common if you have this
06-19-2018 10:20
06-19-2018 10:20
I have several spikes a night and a few deadzones. Wonder if its not pinching my wrist and losing contact randomly