07-28-2018 02:36
07-28-2018 02:36
I remember there was a message flash up a little while ago regarding a fix to the Versa app using a large amount of data. Over the past couple of days I've noticed it seems to be on the up again (120+mb yesterday, and close to 100mb today). I haven't been using the watch anymore than normal - fitness tracker for bike riding, usual notifications and music control on my phone which normally sees me use no more than 20mb a day. I've rebooted both watch and phone.
I don't use mobile ("cell") phone data much so am only on a small plan of 2gb p/month. This will eat that up real quick.
Has anyone else noticed a spike in data use? Any advice on which is the optimum setting in the notifications section so I still receive the notifications I need to without using too much data would be great. I have "always conntected" on, but must admit, I don't really know what impact "Quick View" and "Keep alive Widget" would have on data use.
Also with the app, I noticed on a bike ride today the watch was constantly loosing connection since the app update. I even stopped the ride to reset the watch but still no good. Again, is this something anyone else has noticed?
07-28-2018 07:33
07-28-2018 07:33
Take a look at this thread. Do you have the latest app update?
07-28-2018 08:21
07-28-2018 08:21
Sorry, yes - should have mentioned that. Using a Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro