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Versa 3 suddenly massively overcounting steps

I've had my Versa 3 for just over a year, and yesterday it overestimated steps during a walk, then corrected itself. Today, it has done the same overestimation, but failed to correct it. When I look at the App, the steps counting during a walk seem appropriate, but the daily total is 1000s more than it should be. The total for today is apparently 30,010, but the 5 periods of walking total only 18,542 (1,376 + 1,419 + 11,787 +3,147 + 813). There's no way that I have done 13,000 incidental steps! I've tried rebooting the watch twice and restarting the app and my phone.  Maybe the 3-axis accelerometer is faulty???

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Mine too, it only started doing this when I switched to Google to sign in. Very frustrating. 

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I thought I was loosing my mind a few days ago. I've been conscious of meeting my 10k or better steps daily. So yesterday at around 11AM I took a picture of my watch (versa 3) that indicated 15574 steps. About an hour later it indicated 11537 steps. I spoke to Fitbit help line and Uninstalled / reinstalled the fitbit app in addition to restarting my versa 3. After getting everworking again (reading texts, emails, phone call notifications, etc.) I thought it was all resolved. WRONG!  I just returned from a long walk thinking I had accumulated about 12k steps, but it now indicates 8851 steps. Kinda discouraged and a little  peeved.  Not sure what CS can do now that I see I'm not alone. I guess it's a bigger problem than I thought.

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I haven't switched to Google and it's doing the same thing now for the past
4 days. I thought it was in increments of 1000 but that's not true: i
thought it was a certain of amount of time (like 30 minutes), nope! For me
it seems to happen at the .83 in a mile. In about 2 hours I usually gain
about 5 miles!
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🤔 you might be onto something. I've been experiencing some problems with my Versa 3...reducing step count.


Galaxy s10e

Android version 12

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I've had my Versa 3 for a couple of years and it has worked fine but for the past two days it will suddenly tell me I have my 10K steps when I know that isn't possible.  If I sync it to my phone it will first give me the erroneous step count but after 10 or 15 seconds it corrects to what I think is correct.  Then a few hours late I get another erroneous reading.  If I wait awhile (about an hour) it seems to correct itself.  This keeps happening several times a day and I haven't done anything different than I have for the past several months.  It started having issues two days ago.

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It's happening to me too.

Galaxy s24

Android 14


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Mine did the same thing on Fitbit and I changed to Google but it’s still the same on Google. 

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I'm having the same problem - and it seems a lot of people are experiencing it. Has anyone had a reply from fitbit themselves??


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I've been having the same problem.  For me it started last Saturday, 22nd Feb, and has been happening everyday since.  If I do several manual syncs, I can get things back in alignment.  I've performed a factory reset on the watch, but that didn't fix the problem.

I'm on a Samsung Galaxy 23+, Android 14

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Yes mine started around then. Monday I managed 42000 steps at one point!!!
It sorts itself out, I think, but no use during the day
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This keeps happening to me too. I'm also finding it isn't tracking my runs properly which is so annoying! I'm just back from a run, when I got in the door I had over 10,000 steps and looked again and I'm back down to 5000. Im in ireland so it seems to be a worldwide thing!

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OK so how do we get it fixed??? Flipping annoying!
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Yes, I never imagined my inbox would be filled with so many responses of
people having same issue! I’m hoping there is a fix for this. I’m a
creature of habit and fortunately can guesstimate the outcome of my
workouts…but I’m also a visual person and this messes me up!
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I have been having exactly the same issue..I use a Google Pixel  6.

Have done nothing different to usual. Reached out to customer service who advised me to restart my Versa 3...did that and it's still happening. Randomly tells me I've do e 10,000 steps...then removes them. It seems to be happening daily now 

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Yes, this started happening to me a few days ago too. Glad to know I'm not alone!

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Not sure if this is a coincidence but when I restarted my Versa 3 and
reinstalled the Fitbit app (I never transferred to Google) my temperature
will not change to Farenheit. I've tried 3 times. Anyone else?
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Weird.  Mine too. All of a sudden, my versa3 weather temp is displayed in Celsius. Who knows what's going on?!

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Pixel 8a Android 15 firmware version

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What will this do?
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I've experienced the same issue twice with my Sense 2, since it was upgraded to the latest software version.  Never experienced it with the previous version

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