Ability to Delete Groups

Can there be an option to delete a community group you've started? We made one to pilot a program and now it's irrelevant. If you choose to delete it, it would send an email to everyone in the group notifying them of the change. They could "Accept" it or "Request to Keep" and it would send an email to the group administrator.


Moderator edit: Added labels 

First Steps

yes.  please add the ability to assign / remove / and delete activity groups.

Stepping Up
I agree...
First Steps

 We have different races / challenges every few months.  I need to delete previous groups to clear out the old data and start fresh on each race.  I have too many groups.  It is time consuming to delete all the members of each group to start again.  If you can create a group, why not be able to delete it?

Base Runner

Please make it possible for groups to be deleted. 
At very least it would make it easier to find current groups!

Further, for those of us who have had seasonal groups, or challenge groups it would be beneficial to only see the current groups we're part of.

Thanks Smiley Happy

Keeping Pace

It's an absolute shame that this has not been positively responded to. No point in making a suggestion if it is simply going to be ignored. Overwhelming demand for this and no response, Fitbit?

Stepping Up
I agree...
Stepping Up

I agree...

Recovery Runner

I agree this feature is needed for the OCD fitbitters like me!  Please make this happen, I believe it should be an easy fix. 

Stepping Up
I agree this feature is needed...
First Steps

Definitely need the ability to remove groups that people created and others don't use.  ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stepping Up
Again, I agree...
Base Runner

Unbelievable this still isn´t possible! Leave group and if group has zero users.. kill it. If group has zero active users... kill it. So many bugs, missing features it´s silly 😄

Not applicable

Please allow it so the creator of an Activity Group can delete it if they would like. I find it really odd this isn't available.


I'm amazed this hasn't been changed yet. We started a group for a single challenge at work 2 years ago, then discovered we couldn't remove it. Many of our group no longer use a fitbit and others no longer work here.  It's time to make this happen!


Not applicable

Definitely needed.  Surely can't be that difficult to add.

Especially if there's only 1 member in the group (myself).

First Steps

Agreed 100%

First Steps

I'm sorry. This has been out here for over 3 years! There is no good reason why this cannot be programmed in. This makes me want to get rid of my fitbit, if the app cannot keep up with technology or user requests. Or even logical usage programming of the app

Not applicable

Two years ago I asked FitBit to allow us to delete groups that are not being used.  No answer in TWO YEARS.  I still get notified every time anyone else comments here and they are all just as frustrated as I am.  I am so frustrated that I am now leaving Fit Bit forever.  Going to delete my entire account and moving to iFit.  Bye bye FitBit.  You'll not get one more penny from me.

First Steps

This company has been hovering on the  rim just inside the toilet seat.  They will never get out.  Follow others advice and leave.  This company is done putting out successful products.  Switched to Apple Watch this past fall and haven’t looked back.  Deleting account today to rid myself of this message from 3 years ago. 

First Steps

Where's the love? It's Valentines day. Please give us a token of your affection. New products, services, and features are important, but customer loyalty is priceless.

Hill Runner

I also would like to be able to delete an Activity Group.  Considering how many antique Groups with a single individual in them that come up when you're searching to join a Group, it would sure facilitate being able to find the Group you want to join.

Interval Runner

Interesting to see that people have been suggesting this for years and Fitbit is ignoring them all.    Amazing that they keep probably hundreds of defunct groups, not only the ones with only one member but many who had lots of members but none posting anything in over a year.  Those should definitely be deleted also.  Then they could go back to a search engine for the remaining groups that actually works.   

Recovery Runner

Currently there is no way to delete a group, either that you no longer want to use or because it was never used. I think it would be a good idea to allow this feature to the person who at least created it.

Not applicable

Wow this idea has been open for 4 years! I created a test group, and now cannot delete it, the functionality to delete a group is a basic piece of code! C'mon FitBit! 🙂

First Steps

It would be great if the person who created an activity group can delete it after it is no longer needed.  I created a group that I no longer need and no longer want to see in my list of groups but have no way of removing and tech support couldn't do it either.  Thank you for listening.

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