Ability to Edit Activities on the Web Dashboard

I feel users need the ability to edit their exercises on the web dashboard. For a long time, I had been following closely the feature suggestion Have the Ability To Edit Manually Logged Exercises (which since has had its name and description changed). During that time, I'm not sure when, the feature was made available on the Windows app. Then that feature suggestion was marked as released, but only for iOS users. A new feature suggestion post Ability To Edit Exercise Start and End time for Android Users was made by the moderator, but after a very short time (only 3 months compared to the 3.5 years the non-OS specific suggestion was posted), it was marked as "not currently planned." This leaves Android users who do not also have iOS or Windows devices in the lurch. With this feature not planned to be added to Android, we still deserve the option to edit start and end times for our exercises.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Thanks @coollittlealien, I really appreciate the feedback! I'm sure this would be useful for lots of users. Thanks for sharing your idea and for taking the time to add those links with us. Keen to hear what others think?

Recovery Runner

I totally agree. I should be able to edit an activity from anywhere I can view it. It is not unheard of to completely forget to stop my activity. To be honest, sometimes I also forget to start it. It would be nice to have the ability to adjust this for more accurate information tracking. 

5K Racer

@YojanaFitbit I really don't understand why you have to wait other users's opinion. You already released the feature on iOS (hence it means you consider it important and you listened to your users) and you are now awaiting feedback for this same implementation for non iOS users. Even better, for Android, you said that the feature is NOT planned!


So it means that there are Serie A customers and Serie B customers.

Stepping Up
@YojanaFitbit, Thank you for the reply to my new post, however the link you provided is to a thread which relates to the released solution for iOS users (see Edit Exercise Duration if Forgot to Manually End).  My phone is Android, so I believe the suggestion applicable for this is Ability To Edit Exercise Start and End time for Android Users, but unfortunately this is marked with a status of "Not currently planned" rather than "Released" as you advised it was.  I have since had a more thorough look on Community and found this thread which is still open for comment (for which both of the others are not, so hence my reply here as I cannot respond to you directly or use the other threads). 
This suggestion is however applicable as I do obviously have access to the Web dashboard and whilst the ability to edit either the name, duration or the activity type in the app itself would be more convenient, as long as this was possible somewhere that would work for me. 
I would however like to understand how a request like this will ever meet the criteria for a feature which was made available but only for iOS users back in 2018?  Whether the request is to edit the name, type of activity or the duration, the need for this is not something new (see Ability To Edit Manually Logged Exercise Type raised back in 2014).  I can appreciate from a development perspective each of these are different and the apps are also different on the alternate platforms, so would it not make sense to accommodate requests like this under the Web based dashboard which is universally available to all end users?  
From my review of the site I see people raising this under a variety of different suggestions, some are new ones (which moderators like yourself pick up and add to existing items like you did for my new post) and in other cases new suggestions are opened (as the request deviates slightly meaning what is being asked for is 'technically' a different feature).  The problem here is any votes then become diluted across the various threads, meaning such requests will never meet whatever criteria is required for this to be seriously considered, especially if it isn't classified as a major issue (like the recent app crash we were seeing), or one which is required for new features/functionality on the latest devices to increase sales.  As has been pointed out before, not everyone who voted for the Edit Exercise Duration if Forgot to Manually End was an iOS user as this was not specifically requested for iOS in the first place, but unless those individuals have been back and voted for the more recently created Android version of the same request, their votes will now have been lost 
I am new to using the Community, so hopefully I have now managed to add my vote to each of the related suggestions I've found, however to be clear my request is for the ability to edit an exercise and/or duration .  It is easy to select the wrong one as you're running late for a class or forget to stop this when you're done, so being able to correct these human errors retrospectively is the ask for myself and many users out there irrespective of what platform we use the app on.  Providing this via the Web dashboard not only improves the usability of all of your Fitbit devices, but means your entire user base will have the ability to correct mistakes made, and allow us to fully rely on your products for our health and exercise tracking requirements; keep in mind one mistake like leaving the exercise running can skew all of your data leaving you with the only option to remove that activity, but then this could mess up your tracking and any goals you are trying to achieve.
I hope you can understand my points here and maybe consider the votes across all of these related threads cumulatively. Thanks in advance and I look forward to your reply.
Distance Runner

You can't even edit the name of the activity. If you mis-name a workout, which allows you to edit the name, it is then locked and un-editable.


I understand that certain edits to activities might not be desired, but renaming activities, shortening activities, are all benign, and wouldn't cause any problems.


This has been out there how many years, and it's still an issue?

First Steps

This really needs to be addressed, as an Android user I am unable to edit activities on the app and to find they're not possible to edit on the web seems ridiculous. 


I sometimes finish activity exhausted and forget to stop the activity on my Fitbit, instead of a hard 45 minute session, my log suggests a casual 3-4 hour session. Unless this feature is added, I will be forced to change to a Garmin


Bumping this. Just encountered this limitation today. No reason we shouldn't be able to edit activity duration on the dashboard or on android devices. Please fix this 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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