Able to manually log mindfulness sessions in Mindfulness tile

To be able to manually log mindfullness sessions, just like you can manually log a walk, or other exercises. I like the ‘time’ and ‘reflection’ aspects of it and how it appears in the ‘my journey’ section. If I was able to manually log it, I could listen to other apps, or no apps at all, but still log it in the mindfullness section.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

I recently brought this topic up to FitBit customer service on Twitter and was sent here to state my ideas as well. I also would love to be able to log my own mindfulness minutes as I use other tools for these types of meditations. Seems to me there is enough comments and customers to make this happen for us!

First Steps

I agree!!!!

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps
I sure hope would be great to log our mindfulness sessions. 👍👍
First Steps

I would like to be able to post a mindfulness session to my dashboard that is done outside of the Fitbit guided apps. I use a variety of other methods to guide mediatation but would like to be able to add my session to my weekly dashboard- much like you can add excercise sessions.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @kristenetx, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having the ability to post a Mindfulness Session to my dashboard. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I'd love to see my Fitbit Versa 2 able to connect to Calm in my dashboard. They have a bigger library and the stories are completely read. Unlike the Velveteen rabbit on the dashboard not being read to completion but being cut off about 5-10 minutes early. 


First Steps

I would also Love to have a manual way to input my Mindfulness sessions. I use many other FREE resources for Meditation and even though I Meditate 7 days per week, I have no way to log it. That functionality would be a blessing. I am glad to see you paired up with Deepak Chopra as I have actually purchased his materials many years ago and that is when I first began meditating. 



Moderator edit: format

First Steps

There needs to be a manual way to log my mindfulness in Fitbit app. I usually do some mindfulness through music or other mediums and I can never log the minutes. Also, I need to be able to log my minutes for previous days just in case I don’t forget it. Its really annoying that everyday I need to run the Fitbit app meditation audio twice (5 minutes video) just to log my mindfulness of 10 minutes. I should be able to manually enter time for the same. Currently I use iPhone health tracker to log mindfulness. 

First Steps

Would love to track both Fitbit AND other mindfulness goals and activities in the one place that I track all other key info- my Fitbit.  Looking forward to future enhancement to do so. 

First Steps

I would LOVE to have the option to manually log my mindful sessions. This would be a huge game changer for me. Upvote for me! 


Also if there was a way to log mindful activities similarly to the way that you log exercises (with a start and a stop button where it records your heart activity).


So, for example:

Colouring / painting



Breathing exercises (and this could include the breathing exercise from the actual fitbit device)


Yes please. Don’t just push your mindfulness option! 


I agree with the above comments. I think it very necessary to be able to track all your mediation activities. 

First Steps

I use various mindfulness and meditation apps and would love to be able to log those sessions, and would also value the opportunity to have a silent timer within the mindfulness options.

Log meditation/mindfulness manually
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @RileyZen , and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about logging meditation separately from meditations in the app. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

I strongly support the ability to log mindfulness sessions outside of using only the predefined FitBit sessions. While the FitBit programs are useful I have several Christian and Bible based mindfulness and meditation programs which not only relate to my physical and mental wellbeing, but at the same time strengthen my spiritual life. Since I use these on a daily basis I would like the ability to record them on my FitBit dashboard so that all my wellness statistics are in one place.


As a previous web developer, this appears to be a relatively simple feature to add. The most straight forward option would be to simply add a "mindfulness timer" to the current programs menu. Another option would be to use the current "Relax" timer as a mindfulness session.



First Steps

Please add this feature. I have been searching for this in Fitbit app but there is no way to add custom meditation sessions. I do mediation for many hours long and need to follow my health data during the sessions. But there is no way to properly log. I can add a meditating session to the exercise menu but that doesn’t catch relevant data properly. 

Stepping Up

I've also been meditating faithfully on a daily basis, but unless I use the mindfulness sessions provided with the app, I am unable to log my time.  

Agreed. HIGHLY disappointed that all you can do to get credit in the app is use Fitbit’s “guided sessions”. 

Guided sessions are useless to those of us who have studied meditation for years. They are distracting, and the OPPOSITE of relaxing. Let those of us with experience log our own meditation without having to listen to your “helpers”. Don’t ASSUME everyone using your app has never heard of meditation before. Just because mindfulness is new to your development team doesn’t mean it’s new to your users. 

The mindfulness section of the app is USELESS as I can’t log meditation sessions. Your “beginner mindfulness” recordings are not helpful to those of us with an established practice. 


I agree that we should be able to log our mindfulness session separately. They took away most of the free mindfulness sessions and left us with the two most worthless ones out of the whole bunch. There is a workaround, I go out to the internet and listen to free meditations and then just tap the two minute free mindfulness on the Fitbit app and let it play. That way it counts as a meditation.

Recovery Runner

I would like to be able to log mindfulness sessions manually too, since I would normally do the breathing exercises without using an app or using a different app. I have also accidentally forgotten to click "log this session" after doing one from the fitbit app before :). I see that a recent update allows you to manually add a meditation in the Exercise tile, but that doesn't get counted towards the weekly Mindfulness sessions

First Steps
I found that too, wish they would just fix it, it’s frustrating

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Currently, I only see two sessions offered that are not 'Premium.' So, if I want to  meditate every day, I only have two choices, or have to pay more money. Seems a little greedy to me.


I think there should be more free sessions, a timer for those who want to do it on their own, and the option to sync with other mindfulness apps. Give your customers the choice for what is best for them.

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