Able to manually log mindfulness sessions in Mindfulness tile

To be able to manually log mindfullness sessions, just like you can manually log a walk, or other exercises. I like the ‘time’ and ‘reflection’ aspects of it and how it appears in the ‘my journey’ section. If I was able to manually log it, I could listen to other apps, or no apps at all, but still log it in the mindfullness section.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

Coming from a long stream of another suggestion for the same feature back in 2017, this is obviously a feature that your community wants. You solved the previous stream, but not in the way that the community wanted as it impacted exercise and did not show that it actually impacted mindfulness to align with their goals. This does seem like a pretty straightforward feature that wouldn’t take a lot of time to implement and make a lot of people happy and working on their goals. I know logging like this helps me to stay on target and motivated, so I’m sure it would help many others too.

First Steps

I would also really love a feature that allowed me to add a personal meditation In the app, either through the mindfulness session afterwards (similar to the way in which we can add the start and end time of an exercise after the fact and it pulls up the data for that time) or by using the Fitbit to start and then end a session, rather than being limited to the five/ ten minute ones that push you to breathe to its preset beat. I don't like guided meditation but do use it occasionally through the app, but would like to log my own of possible and have it don't towards a mindfulness goal. At the moment it only tells half of the story. 

First Steps

I’d love the ability to log in my own entires. That way if you’ve got an established meditation practice you can  continue to grow and be held accountable (which I feel is the over arching benefit of a product like Fitbit). I think it’s awesome to have this feature and potentially expose folks who have not been exposed. It would be just as advantageous to also expand the options as a way to be more inclusive to those who are already on board with/supportive of this aspect of health and well-being. Thanks!

Recovery Runner
I'd like to log my unguided meditation (40 minute sessions 2x day) - I use calm for this. It would be nice to monitor everything too in fitbit. If you don't want to monitor, at least let us log medidation time.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @MontyTHall, thanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to log your meditation sessions in the Fitbit app with us. Let us explain that you can log your meditation sessions and they'll appear in the exercise tile. If you'd like to see them in a separated section, please take a look to this similar request and support it by adding your vote. Keep adding your suggestions!

That LITERALLY is the request that we put here. We want to log MEDITATION
in the MEDITATION section.

I don’t know why this is so hard for Fitbit to understand.
-BA Ciccolella
Hi all,
It would be great if we could manually log meditations done not in the fitbit app, especially with the new stress management feature. This has been suggested heals before. Why hasn’t it been included?
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Skyek2000, thanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to log your meditation sessions in the Mindfulness tile with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Note that you can log your meditation sessions in the exercise tile of the Fitbit app. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


Thanks Lizzy, but this isn’t what I’m after. Meditation isn’t exercise (at least not how I do it!) so I don’t want to log it there. I want to be able to log as mindfulness. Can we please have this feature added?

Recovery Runner
Should be able to enter our own sessions.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @MuseMe, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to enter our own sessions in the Mindfulness tile. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

I was happy to read I could manually add meditation in the app until I discovered like others on the thread that it's unfortunately a bit useless to me because it doesn't log it correctly. 


Let's say these are my goals:

5 days of meditation

5 days of exercise


If I manually log my meditation, my meditation tab shows 0 of 5 days of mindfulness this week, instead it says I have 1 out 5 days of exercise this week. My meditation shouldn't count as an exercise day, rather as a meditation day. Just like we have a plus button in the exercise tab to log something manually, so should there be one for the meditation tab. If I use the meditation session provided in the app - I get my meditation counted as 1 of 5 days of mindfulness.


It seems a bit odd to have your manually added meditation logged as an exercise day and no "credit" given towards a meditation day,


It would be great if under my mindfulness tab, I could click the plus button to either track my meditation or log it previously. This way it could also monitor my meditation much like it does when I use one of the Fitbit sessions. 




Totally agree, I’m exactly the same! Thanks for sharing - hopefully this helps get the change across the line 


Adding my vote to this!

First Steps

I am very disappointed I cannot manually track mindfulness activities.  Please allow us to add them manually.

First Steps

I strongly support this as well, you are basically able to log everything else manually and meditating (or being mindful) is certainly not always done within an app never mind always this one!! It also can affect our stress management rating but I can’t even log when I’m doing it. Seems very silly and it also seems that many people support this, where is the response to the status of this? 


I'd like to add my support to manual logging of meditations. I'd like the app to track breaths per minute and heart rate during the meditation.


Yes, PLEASE let us log our own or maybe partner with Insight Timer and other meditation apps to sync?  Surely this is a simple thing to do! 

Not applicable

Yes, please, please, PLEASE! This it the one thing that fitbit is really missing imho. I have been meditating daily for quite some time, so I'm not all that interested in the meditations offered in the mindfulness section – but I would love to log my daily mindfulness sessions.

First Steps

Please add this feature! I prefer non-guided meditations for anywhere from 10-45 minutes and the current options do not make it possible for me to track these sessions.


As has been said so many times, we really need a way to add sessions in such a way that they're treated and counted correctly.

First Steps

I agree- I often meditate without apps and would like to log this information manually. Please inform me if this feature changes to accommodate for this need.


Please add this feature!  I use Calm everyday and would like to log the sessions. It would really be nice to be able to sync right from the Calm app.  


Fitbit when are you going to reply to all these requests?!
First Steps

Mindfulness apps are very personal. The mindfulness exercises that FitBit has are not to everyone’s liking, certainly not to my liking. Other apps dedicated to this area offer more and better options if you’re serious about your meditation practice.


If it’s too difficult to create interfaces to allow syncing with the most commonly used mindfulness apps (Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer, etc.), the least you can do is offer a way to enter mindfulness minutes manually so that all fitness related information can be together in FitBit.

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