Add Interval Training Timer (HIIT) That Buzzes at a Certain Pace

I'm excited about the new products. I am a run/walker, and in training for my recent marathon, a friend had a garmin watch that vibrated at certain intervals. (Ex: if I wanted to have a pace of 3min run/1min walk it would vibrate at those intervals to keep me on track).


Moderator edit: updated title for clarity, merged related suggestions

Base Runner
I can't believe fitbit have not put in invterval timing as a feature update after all this while. I think it has been almost half a year since the launch and people immediately complain about the lack of this feature.

Is it very hard to include interval stopwatch or even vibration feature as a firmware update? I don't think it require any new hardware right? Really frustrated.


If we can program it to vibrate the intervals (like the alarms), that would be amazing! 

I have an interval watch (ironman) that beeps but I hate the thought of wearing two watches when I know the team at FitBit could knock that out of the park! 

Thank you!

Recovery Runner

Voted on this too.  I just got my Charge HR and I love it, except this one crucial issue.  I'm training for a run and I need to program custom intervals.  It totally throws me off my stride when I'm checking my timer constantly to see where I'm at.

First Steps
Find it unbelievable it doesn't have it!

Sent from my iPhone
This needs to happen soon, I have an awesome surge and a gym boss attached to my shirt, looks ridiculous. Come on, stop working on sleep features. Fitbit is for exercise, I need this or I am leaving.
Any updates on this issue?
Recovery Runner
Ever wish the Fitbit could be used to countdown 30, 60, 90 or 120 seconds in between reps at the gym? It can! All we need to do is vote for this feature request so their programmers can get started.
Imagine you finished your rep and then double tap the Fitbit which starts counting down from whatever you set for your standard gym rest interval on the iPhone Fitbit app (much like you would set the Fitbit alarm). Standard options could be 30, 60, 90, and 120 seconds. When the timer is finished the Fitbit vibrates so you can begin the next workout.
A simple idea that extends the Fitbit functionality for gym enthusiasts!
First Steps
It would be great to have ability to set an interval timer for running activities like interval sprints etc.
Keeping Pace
Would really be excited to hear that Fitbit would be integrating an Galloway interval timer (run/walk) into the Surge! It would be so great to be able to use the Surge exclusively rather than wearing another watch - currently Garmin 405CX (or cell phone) to go on a run/walk with my wife!! I'm hoping it's an easy code change that could be integrated into the existing hardware architecture. Thanks so much for a great product so far. Thanks again!!
First Steps
Is there any feature on the fit bit that allows you to create an interval timer? Just like creating and setting alarms, by using the app, prior to going for a run or participating in a circuit where interval training would be present, you would set up when you would want your fitbit to tell you to move on to the next part of your workout. For anyone running doin any sort of walk/run/sprint combination this would alllow them to set up when to change speed on their mobile app and then once begining their exersize their fitbit device would vibrate telling them to move onto the next portion of their workout.

My fitbit one won't sync using Windows 8.1.  I tried clicking the icon (bottom right on screen), but it doesn't have "sync now."  When I hover the icon, it says, "fitbit service manager (unplugged).


Any suggestions to get it to sync?

First Steps
It'd be awesome to be able to setup an interval workout where my Surge vibrates every X minutes or seconds when I need to change to a different exercise. For example, if one is doing the C25K program, it sure would be nice to have a customizable workout program I can begin on my Surge. Upon choosing said workout, the Surge would vibrate to let me know when 5 mins of warmup are over, followed by a vibration every 1 minute to let me know when to run and when to walk, then let me know when it's cooldown time. It'd be incredibly helpful for HIIT, as well. It'd save me from having to look at my arm every few seconds, which can get frustrating after the 15th time. Particularly if I'm in the middle of tricep dips or similar.
First Steps

Yes please! Ideal would be something like a a click-hold to start a preset program of intervals. I have done it manually with alarms, but it's clunky and takes ages to program/sync.

Would be great if we could set different time trials when running ie run for 10 mins,then have an alarm sound, walk for 2 mins, alarm, 10 mins run etc
First Steps

An interval timer similar to Seconds would be awesome. Or just integrate with Seconds. 🙂

Can you please add a category in the exercise tracker for High Intensity Interval Training workouts, such as Tabata's and short Crossfit like workouts. I do Momma Strong workouts frequently or Tabata's or short couplets and have no way to log them.
Stepping Up

With the Increasing popularity of Interval HIIT exercise and also run/walk Training (Jeff Galloway)


I think it would be wonderful if the possibility of introducing something on the surge where you could programme intervals.  In the case of run/walk where I am most interested in - to set a specific duration to run and then one to walk , the surge would then vibrate at each change of pace. The Fitbit already has this Vibration when you reach your step goals so Im sure this could work.


I love my fitbit and dont really want to buy another watch for the sake of Intervals.  Also there isnt a really reliable app for this on Android so there is a gap in the market.


Many Thanks and please vote

I agree that a interval timer would make the surge just about perfect. I bought the surge to try and eliminate the need to wear two watches ( charge + garmin gps) but find myself in the same boat as before. Even if I could set the silent alarm for every set number of minutes, it would be helpful.
Recovery Runner
I love this idea. I do HIIT workouts as well and have to use my iPad to time. Would love this feature on the Charge HR as well!
Recovery Runner

I too walk and jog. I can only pick one. This would be a great feature.

I dunno about android but 22 Fitness 5k and 10k runner apps (interval trainers both) work well for me on iOS and they're available for android. I start the run, then switch to fitbits app to start tracking the exercise, then switch back to the runner app so that the times are displayed on screen. Works like a charm.
Recovery Runner

I have iOS, so I'll try that. Thanks! I still would like the fitbit app to support it.

First Steps
I'd love precisely this. Be able to setup a workout where my Charge HR buzz every 10 then 20 then 20 etc seconds. It'd be a cinch to program
First Steps
I'd the capacity to design simple workouts to uoload to my Charge HR so I could add some precision to my workouts. For example, when trying to run 20 seconds with 30 seconds of rest, the Charge could vibrate every 20 then 30 then 20 sec etc so I'd be able to simply focus on the task at hand. It'd be a cinch to program. How can we get this to happen?
Not applicable
Please include an interval training option in the next software update for the Charge HR.

HIIT is extremely popular and I'm sure many people would find this useful.

You could make different protocols program able in the mobile app and then the device would vibrate at the given intervals. Other very basic apps are on offer on the market if you search for HIIT timers and they are fairly rudimentary but they do a great job.

I would love to be able to use my Charge HR for my boxing, circuit training and sprinting HIIT routines and I'm sure many others out there would enjoy this feature too.

I would be willing to pay for the premium service if we are an optional extra through this service.
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