Add Snow Shoveling as exercise shortcut

After spending the last four days shoveling, pushing cars out of snow drifts, etc pre:post snowzillia my FitBit Flex barely made a dent, with a exception of some elevated calories burned. I can tell you I felt physically exhausted each night. Much more so then working out at the gym or walking 6-8 miles. Would love to see some options such heavy snow shoveling be added. I fell strongly that my weekly report will be most inaccurate this week.


Moderator edit: added labels/Title for Clarity

First Steps
I could use it now as the snow is falling at lightning speed. If you know
any of the old members, get them to post!
Recovery Runner

This is one of MANY useful activities that were removed from the list.  Numerous people have asked that the old database be restored, but fitbit doesn't seem to care that we're unhappy.  

Recovery Runner

Fitbit removed this along with a ton of other options when they "cleaned up" their activity database a few months ago.  Add my voice to the many who are unhappy with this change and wish fitbit would restore the old database! 

First Steps
As I speak we again have snow falling. We are expecting another 12-24 inches on top of the 3 feet we already have. We NEED snow shoveling as a choice of exercise!!!!

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Not applicable

I would like to see snow shoveling added to the exercise log pull down menu. I emailed Fitbit Help/Mac for this addition to be considered. I also posted the suggestion in the Community Forum section and learned that apparently snow shoveling used to be an option. I also learned that there are others that would like to see the addition/restoration of snow shoveling as an exercise log option. I wouldn't imagine that adding it would be that difficult.


There are a lot of Fitbit users out there shoveling a lot of snow right now. Perhaps, there could be choices like "Snow Shoveling - Light/Fluffy Snow," and "Snow Shoveling - Heavy/Wet Snow" with the estimated calorie expeditures. If there's anybody out there like me, I would have a much more positive attitude about snow shoveling if I knew I could easily and "somewhat accurately" get "credit" by doing it!


I currently have a Fitbit Flex and I love using it and checking my stats several times a day. I am planning to purchase a black Surge and a tangerine Charge HR when the tangerine color becomes available. I was considering an Apple Watch, but I have been pleased with my Fitbit experience. I only mention this information because I am very enthsiastic about Fitbit, and I want to see it fit my life/activity experience as closely as possible.


Great idea! I can't get "shov" or "snow" or anything related to yardwork in general to come up.  Any other ideas??

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Moderator Alum

In January of 2015, our team took on a project to clean up and remove some lesser used activities. This is part of a larger project of cleaning up the Fitbit database. Although we do not have plans to update this list with activities, it is still possible to create custom activities for your favorite winter exercise such as snow shovelling. Thanks for participating in the Fitbit Community.

Not applicable
This one activity that you should not have "cleaned out." Snow shoveling can be more strenuous than many forms of traditional exercise. It's also seasonal which would certainly account for a lower "participation rate." As a custom activity how is one to have any idea of the calories etc. expended. C'mon put it back...please...
Not applicable
I posted this suggestion before I found this post. Crazy that it was taken off. Probably a "California" decision, huh?
First Steps
They've referred it to engineering so maybe we will get it back!

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Not applicable
When I look at some of the exercise on the database, I can hardly believe how much "work-related" exercise is missing...I mean I work-out at the gym 4/5 times per week. I can appreciate the value of athletic exercise, but work related exercise has physical benefits as well!
First Steps
Just have to keep posting and requesting additions.

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First Steps

I want to also request the snow shoveling be added back on the activity list. Because of all the snow we have been having in the Northeast recently, I have been doing some amount of shoveling almost every day for the last 3 weeks! It's very strenuous -- and therefore hopefully good -- exercise, but I have no idea how many calories to attach to it. Yesterday I spent the entire day, fully 7 hours, shoveling the snow off our roof. We had upwards of 4' of snow in large areas on the roof and it was starting to cause structural damage so it had to go immediately. I feel like that was more than a week's worth of exercise and want to log it accordingly. As another commenter said, shoveling is only a seasonal activity and then in only some climates, so it is obvious that it doesn't get used very often. But for those of us who have to do it, it is very real exercise. I don't understand how you can clear that off the list, but keep "gardening" or "driving" on the list as so-called exercise!

Not applicable
Very well said Wayne…I am amazed that snow shoveling was removed for maintenance reasons and other “exercises” remain. Personally, there are other obvious “daily activity/life style exercises” that could be added. Is “driving” really in there, wow!
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Moderator Alum

@SunsetRunner Please note that by logging 'driving' users are able to negate steps and floors that they erroneously gain. You can read more about negating steps by clicking here.

First Steps

I would love to be able to choose Stand Up Paddling as an activity in the tracker!


Yes, I would love to see snow shoveling & snow blowing added to the activities list.  Some may think that walking behind a snowblower is not exercise but those who have spent any time wrestling with one up & down (I mean incline)  a driveway, know differently. This winter I'm out there 3-5 days a week for 2-3 hrs. All snowblowing is also accompanied with pushing &/or shoveling of snow. And there's nothing like taking an ice chipper/scraper to a driveway to get a great workout for the upper arms.

Not applicable

I have a Flex and I was going to buy a Surge for non-gym use and a Charge/HR for use at the gym. I would have made these purchases already but I have been waiting for the Charge/HR in the "orange" color to become available. However, with this snow shoveling frustration, seeing that others share this frustration, and in learning that many other "daily" work/lifstyle activities have been removed from the exercise list, I am now seriously considering just waiting until April and getting an Apple Watch.


Not applicable

I just spent 40 minutes chipping at and shoveling several inches of ice and snow from a three car garage pad and sidewalks. And I can't log it? That's just plain crazy!!



Not applicable

I'm half sad and half angry about Fitbit's apparent position. I have been so positive about my Fitbit experience with practically everybody I know. I'm so disappointed with them now. In the end, the criteria that they're using with regard to exercise choices and with snow shoveling in particular is stubborn and silly...

Best, D -

Sent from my iPhone - Magga


You removed snow shoveling?!?!!!!  And you removed clearing trees, shrubs, etc. ?!?!?

TWO of my biggest outdoor activities as far as burning calorie are concerned.  Did you also remove raking?  C'mon!  If you want your product to be used by "regular' people, not just those who go to the gym daily, then you need to put the "regular people" activities back in!!

First Steps

I thought it was deleted....??? I always used it when I shoveled, but it was no longer an option this snow season.  Please restore this back to the activity log.  Of course it will only be used seasonally, that's a no brainer, duh! 


You removed snow shoveling?!?!!!!  And you removed clearing trees, shrubs, etc. ?!?!?

TWO of my biggest outdoor activities as far as burning calorie are concerned.  Did you also remove raking?  C'mon!  If you want your product to be used by "regular' people, not just those who go to the gym daily, then you need to put the "regular people" activities back in!!

Not applicable

I guess living in California,  you can't realize how much work snow shoveling really is.

Your database needs some real life input.


I have found this on a reputable website

I was able to enter my weight and the amount of minutes I shoveled and it calculated it for me in Calories burned, it's not a step equivilent but until Fitbit catches up with life, this helped me.

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