Add Snow Shoveling as exercise shortcut

After spending the last four days shoveling, pushing cars out of snow drifts, etc pre:post snowzillia my FitBit Flex barely made a dent, with a exception of some elevated calories burned. I can tell you I felt physically exhausted each night. Much more so then working out at the gym or walking 6-8 miles. Would love to see some options such heavy snow shoveling be added. I fell strongly that my weekly report will be most inaccurate this week.


Moderator edit: added labels/Title for Clarity

First Steps
I have probably burned 20,000 calories shoveling so far this winter and, looking at the forecast, there are a lot more to burn!
Add biking , basketball sports to exercises features to select from.
First Steps

Amen LeftCoast.... I'm happy to see people talking about SUP on the Fitbit community forum. I'm searching for a waterproof tracker that will track the motion of Stand Up Paddleboarding and so far there's nothing great. Fitbit has the best designs but without waterproof options I'm stuck. I paddle on both salt and fresh water so the salt can be rough on devices. Waterproof has to be solid. 

Base Runner

I live in Texas so snow shoveling isn't something I would ever log, however, I still support the cause.  There are many other activities that have been removed that shouldn't.


Fitbit:  If you are running out of database space, then you need to need to work on increasing your space and not removing things that your users need.  As a user, this and many other changes like it, make me feel you have no concern for your customers needs.  I wonder if your premium users that pay an annual fee have to deal with these same issues.  Or do you actually listen to them?

Not applicable

Fitbit you guys need to be more responsive to your customer base


Base Runner

I also just notice this weekend, that food shopping is an activity that was deleted from the database (at least I can't find it anymore).


I used that one at least once a week.


The work around is that I can go into the Windows 8 app and see it listed in my recently used activities list.  However, I hate doing that because the Windows 8 app is so poorly designed.  I prefer to enter my activites and food online because it remembers the amounts and the meal you last used.


Now I have to switch between online and the app so I can accurately record my activities.


You need to get it together Fitbit.  This is a very poor design!!


Are there any premium users subscribed to this blog?  Maybe they will listen to you more since they are making more money off of you.  Please keep posting here so we can get them to add these activities back!

First Steps

i agree - add SUP!

Base Runner

I noticed that you can do a search for 'Shopping' in the activity database and you now have two options (that appear to be exactly the same) to choose from.  The problem is that you have to manual calculate and enter any calories burned.


I am using a computer . . . why do I have to do the calculations myself?  The computer should do that for me?


This is a small step in the right direction Fitbit . . . let's take it one step further.  Please modify the activity so that it does the calculations for us.

First Steps

Please, SUP settings would be terrific!  That is my main excercise, and I would like to use the Zip for that.

First Steps
I want to be able to log my stand up paddling but there is no corresponding activity to log in the track exercise function
First Steps

Walk, Run and Hike don't cut it.   Nike Fuel has a RANGE of options.  You need to step up and add some of the more basic fitness trainings.  


Cycling, Cardio, etc.



This is a seriously needed enhancement!




First Steps

Yes! Please add SUP!!!!  I enter it as Kayaking, but SUP can actually be more calorie burning due to the core workout you get!! 

First Steps
I have taken a dunk or two off my paddle board out on the ocean. In
addition to tracking SUP movement I really want a waterproof option in the
Fitbit lineup. Anyone else need waterproof for swimming, triathlon?
First Steps
Please add more exercises to the options that currently exist. Also, allow users to add a manual exercise and enter the number of calories burned per minute, if we already know. I like to use my Fitbit Charge HR to record as many of my activities as possible but the options are too few. For instants if I use a stationary bike I am burning far fewer calories than I would if I were on an actual bike outside so I cannot use the formula fit bit is using when I tell it that I am biking. I also like to hula hoop but with an actual hoop not the Wii fit hula hoop. When I select the Wii fit hula hoop it underestimates my calories burned. I could get around this if I could add a manual exercise with an input for estimated calories per min, such as 7 cal per minute while hula hooping.
First Steps

Hi, I am new to fitbit charge hr and would like to see a bike app for I do a lot of biking 🙂 

First Steps

I too am wondering about tracking my stand up paddling time.  Any ideas?

First Steps

I would like the option to add Paddleboarding as an activity.  There seems to be no paddleboarding or SUP.  Please help.

Premium User
First Steps

I agree completely - there should be more options.  But more importantly, there's no way to edit a logged activity from the FitBit web app, so I can't work around this problem/limitation by tracking my cycling workouts as a Run, for example, and then edit it to Cycling later on from the web app.  That forces me to enter my cycling manually which throws away all the other great data that the mobile app captures when it tracks (GPS, start/end time, duration, elevation gain, elevation profile, etc.).  I can't understand why there's no way to edit a logged activity from the web app at least.




Agreed! At the least, we should be able to type in our own activities rather than choosing the pre-entered ones.

It would be great to see things like "Raking Leaves," "Doing Yard Work," "Shoveling Snow," "Babywearing" (carrying a 20+lb kid is worth something!), along with gardening and mowing lawn that are already exercise categories. I like to track everyday activity to see what impact it's having, but I'm not always able to find the right activities. I think this would also make exercising more attainable for less active folks.
First Steps

Is Fitbit going to get going and add SUP to the activity list?  It may be time to switch products if this can;t be done.  It's basic programming.  The activity list should be huge.  Even having the option to edit an existing activity name would help so that us SUPers could use something like hiking.   HELP FITBIT!!!!!


First Steps

Apparently getting a good workout from doing real work doesn't show up on the list. I can stand in one place and exercize, so why not add snow shoveling back into the list? The entire Great lakes region is getting a good workout today!  😉

First Steps
Please add shoveling snow to the list of exercises to log! It's as much a workout as gardening and lawn mowing, which are listed in workout options.

Premium User
First Steps
I would like to see snow shoveling added as an exercise to log. It is often a very good and strenuous workout so we should have the option to add it. You could even have the option of light or heavy snow. Thanks!
Premium User
First Steps
Agreed! After shoveling 30 cm today I concur!
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