Add sleep Efficiency on Mobile App

I'd like to be able to see the sleep efficiency number, currently only viewable on the desktop, on my mobile app. I consider this to be the most useful metric when it comes to my sleep each night and would love for it to be included in the app for night to night comparison. Thanks!  Smiley Happy



Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

First Steps
The sleep efficiency score is the main reason I use the Fitbit. Please add the sleep efficiency score to the iPhone app cause I can only access it on the computer now. This seems like a major oversight in design. Thanks!
Base Runner

Why don't Fitbit just have a look at this app? There are so many nice things about sleep analysis

Recovery Runner

Add Sleep Efficiency graph to Sleep Stats on Fitbit Sleep Log webpage (and mobile app if possible)


I enjoy seeing data about my sleep, sleep patterns and sleep efficiency online on  The graphs displayed in the Sleep Stats section of the Fitbit Log Sleep tab (times asleep, times awake, total times asleep, total times awake - over last thirty days) could be greatly enhanced if there was one more graph for Sleep Efficiency.  Adding this information to the Dashboard Sleep Tile too would be nice.


Currently, the only way I can see my sleep efficiency for any given day, is to navigate to each day and scroll down to see the percentage.  If this was to be displayed in a graph, I would gain better insight into my data.  I appreciate your consideration of my new feature suggestion.

First Steps
Love having sleep efficiency on web dashboard but why not have it also on app? Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to add that one line
Not applicable

+1 Cat Happy

First Steps

agreed!  It's very annoying that i cant see this number on the mobile app, but it's on the website.  i quickly use this to see how i slept that night and compare it against other nights.  i generally only view the mobile app (iPhone).  Is there anyway to go back to the old dashboard on my mobile? l heard it still might be on there.  Please add to mobile!  



Stepping Up

Yes! I too would like to see a graph like the average resting HR graph for sleep efficiency.

Recovery Runner

I do not have access to a computer...only phone and tablet so I cannot see sleep efficiency or anything else that is only available on a computer.  I am sure I am not alone.  Please add sleep efficiency and any other data that is available on a computer to the app. 

First Steps

I would also like this feature.


Totally agree!!


It's kind of odd to me that all other data is viewable/trackable over time. 


It would be great to have this feature as well. 


(as an aside you could compete against others also - lol) 




@CameraSue wrote:

Add Sleep Efficiency graph to Sleep Stats on Fitbit Sleep Log webpage (and mobile app if possible)


I enjoy seeing data about my sleep, sleep patterns and sleep efficiency online on  The graphs displayed in the Sleep Stats section of the Fitbit Log Sleep tab (times asleep, times awake, total times asleep, total times awake - over last thirty days) could be greatly enhanced if there was one more graph for Sleep Efficiency.  Adding this information to the Dashboard Sleep Tile too would be nice.


Currently, the only way I can see my sleep efficiency for any given day, is to navigate to each day and scroll down to see the percentage.  If this was to be displayed in a graph, I would gain better insight into my data.  I appreciate your consideration of my new feature suggestion.


First Steps

Echo previous comments. Need an objective score to work and improve. Sleep efficiency is the way to go.


Hi guys,


I think it's a good idea to show sleep efficiency/quality percentage in the Fitbit mobile application the same way that we saw in the Fibit dashboard (website). Here is one of the example how it looks in the Fibit dashboard - the percentage is to be added in the mobile application.



 Please vote it if you consider useful (personal I do).




First Steps

It's been almost THREE YEARS since this (simple, already calculated and active elsewhere...) feature was requested. Why are we still waiting? It is a huge annoyance to use my phone to navigate the mobile-unfriendly website dashboard every morning to check my percentage. Please get this ball rolling already! 

Recovery Runner

I keep reading about how this has been suggested many times before.........please put the sleep efficiency percentage in the app stats!  This is the most important stat for me.....I have no problem getting to sleep but staying asleep is the issue.  Not sure why we have to log on to the online site to get this one stat the very least give us a link to get there! Thanks for lisrening.

First Steps

I would love to see he sleep efficiency from my phone app.  The calculation seems simple.  It would make sense to display this somewhere in the sleep section.   No one wants to go online to see something on a webpage when they have an app that is much more convenient.  

Recovery Runner

It is not even on the web page anymore. I used to view sleep pattern on the web site everyday because of sleep percentage and now the efficiency percentage is missing. This is important fo me too.



The new sleep tile that pushes all the restless time to the right end is misleading and useless. The fact that once I click in past that now I can only look at a graphic and not dig in and know how long periods of deep sleep, restlessness, etc, are is totally unhelpful. Please bring back access to more detailed information


The dashboard update to Sleep tracking on 3/28/2017 is a disaster.  Roll it back immediately.


The new dashboard update:


  • Removes Total Sleep Time, Sleep Efficiency, and Sleep Latency data;
  • Eliminates the visual chart of when waking events occurred
  • Removes the option to switch the tracker used for a given sleep segment

This update presents much less information and prevents the user from using sleep actigraphy effectively by disallowing them from using a more-sensitive mode when sleep is restless and a less-sensitive mode when sleep is sound.


Roll this update back immediately and review the project's failure with the people who designed and executed this.

Tempo Runner

And while you're at it, do not use Adobe Flash for anything whatsoever, as it is dead.  Especially on Android.  Android hasn't supported Adobe Flash for years.  I haven't been able to see many of these charts in a long time now.  Removing the charts isn't the solution, changing them to a format which actually shows up is the solution.

Stepping Up

When I brought up the new sleep tracking dashboard I thought it was a joke (April 1st is just around the corner). I monitor my sleep every day and use total sleep time and sleep efficiency as a quick indicator as to the actual quality of sleep. I no longer have that capability and feel that I've lost the most valuable information that comes out of tracking sleep.


I find your new sleep chart worthless.  I use my fitbit for keeping track how active I am , but I also have a sleep disorder.  I use the fitbit to help me evaluate how well my medication is working.  I need to know what times I am restless at night.  Please give us back the old charts.


I agree with "Restore pre-3/28/2017 sleep tracking functionality" comments.  The only function I use in the fitbit is to track my sleeping.  I have sleep apnea and I use it like a mini sleep study.  I need more information, not less.  In the current format, the fitbit is worthless to me.  Please, please, restore the previous information provided and provide more detailed information if possible. 



I agree with what everyone else has said. I hate the new sleep tracker. Bring back the old one.


PLEASE!!!!!!! This new format is absolutely useless to me.

Recovery Runner

This isn't even a question of personal preference of the design layout; the bigger issue is the information removed from the new display.  Without the sleep latency and sleep efficiency, the total sleep time information becomes medically useless.  Ostensibly I think it's safe to say most of us buy Fitbits because we care about our health.  Removing these features that carry the useful information about the length and quality of our sleep cycles renders it pointless to have a sleep tracking feature at all, and the sleep tracker is one of the features we've paid for.

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