Add sleep Efficiency on Mobile App

I'd like to be able to see the sleep efficiency number, currently only viewable on the desktop, on my mobile app. I consider this to be the most useful metric when it comes to my sleep each night and would love for it to be included in the app for night to night comparison. Thanks!  Smiley Happy



Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


The internet rule has long been: if you get the service for free, you are the product being sold.


Fitbit seems to have figured out how to get our money and still sell us as the product.  They collect the sleep data and sell it, but we no longer have access to the data format that was most useful to so many of us.


So for me, they won't be getting any more of my money.  Honestly, I am also a little insulted that no CS rep I have spoken to about this has offered me six months of Premium for free. 


Not applicable

Now that you have put the four stages of sleep it now does not reflect sleep properly. It now does not subtract the restless time away and now says I get a lot more sleep than I do. If I was for the heart rate monitor I would actually stop using it it as it's now a waste. The s used to be a great tool for my health as I could tell when things were improving but my sleep but now it's s joke


But now the sleep efficiency is missing from everywhere. It's no longer on the website. What happened ?

First Steps

It is disappointing that the times on the sleep patterns have been removed and also the % sleep efficiency.  These analysis's are very important for anyone who suffers from sleep deprivation.

I agree.  How can FitBit call this last rollout an improvement when you get less information.  Please bring back the sleep efficiency number for those of us that are working with doctors.

First Steps

Please bring back the sleep quality/sleep efficiency percentage. It was very helpful and is missed. Very disappointed that you removed it.

Recovery Runner

 PLEASE Add sleep efficiency numbers.

@lizvocal wrote:

The internet rule has long been: if you get the service for free, you are the product being sold.


Fitbit seems to have figured out how to get our money and still sell us as the product.  They collect the sleep data and sell it, but we no longer have access to the data format that was most useful to so many of us.


So for me, they won't be getting any more of my money.  Honestly, I am also a little insulted that no CS rep I have spoken to about this has offered me six months of Premium for free. 


Recovery Runner


Please can you re-introduce the sleep efficiency number like we had in the old design a few months ago?
It is such a simple thing.
Why did you remove this from the new design??
It is just a small field showing ther percentage of the time in bed that was actual sleep.


Moderator edit: format.



For now, the sleep efficiency number is available with the Premium service.  You have to click through three pages to get it, but it is there.


When I asked if the sleep efficiency number was ever coming back to the free service, this is the answer I got:

Re: sleep efficiency number?
Hi Liz,   We haven't announced any specific plans for the future of the website sleep page, but our team is definitely aware of the interest in this.   Matthew
First Steps

 I need to know how many times I wake up every night, maybe you can include this in a future update, also how many times the heart rate increase in the sleep time, this data is used to check the sleep quality and help to prevent future problems.


Moderator edit: labels.

Recovery Runner
Yes, it is disappointing. The data is already available. It only take a
few lines of programming to show the percentage of sleep efficiency.
Difficult to understand why Fitbit did not maintain that in the new
version of software. Normally a new version moves forward, but as it
seems not in this case....
First Steps

I'd love to see a feature in the future that revolves around the idea of 'Smart Alarms' based on how you slept that night. It would take into account your sleep cycles, how many sleep cycles have passed, how many hours sleep you've had, how close to your sleep goal are you etc. You can set a 'Last Chance' alarm that will go off if the above hasn't been met. e.g Starting work at 9, to have time to get ready, commute, exercise etc. the user needs to be awake by the very latest 7:30. So based on the users sleep cycles, how many hours the user has slept etc the alarm might go off at 6:54 or 7:09 or 7:15 etc. But, if no optimum time to wake the user has arisen by 7:30 then the 'Last Chance' alarm would sound ensuring the user is up with enough time to get everything done before work. Smiley Very Happy


yip I came on here to add this suggestion and have found it to be already submitted 🙂


CameraSue, you mention that you can actually get your % sleep efficiency by scrolling down on the data on each day.  I don't even have this figure in my data??


at the moment, I am calculating it myself by manually doing: minutes asleep/total minutes x100


I have a Charge 2.  I wonder why I don't have the % figure, like you do?


any advice welcome:)



Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. In terms of an update, there aren't currently any plans to release this feature. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. In terms of an update, there aren't currently any plans to release this feature. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

Recovery Runner

I have a Windows PC with the app and a FitBit one. I'd like to see sleep efficiency added to the sleep statistics on the app. It is a very simple calculation that even a most junior programmer could handle. As it is now, I have to calculate the efficiency myself each time I want to know what it is. One of the advantages of the computer is that it should be able to take over such simple tasks so the user doesn't have to do them. If you need to know the calculation, I can send it to you but it is really very simple.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @tnaylor, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.


It would be really nice if the sleep portion of the app calculated sleep efficiency, based on time awake during the night versus time in bed. This is very useful for people who try sleep restriction in order to consolidate their sleep, and it would be so much easier if this was already part of the app instead of having to calculate it on an outside platform. Thanks! 

First Steps

Instead of only showing how many hours you spent in each sleep phase, Fitbit should also provide a sleep score to better understand how well you slept.

Status changed to: Released (Premium)
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re very happy to let you know that this suggestion will be released on Fitbit Premium, our new health and fitness subscription service. Fitbit Premium will have a Sleep Score where you can receive a nightly score in the Fitbit app for better insight into your sleep quality. Your score is based on heart rate (sleeping and resting), restlessness, time awake and Sleep Stages. 


@zekatek, in recognition of your excellent suggestion, each of your votes will now count as 5 votes – you have the power! Thank you for sharing your idea, and thanks to all the voters and commenters for your enthusiasm which has now materialized for everyone’s benefit. We hope you all enjoy this new addition to the Fitbit product or service!

Tempo Runner

As a long-time customer, I know that this service used to be free and not
behind a paywall.
Is the basic sleep data going to remain free or is that also going behind a

Moderator Edit: Formatting

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