Allow Spotify offline on Versa series and Sense

After long time Fitbit released a Spotify app for Ionic/Versa (for now only on Versa 2). See this suggestion now marked as solved.

However this app does not allow to download music for offline listening (for example while working-out).

Hence this new suggestion.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

Keeping Pace
Hi, Team kindly allows offline music support from Spotify/amazon music so that listening to music during workouts will be possible because Pandora and Deezer are not available in India.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @gkpsaurabh, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the possibility of allowing offline Music Support for Versa 3 and Sense. I noticed that a similar feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized. Make sure to add your vote as well to support this suggestion, this helps the team of developers to keep track of popularity and demand over time. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community.

It is though, about time Fitbit takes some action on something that's
already a commodity in the market... Just do it already!
Keeping Pace

With respect to the subject line, we as a Fitbit Sense / Versa-3 customer just asking for a very basic necessary feature. Hence again I request you to kindly apply the changes as soon as possible because it is already more than 3 years.

3 (Three!!!!) Years….

Pandora and Deezer have access the the sound API, but us developers can't even download our own mp3s through a custom app because there is no way to make a sound. Not only is Spotify not downloadable, but strictly certain companies can be allowed to make audio possible on the Fitbit store.




Also both Fitbit and Spotify are OWNED by Google! 

And yet the only Spotify Offline watches are owned by Apple and Garmin! Garmin I believe was acquired by Microsoft. 

Why wouldn't they add this feature?


when was Spotify bought by Google lol???


Can't believe you can't download music for offline listening unless it's another streaming service. Already have Spotify and Amazon. How about an option to put my own MP3 s on the versa 3 if you not going to allow Amazon music or Spotify.

Keeping Pace
Agreed,provide any option to allow to listen music offline and without
carrying cellphone.

Google/Alphabet owns Spotify and Fitbit! This would be a great move for them rather than people having to buy their competitor watches like Apple watch or Garmin watch which do have offline Spotify.

Recovery Runner

I actually like Pandora. Even with that the watch/fitbit app does not allow you to choose your stations to add. Believe it or not, I like to listen to more than 3 types of music/stations and would like the ability to choose between what is available.


Music download: Not available

Spotify: No offline listening

Pandora: Cannot choose stations


The only option that seems to work is Deezer. Some people in Europe are probably fine with this watch, but everyone else would like just a little bit of flexibility somewhere else. Fixing any one of the above issues would have worked for me. Instead they have been paid no attention, and I bought a Garmin.


AT LEAST LET US UPLOAD AN MP3 FILE!!! I already left the ecosystem because of this and bought an Apple but I would switch back in an instant if they resolved this problem.

Keeping Pace

Hi, Team any update regarding the issue.

I feel cheated, I purchased a sense because it had a Spotify app, but then I see that even if I have the premium account and can download Spotify music I'm unable to play the music without the phone nearby. I do water aerobics as my main exercise. This is not only a hindrance it's not possible to have my phone on me to get this to work. Also, the app hasn't been updated for over a year, while my phone app for Spotify is updated every few months. How can you charge me so much for a tool that doesn't do what fitness devices have been able to do, from other companies, for over a decade? This isn't cutting edge, that edge is miles away in one of your competitor's hands. 

That is how we all cheated. Now it is more then 2 year,that feature request
is no where. Each time someone from Spotify come and ask vote for this
feature request.
At least luckily I got this issue before buying this brand for rest of my
family members and moved to Samsung and Apple.
Keeping Pace
Agreed more than 2 years still no solution for the basic requirement. Such
arrogance is pathetic.
First Steps

I pay for Spotify because Deezer sucks and I pay for Deezer because that is all that works on FitBit, but I should not need to be paying for two music services

My Versa 3 was advertised as having support for Spotify, and that was one of the main reasons I bought it. It is two and a half years old now. If this feature isn't implemented by the time that I'm ready for a new one I will definitely be moving on from Fitbit for good. I might switch away earlier than I would've otherwise because the amount I'll save each month having to pay for an extra streaming service will help offset the cost of a Garmin

First Steps

Hi Team,


Please can you get in to the 21st century and allow offline Spotify music storage on the Sense so we don't have to lug our phones with us.  We all harp on about mental health but is anyone at Fitbit really 'listening'?  Been to Vue cinema recently?  Remember their tag - "sit back, switch off your phone, relax...".  Maybe Fitbit could learn something 🤔 


Wouldn't it also be radical to transfer music wirelessly as opposed to do it via a PC with a cable!  Most people nowadays have mobile devices not PCs / Macs so requiring cables, along with the environmental impact, seems a bit old skool and impractical.


I previously had an Ionic which supported offline music but had to surrender it due to the well published safety recall.  Unfortunately I wasn't aware that Fitbit's latest model, yes that's right their LATEST model, didn't have this functionality.  A real basic requirement you'd think nowadays for a fitness watch.  I wish I'd known about this 'downgrade' as I wouldn't have handed my Ionic back!


It also didn't take much effort on my part to review existing features requested, as well as previously archived features on previous models, to determine this is the MOST popular requested feature!  Why the Sense was even launched without this feature beggars belief, unless it's politics getting in the way again?  There's already an existing feature request on this topic that is locked and marked as 'Not currently planned' with approx 1,700 votes.  Curious why those 1,700 votes haven't been added to this request?  Go a little further back and there is a similar request for the Ionic, Versa and Versa 2 with...wait for it...approx 11,500 votes!!!


So come on Fitbit, you can do better, stop dragging this out any more than you already have.  You know it makes...wait for it...'Sense'  😉😂😎


Best wishes - Dave

First Steps

Please implement this feature!! I'm constantly annoyed by my versa 3 watch that there is no offline music availability. Since in another post it was said that this will not be implemented in the future, having offline spotify music is the next best thing. The only reason I bought the versa 3 is because I saw it had spotify, before I realized this was only possible when your phone is near..

Go to Garmin offline Spotify and Amazon music
First Steps

I don’t ask for much, just the Spotify offline feature.

got to do the same, this sucks
Recovery Runner
After having a Surge and then an Ionic I have just bought a Garmin and am leaving the Fitbit Community. No offline Spotify and other defects which have never been fixed along with basic design flaws. Thought that with being taken over, Fitbit would start to really focus on their existing customers as well as developing new products to expand their user population. Disappointing that Fitbit just do not seem to have grasped the basics of good customer experience.
Wish the existing Fitbit users all the best.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

It is frustrating, because if you allow Deezer to store music offline (on the Versa 3) then obviously the technology exists, so why is Spotify only a glorified remote? It doesn't make any sense!


The fact that this has been "Under Consideration" for almost three years with no action by Fitbit, shows a complete lack of concern on their part to listen to their customers and improve their product. DO BETTER FITBIT!

First Steps
I believe we should be able to download music or playlists from our Spotify accounts to the Fitbit.
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