Allow multiple devices on the same account (Sense/Versa series, Inspire, Charge & Luxe)

Be allowed to have both a Fitbit Versa and a Fitbit Ionic on the same account so you can easily switch between them.


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First Steps
Not sure why fitbit will not let you sync 2 devices to one account. This would give you the the flexibility to choose which one you wanted to use for the day. Also looks like they could sell a few more products. But for those of us that are switching from a clip on to a wrist type we wouldn't be loosing out initial investment.
First Steps

I have the same question

First Steps

Agreed.  I have a One (which I love) and just got the Flex for Christmas (I'm going on vacation soon and wanted the more waterproof option)--and was very disappointed to find that they can't both go on my account. 


Would I have to constantly remove and add new tracker to go between the two on a single account (and get credit)?  Seems a bit ridiculous when there is such an easy solution (multiple devices allowed on a single account.)

Recovery Runner
I have both a FitBit One and Force which I would like to use interchangeably without having to go through the setup process each time I would like to switch between the two. I work in an office environment where I am required to dress professionally for certain meetings. On those days, the One tracker is the tracker of choice, but the remaining days of the week I prefer the Force. Currently, I'm forced to redo the tracker setup on my account to change from one tracker to the other which takes valuable time out of my morning. Why not just allow multiple trackers setup on a user account and allow the user to select which one they would like to have the active sync?
Not applicable

*PLEASE* make this work!  I've had a Fitbit One for 6-7 months, just got a Force as a gift, and would love to be able to swap them on and off as needed.


Because of where I work (military), I can't wear a Force during the work day so I carry my One in my pocket -- but would love to wear the Force while working out and outside of work.


Yes, yes,yes I've used the one for quite some time. I received the force for Christmas. I know I'll want to switch between the two - the one is better suited for work. It seems like an easy fix, multiple devices on one account (duh) - one dashboard collecting data from the selected device. For the time being I created a new account for the force, this meant using a diferent email. I launch the dashboard on different browsers so I don't have to sign in and out, however I do need to sign in and out on the app. However since there is no crossover between accounts, I'm not getting full credit (guess I could wear both for this). Fitbit needs to fix this

Recovery Runner

I have bought every Fitbit product. I love the features of the force but would like the option to switch


Had not realized this shortcoming.  It's a dealbreaker for me.  Already have a One and wanted to also use a Force, but there is no way I will purchase it without being able to sync both to my account.


Allow a user to use different devices throughout the day and connect with one account.  I have the one but would like to purchase the flex for following children around at pool or working out.


I am suprised you would not allow people to buy more than one per account.

5K Racer

There are a couple other suggestions for this that you might want to vote for if you haven't. (Hopefully Fitbit will combine them into one to get the most votes.)


Idea Post 1

Idea Post 2

Idea Post 3

First Steps

In conjunction with this, maybe a small amount of "approved devices" (say 3-5) so that family and friends that have Fitbits, but not appropriate phones, can take advantage of my iphone 5s without the hassle of logging in and out. 


I aree with BertP.   I had been thinking about buying a second device for use at different times.   But now I see that it wouldn't make sense.  Not good for business, Fit Bit.


Recovery Runner

I agree.  I really think there are alot of people out there that would purchase a second different type tracker if this was an option.


I agree with this. I would like to use the flex while working out and at the pool with the kids but I need to use the one for professional attire at work.

First Steps
I would love to be able to sync a Force and One to the same account.<br>While I prefer the wristband, there are times in business & other occasions where the styling doesn't work. Also, there are times that I want to wear a cuff bracelet or other jewelry even if style of Force is ok. Would be great to have the option to change it up to have more consistent use daily. It seems like it should be able to work if you power one off while the other is on. You would also have a rotation product while the other is charging.
Stepping Up

I have a fitbit force. I'm a mechanic, and I'd rather not wear my fitbit at work. There are also nights where I'd like to wear a watch out, but it clashes. Sure I could just throw the fitbit in my pocket, but I'd prefer the ability to also  have a fitbit one. I could wear each fitbit depending upon my daily activities, and then leave the other at home. 


This would lead to aditional fitbit sales, and this sort of update could potentially pay for itself in increased revenue. 

First Steps

I would really like to be able to have more than one device attached to my account.  I got a force for christmas and I love it but I have two jobs, one of them being in a bar.  My hands are always in the sink and my force isnt really convenient on my wrist there.  I have been putting it on my belt loop so I ordered a fitbit zip to use there.  I was so dissappointed to realize today I can only use one or create another account.  😞 


Yes, I agree.  I have a One and my daughter has a Flex.  We chose the Flex for her because of the waterproof features... BUT she dances competitively and the Flex is too visible for competition so it would be REALLY NICE if she had the option to add a One to her account so that she could toggle the One on when she is competing, and toggle back to the Flex the rest of the time.


Fitbit is missing out on multiple sales to existing customers!!  Please offer this option!


I had asked this question a while back myself.  I think it would be a great idea. Woman Very Happy And as many said - Fitbit would sell more too!  I enjoy my flex, but there are times I would not want to be wearing it but could wear a One without it being seen.


Fitbit - Do you hear your VOC?   We want more, we want more!!! LOL

10K Racer

While the One and the Flex are both good trackers, they each have their advantages.


With the One:

  • Use the display which gives me more detailed information.
  • Doing a hike and want to count floors.
  • Doing a quick walk and want something which can tell time.

With the Flex:

  • Waterproof, don't worry about taking to beach or pool.
  • Worn on wrist, don't worry about forgetting it if I'm changing for an activity.

Sometimes we may just want to easily switch back and forth.  I know that I've read threads where the ladies want to accessorize (sometimes a clip-on works with an outfit, sometimes a bracelet works better).  Since our fitbit accounts only support one active tracker, the only way to accomplish this is to set up the 'other' device as a replacement device.  The problems:

  1. This is tedious and time consuming.
  2. It requires sync access (either a PC with a dongle or smartphone).

The suggestion is to allow multiple tracker pairings with an account with a couple of ground rules:

  • Only one of each type of tracker is allowed (a Flex and a One, for instance).
  • At any one time, only one tracker is logging your activity.

Once both devices are paired, both upload data to the fitbit service, but only one registers activity.  To switch trackers enter activity mode (click and hold on One, tap continuously on Flex) and turn off shortly after.  For instance:


5am: Wake up (100 steps total): Wearing One in sleep mode (tap & hold to turn off)

5:55am: Switch to Flex (tap to enter and exit activity mode)...

6am: Go for a jog (4000 steps total) and shower.

8am: Switch to One (tap & hold to enter and exit activity mode); Clip on One and dress for work.

6pm: Get to gym.  Switch to Flex (tap to enter and exit activity mode)...

6:10pm: Play basketball with friends (8000 steps total).

7pm: Get home, cook dinner, shower (9000 steps total).

9pm: Switch to One (tap & hold to enter and exit activity mode)...

10pm: Head to bed (enter sleep mode, 10000 steps total).


Naturally, much like sleep and activity entries, if we forget to switch active devices, there should be an option on the dashboard to switch manually.



First Steps

Hey Fitbit. Are you listening?  Does this functionality exist and we don't know it?


There are multiple people who want to buy more products.  Self included.  As others have said; I’d like to own two devices, and choose which one to wear for a given day’s activities.  The One for discreet wear at the office, and a Force when waterproof is important. 


I actually wear my Flex all the time but would like to wear my One if I'm charging my Flex, am working out and don't have my phone near me to see the step count, or am shopping and using a cart happens to not count the steps. In the case of the shopping cart, I usually put my Flex in my pocket, but I'm afraid it is going to fall out. 

Community Legend
And what would keep you from wearing 2, at a time doubling your mileage. It would be nice having a switch on the web site and the app to choose which one you want to use.
First Steps

Definitely agree.  I want a Zip for everyday "awake" activities and a Flex for sleep tracking...

First Steps

Yes! My Fitbit Zip is my preferred tracker, but when I'm wearing a dress or other pocketless attire, I have nowhere to put it. I purchased a Flex when my Zip's battery died today, thinking I could wear them interchangeably. I was so sad to see the notification that I needed to switch trackers entirely when I plugged it in to my computer.

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