Allow night shift reminders to move (or customized hours)

Please allow night shift hours to be selected for reminders to move. I work 7p to 7a at the hospital and the current feature only allows half of my shift to be selected. It doesn't recognize those 12 hours as consecutive hours. It would also be helpful to select different time frames for different days. I work nights 3 days a week, but the rest of the week I am awake and active during the day. I'd like to customize the reminders for certain hours on specified days.


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First Steps
Make the hourly step goal time frame night shift friendly. Allow the time to run from night into the next day for those of is that are awake at night and sleep in the day. example 7pm to 7am
First Steps
Yes ive been on third shift for a long time and i switch up my schedule on weekends to be with my family. You should beable to set the rtm as needed. Taylored to our lifestyle. Not some day walker.
Not applicable

I just tried setting mine to overnight 9pm-9am. No such luck! This is a really good idea!.

Recovery Runner

A good way to handle this might be to make it so you choose a total number of hours rather than a range. I have a desk job so while I always meet my other goals for the day, it is basically impossible to get 250 steps every single hour during work hours thanks to meetings.

First Steps
I'm a third shift worker, active between 1800 to 0600. Being able to set active hours any time of day would greatly benefit all of us that don't work during the day.
First Steps
I'm hopeful this is an issue that can easily be resolved. Not everyone works 9-5, Monday through Friday. Those of us on Third Shift hours should have the same use of this device as everyone else.
Not applicable

I work rotating shift work, so my work schedule changes drastically every week. I wish I could change my target hours for getting 250 steps/hr on a daily basis and not have it change every past day as well. That way I could actually keep track of how many hours I'm active each day instead of just how many hours I'm active when I'm on a certain type of shift.

Tempo Runner

I really like the 250 step reminder but I work 3rd shift.  It would be a more valuable feature if the representation was a 24 hour clock.  My sleep patterns are non-traditional and often broken up.  I work from home most of the week and my job is sitting down for 8 hours or longer.  Moving is moving no matter when you do it and I know my steps will be counted but so far, no matter what block of time I have set it is just really limiting.  I think the 24 hour visual would give people a more "overall" representation of being active as a lifestyle rather than for a limited block of each day.


First Steps
I personally switched from Garmin to Fitbit charge Hr for the rtm feature and the heart rate monitor. It has been very disappointing that due to the fact that I work nights I can only track either the beginning or end of my shift I work.
Can it please be linked to all awake hours? There a many industries that nights are a necessity. Police, nurses, fire, etc. please help us with fixing this feature.
First Steps
I agree wholeheartedly with you. I am baffled as to why it is taking Fitbit so long t o rectify this problem.

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Tempo Runner

Another 3rd shifter weighing here!  I agree whole heartedly!  We need a 24 hour clock so that our visuals work for us!

Recovery Runner
Sure wish FitBit would remove the restrictions from the 250 Steps per hour. My schedule is different, so I walk a lot late at night, but the cutoff is at 11:00. I would appreciate being able to count those steps in my hourly totals for the day.
First Steps
Yes, we do!

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First Steps
Completely agree. I work 19:00-06:00 but can only select 5 hours then have to change it at 00:00 for the rest of my shift.
First Steps
Hi ! Love the hourly step goal feature but it would be great to extend the period of hours. I'm a nursing student and work long hours so I'm often active for more than 14 hours. I think 18 would be a great length as it would cover a full amount of time of people 😄
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey! Yes as @SunsetRunner mentioned at this time this is not possible, so keep voting and commenting to make your voice heard! Woman Wink


Couldn't agree more. How nice of them to put in the effort to produce, test and roll out this feature only to exclude an entire section of the population. Perhaps if they had more forward thinking developers to begin with this wouldn't have even been an issue.


I work 9p-8a and it's absurd that you can't cross over midnight for this feature.

First Steps

One of the main reasons I purchased the Alta was the RTM.  When I tried to set it for my 3rd shift work hours and couldn't, I was very upset.  Fitbit really needs to put a fix in for this so we can all have our reminders.


I'm on a swing schedule that's always random so would seriously LOVE the 24 hour feature instead of the 14. As it is now it's a useless feature for me 😕

First Steps
Agree, and don't know why it wasn't fixed in the last update.

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Keeping Pace
Whyever is it taking this long, you suppose? The time a person's day
begins should be set by the individual, not arbitrarily locked in at
midnight. Many, many of us are totally night people, and many have
schedules that change for a myriad of reasons.
FitBit, get off your high tech tuchus 🙂 and help us out, here!

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Tempo Runner

Good Morning zivug 🙂

It could be they are waiting to see if there really are enough requests to add this feature - so thanks for joining in, every vote helps.


It can often take a very long time for a new feature as most companies priortize their updates - but I certainly feel and hear your frustration....believe me - it is the same with testing my blood sugar - every reading is tied to a schedule totally different from my real life.



Tempo Runner

Good Morning smythch 🙂


Thanks for joining in - every vote to add this feature helps!


First Steps
Agree wholeheartedly.

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Keeping Pace
Patiently - well..sort of - waiting. This change would likely also
remediate the issue of logging food, etc., prior to midnight only to
have it all go poof like Cinderella's dress! I usually get up in the
evening and have learned to wait to log my meals till after midnight in
order for it to remain logged - a true frustration I can tell you. Hard
to keep up with a half day's food before logging it. You have this
problem as well?

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