Ankle mode

Please make one u wear on ankle then u would get all the steps. When u are in a store with carts such as grocery, target etc it won't record all the walking one is doing with a cart. I have to try and push with one hand!! They can have pretty but functionally ankle devices some can be practically for a guy and pretty like an ankle bracelet for a women!!! Please develop this!! Soon!!


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity


I would like to see a fitbit suitable for wearing around the ankle as it should be more accurate for movement but particularly because there are many members of the community who are unable to wear a bracelet (think nursing / medical staff etc). An anklet could be concealed inside a sock or boot as well as under trousers. It doesn't have to be on show. There are also issues associated with the chip being close to the body (fitbit attached to the bra or on the waistband) and the ankle is about as far away - as safe - as possible!

First Steps
Hi, I have adapted my Fitbit to fit on my ankle. I have put a small hole on the fastening end of the strap, threaded some thin ribbon through and it stays on my ankle 24 hours. The only time I take it off is when I shower. Now I know it's counting my steps. Sue Humble

Sent from my Foot Phone
Thanks - good thinking!!
First Steps

I agree with the other comments.  Having a fitbit system for the ankle would be much more accurate.  I use a crossramp machine and use is not counted unless my arms are swinging.

First Steps
Have you considered making a longer strap so people can use on ankle? I had a fitbit and loved it, but I hate having something on my wrist. I don't like the ones you stick in pocket, such as zip. I tried putting the one on my ankle, but it just needs a longer strap. Please please make a longer strap!
First Steps
If I could wear my Flex (or any other FitBit) on my ankle, then triple tap on the Flex at the start and end of my ride it would then be possible to estimate my ride distance and calories burned. All I need to customise it is a manual "stride" length field on in the settings. Walking stride length, running stride length and cycling peddle revolution length. Alternatively the Flex could automatically detect the very distinctive ankle motion via the accelerometer algorithm to record the ride. This could come on the more expensive Charge. Thanks.
First Steps
I'm currently using Strava (Free) and a GPS equipped gadget (sort of free as we all have one) to do this. Ultimatly FitBit is missing out on the million of people cycling when all is needed is a bit of programming !
First Steps
I like wearing my bracelet on my leg but it can be a little snug. An ankle would be nice.
First Steps
Anklet . Is what I mean. Auto corrected
Not applicable

FitFoot = wear to your foot !

I wear the large braclet on my ankle, and it is extremly accurate in counting steps. The only thing is, I have it in the last holes, and afraid it may wear out, break and come loose at some time. Other than that, I love it and it is very comfortable there. 

First Steps
Create a device that can be worn on the ankle. Too often i have to remove my device to scrub my hands while at work in the hospital setting. An ankle device would help with this issue.

You know that you can fut a Fitbit One in your sock, or use the band on your ankle, right?  This is where I typically wear mine, since it was way undercounting in my pants pocket.

First Steps

PLEASE, PLEASE create an ankle band.  I wear a small wrist band and bought a large to wear on my ankle.  In just two months, I have gone through two bands because they snap, even though there is plenty of room and I take it off at night.
I am a busy mom on the go and when I carry my children, or push a shopping cart, my tracker does not record my steps.  Entering them manually defeats the purpose of the fit bit.  


I created an ankle band by connecting my large and small fitbit bands with the clasps and then I purchased some colorful rubber bands to help keep it secure.  I have had great luck with accuracy of steps and distance.  I feel this is a better count than to have it on my wrist where it either doesn't count steps because I'm not swinging my arm, or counting steps when I am talking with my hands etc.  I have emailed fitbit several times asking them to create a ankle band, but no luck yet.  


I created an ankle band by connecting a small and large with the extra clips and purchasing bands from Amazon that help keep it secure.  It works great, but I too have asked fitbit several times to create an ankle band.  I feel they are more accurate!

Recovery Runner
I have this issue with pushing things. The flex wrist band does not fit around my ankle, so a specific ankle band would be amazing for me.
First Steps
So my wife and I both use our hands a lot at work and lose a lot of steps because our arms aren't swinging all of the time. My wife, being the genius that she is, came up with the idea of strapping her Fitbit onto her ankle. She still gets her heart rate monitored and steps counted but doesn't need to worry about carrying anything in her hands anymore. We think you should develop a device designed for people's ankles. She is currently using a piece of Velcro to get hers to fit her ankle. It works great but we would love to see something actually designed for that purpose.

First Steps

I have seen the extension hack for fitbit Charge HR. I have the fitbit Charge without HR and would like to see an extension so I can wear it around my ankle.  Seems like it would be an easy accessory to offer.  Thanks

First Steps

I, too, wear my fitbit flex on my ankle. My step count is more accurate on my ankle than when I wear it on my wrist. Please work on creating one for the ankle. (female)

First Steps
They need a waterproof ankle strap! U do get more steps as in my pockets are more than my wrist but if it was waterproof u could get credit swimming which I do every am for 30 mins. But no count!!
Recovery Runner

I have come up with a temporary ankle strap idea until Fitbit comes up with a better idea, but here is what I have done. I took an elastic "hair scrunchie" - cost $1. Made a hole to insert my Fitbit charge and slid my Fitbit into it! The fabric allows me to put this onto my ankle and it also protects the Fitbit from getting dusty/dirty. There is no need to tie anything since the elastic keeps it in place. I know Fitbit does not recommend placing it on your ankle because the count/calories are not as accurate, but for now I personally enjoy having "some steps" showing when I go cycling. Thanks.

Fitbit scrunchie[1].jpg

First Steps

It is probably safe to assume folks buying a Charge HR are trying to improve their level of physical fitness with an ultimate goal of losing weight.  If the large barely fits (and say they are 60lbs overweight), it seems reasonable when they lose a little weight the large will fit comfortably.  If they buy the large however and it is too tight, they can, as warned, end up with a rash.  It would just be nice to have the extension to add that little bit of length needed during the first months of weight loss.  My husband is dealing with this issue.  We debated about sending for the XL orignially, but knew that in the end, the L will be the right size.  It's too much money to have to buy a new size when you lose weight.

First Steps


This was my DIY of the night getting my fitbit ready for stroller pushing at disneyland at the end of the month. 1/4 inch elastic works for now. Gotta tie it a bit looser to be able to slip it off over the ankle, or else untie and retie the elastic. 

Please come up with an anklet option! Like one of the previous posters, I'm almost always carrying something when walking.

A Fitbit that can go around my ankle would be great! I work on jet engines and it's a very strict environment where no jewelry can be worn for fear of accidentally leaving something behind and it completely destroying the engine upon ignition or in flight. If I was able to wear this under my boot I would be able to wear it and it not be a FOD hazard.
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