Audible alarms and notifications on Sense series, Versa 3 and Versa 4

Now that both devices have a speaker and they can be used for phone calls, it would be nice to have a ringtone or a beep sound for the alarm.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject

Please add this feature, smart wake is useless for me as the vibration is so slight that it doesn't wake me, even on strong.

First Steps

I received a Versa 3 for my birthday last month. Loving it, except for ONE problem: the vibration feature isn't nearly strong or long enough. I train using the Galloway (run/walk) method, and I regularly miss the change from run to walk (or vice versa) because the vibration is so weak. A stronger vibration and/or an audible alarm would be a wonderful improvement to this device.

Base Runner

people been asking for stronger vibrations or vibration patterns for years on multiple flavors of this watch, just doesn't seem it will ever happen


How about an alarm that can be set from our own stored music? Just a thought.

First Steps

So I was testing the length of the Versa 3 connectivity with my phone and all of a sudden, when I got another test call (I had been testing multiple times by then) my phones ringtone started to go off on my watch. I was confused and blown away because so far that hasn't happened (I got the watch in the end of March/start of April). So I tried it again and when I got the call, it had my phones ringtone coming off of it again. These two times were the only times it had the ringtone though, after those times, I tested it again multiple times and it was back to normal - just vibrating.

Then I started research if this feature was even available and I learned from here that people are just requesting it right now.


I actually just tried again and the ringtone went off again on the watch. Then I tried to get it on video and it went back to just vibrating. When I let it vibrate I heard the ringtone again for a second but very silently. 

Base Runner

I just picked up a Sense late last week. I saw the specs had a speaker and like every other smart watch with a speaker, assumed it would notify me of notifications. I came here to find out shockingly that this is not the case for the sense. So the speaker is *only* user for calls? What a complete miss on Fitbit's part. 


I also noticed the request to have this feature added has been here for many months and fear it is not coming. Truly a disappointment and with the hardware being on the device already, it would be a quick win for all of us to add audible alerts to the device.


Hoping that it comes soon but based on the time this request has been out with no progress, I am not going to hold my breath. 


Just got my sense yesterday... I cannot believe that sound notifications aren't included. Seems like a no brainer to me. Same with fall detection. I had a Versa 2 that broke and when it did I switched to the Galaxy Active 2, but always missed my FitBit, so I broke down and bought this and so far I am unimpressed. 😞


You mean to tell me they only added a speaker to take calls. That's a waste if they don't use it for alarms and alerts also.


I vote for this 👍

First Steps

It would be really nice if fitbit would fix this obvious problem!

First Steps

It’s been almost a year and Fitbit has done... nothing. This is such an obvious feature to have! Please include this in your next update as this has been necessary for a long time.

Not applicable
Please add Sound Notifications
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SunsetRunner, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see sound notifications on Fitbit Sense. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

I just bought myself a Fitbit Sense yesterday, and, considering it has a speaker on it, I assumed it would have notification, call ringer, and alarm sounds. Apparently I was wrong. Even a cheap $20 smartwatch from a random warehouse in China has this capability, with vibration intensity, ring sound and volume options to choose from! How is this not a feature? I'm new to Fitbit and honestly, I'm a bit disappointed. I bet the Samsung watch I almost bought has this. 🤔 Please add this option.

Recovery Runner

Please add this feature. I've just purchases the Sense and the vibration even when set to strong is so weak that I totally missed the alarm for work this morning. This is so disappointing 😞

First Steps

My fitbit fell off my arm today when I was working outside. There was no way for me to make the alarm go off or make an audible sound. There should be a way to find my fitbit versa 3 on the app by either creating an audible alarm or other. Audible alarms for waking up would be useful too. I have review other forums and there doesn't seem to be a good answer to making audible alarms or notifications. I found out first hand why we need audible alarms and the ability to set them from the app!

First Steps

This should really have been a no-brainer!!!

First Steps

For a 350 dollar device, this is disappointing. Please add sound alarms. At this point the clock cannot be trusted for waking us up.. 

First Steps
It's frustrating no one has responded to this from fitbit !!! 🤬
First Steps

I do not understand how this has not been implemented

First Steps
I wonder if we could add another way to alert us than the 2 levels of vibration. Could it be possible to add a sound like a bell? We could have 2 levels and also the option to use it or not.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @danmar16, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to use audible alarms and notifications on Fitbit devices. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums. 

Base Runner

Honestly this is a low hanging fruit for Fitbit to implement. The speaker is there already and it would be much better to allow it to chime for alarms and notifications. As it stands today, I cannot use my Sense for alarms because the vibration does not usually wake me up. I need it to make a sound to wake me up. I probably miss about 50% of my notifications for the same reason. 


I really hope this is something that can be added soon. Such a waste to have a speaker on the unit and not use it to its full potential.


Really get the impression, no-one is listening or even cares at FitBit, regards this suggestion. Rubbish.

Recovery Runner

I agree with all the comments. The vibration is so poor on the Sense that I'm missing most of my notifications, including alarms. Fitbit, please do something about this.

Recovery Runner

This gets my vote. Please could the audible alarm be developed or increase the strength of the vibration on the Sense.

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