Auto pause

Can the firmware and app be updated to have an auto pause feature for when you stop to cross a road or tie a lace during workout and walk and run etc. That would be fab.

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First Steps
Is there any chance that on the next software update that auto pause can be incorporated? My old garmin had it and I keep losing miles because I forget to restart 😖 Thanks 👍🏻
Base Runner
As someone who spends a lot of time walking during the day but also driving and doing the occasional office work, I find it frustrating when I have to break apart my day in the activity log just get to accurate totals for the day.
It's also frustrating that, no matter what, my fitbit will still count the odd steps here and there throughout the day during these "stationary activities".

I would love a feature where I could quickly pause my tracker during these moments. That way, my step count won't increase on the tracker and it won't require any activity logging on the app.

I understand that I might be a minority case here but it would be extremely useful for me.
First Steps

It would be great if there was an autopause feature for when running.

For a cyclist like myself autopause feature is a must since the stops at traffic lights or for water breaks just kill the entire average. These features are available in all gps enabled tracking apps such as Endomondo and strava.
First Steps

I am disappointed that the FitBit Surge does not have an auto-pause setting when using the outdoor bike mode. My husband's Garmin has this feature which is very helpful. This function is necessary when stopped at traffic lights, rest breaks, etc. to have accurate average speed and riding time. I hope this feature is considered for the next update and/or model.

First Steps
Hi Guys, any idea when (if) there are any plans to include an 'AutoPause' function in the software? Whilst cycling when I stop at traffic lights and/or food stops, I have to remember to restart my Fitbit Surge (and I forget regularly) otherwise my timings are not reflecting my riding time. Thanks for any replies. Keith
First Steps

I second this and will post the same suggestion as well in hopes that someone will see it and consider it

Would love to see an auto pause currently using for bike and an auto pause would be helpful for long rides requiring drink or food stop. Also the pause stop at the moment ends your ride after 15/20 mins thus meaning you can't stop for longer than that without your ride ending
First Steps
I find it frustrating having yo pause my Fitbit if I stop on a walk. Other apps such as Strava, have auto pause. Can this not be added to the Fitbit Flex please??!!
I use to have a Microsoft Band 2 before changing to a Blaze. One of the features I loved was their Auto Pause when out on a bike ride or run when I stopped for lights or a rest. Be great if this could so be an option on Blaze.
Not applicable
I agree with the above request. My Garmin had an auto-pause feature in 2008. Do I need to go back to my Garmin and return my Fitbit?
I am still continuing with the Surge at present.
I complained to Fitbit Support on the phone about not being able to switch screens, wrist band deterioration after less than a year.....
They replaced it for free.....they didn't want me to go a Garmin which I threatened....
Fitbit are not listening about the auto pause feature.

Sent from my iPad

I have ditched Fitbit now because of lack of development. And the stupidity of making a new watch without GPS (Blaze). 


I have a Garmin Vivoactive 3 and I find the pysical clock and hardware much better. Not as big on the wrist and with colour touch screen. GPS, HR and the works. I can even get laps when swimming in a pool. I only have to charge about every 1,5 weeks instead of after 5 days. It can even connect to a external HR belt for more precise measurments if I need. The price is about the same. 


Thanks @stripsfor the lead on Garmin Vivoactive 3. I'll check it out. I am getting frustrated by  lack of auto pause, which today is such a a tabel stakes feature. And I agree...what a strange decision to release a fitness watch without GPS. Just because Apple Watch doesn't do GPS, doesn't make that a good idea!


I love my new Blaze, but I'm really surprised that it doesn't have an autopause feature. Please please please can this be added soon? All other fitness tracking apps I have used have autopause, seems very strange that fitbit doesn't. Pretty please?

Keeping Pace

It would be great if the Surge had an auto pause feature on the gps in free run. I hate having to stop and start the activity if I stop running.



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Not applicable

+1 Cat Happy


I would LOVE to see this!  I miss logging miles on my bike rides because I have ADD and easily forget to restart it once I've paused it during a break or when making an adjustment to my bike.  I have apps on my phone that can do this, so why not the Surge?  I really wish Fitbit would get on this.  It seems ridiculous to me that this is not a default feature.  The manual interaction is clunky and archaic especially when all relevant info needed for the device to determine whether or not you're moving is already there.  Puzzling!

I gave up asking
Just bought a Garmin Vivioactive HD which has it and a lot of other better features than the Fitbit Surge - want to buy a used Surge?

Sent from my iPad
First Steps
Needs this function

This has been a standard feaure in Sports Tracker for a number of years, based on GPS. I agree this is a much wanted feature also for me as I take my gos out for brisk walks in the morning but we do have to stop sometimes for obvious reasons...

I am using Blaze so the options should be using the ConnectedGPS.

Not applicable

As a cyclist this feature is critical. I like Surge battery more than Apple Watch+Strava which for biking is around 3-4h, but having to manual stop for longer periods is quite annoying. 

First Steps

I called fitbit customer support the other day regarding my blaze and asked if the update (which came out today) would include auto pause. The guy said he'd never heard of auto pause. I guess that means fitbit hasn't warmed up to the idea yet. Are there any other activity trackers that don't have auto pause? Even Map My Walk/Run has it. 

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