Being able to delete posts from Community

I think giving people to ability to delete just their own posts and responses from both the Forum and discussion boards would be helpful.  I understand you can edit and you can ask the board moderator to delete for you, but I would love the ability to be able to do it myself. 


Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity and edited labels 

Recovery Runner

  ie once you swap your band?  If not would that not be a good addition!?

Base Runner

why can I not remove a topic that is in community when I am the admin of that group. 

this happens multiple times where I'm beginning to think it's a bug.  IE doesn't work and Chrome won't remove it either.

fitbit team was able to help with this before but it's not working again.


again, How can I remove a topic when it has 0 post and need to be removed.  I need to clean up our community bulletin.  thanks

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

In order to maintain the integrity of forum post history, there is no way to delete a post once it is made. You can, however, eidt any post you have made by going to "Options" and choosing "Edit Reply".

Recovery Runner
I posted my email to gain connections and now I would absolutely love and need to delete those public posts.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

This is a very nice idea. This would save some time to some users that post by mistake and they just want to remove their post. 





Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

In order to maintain the integrity of forum post history, there is no way to delete a post once it is made. You can, however, eidt any post you have made by going to "Options" and choosing "Edit Reply".

First Steps

Please add a way to delete old notifications associated with a "high five" comment (and/or the comment itself). That way I can stop getting notifications on every single post from others on said post. 


I should be allowed to delete a comment or post that I've made. (And an EDIT button would also be nice. )

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