Meal Share with Friends/Family through app (rather than all inputting the same ingredients)

I would like to be able to create and share munu items and meals with my wife.  It would be great for one of us to input our meal or menu item and to share it with another so we do not have to double up on work! Perhaps besides just "Friends" to share with you could also create "Family" to share with.  We generally eat the same food and meals under one roof so it would be awesome to able to share the menus and meals we create with another to expedite the food logging process.





Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps

A feature allowing Fitbit friends to share custom meals (with nutritional information) with each other would be nice and would probably help to reduce the rubbish hits in the food log food search. I have had my Fitbit and my Fitbit account for years, so I have a lot of custom meals that my family members would like to access the information for instantly rather than recreating that information in their accounts.

Not applicable

May an idea to make this happen?
Share food products which I entered manually in the database share with another Fitbit user.

First Steps

I am surprised this doesn't have more votes.  It is a cumbersome process if you actually cook and log homemade meals with many ingredients.  The more detailed the meal, the more accurate the log, the more successful I will be.  I would love to be able to share my meals with my wife or my sister so they can plug in and repeat a recipe.  We can all save some time this way.  I would also love it if the meal stayed grouped together in my log.  I don't necessarily want to share every detail of what I consume throughout every day in order for friends and family to log the same meal we ate together.  

First Steps



It would be helpful to be able to share items in your nutrition log with a fellow fitbit user, When my girlfriend and I share meals, it would be helpful to only have to enter the data once and then share it with each other. Thanks. I've looked for this option but if its there I have missed it.



First Steps

My suggestion is to allow fitbit users to designate/link other fitbit users (ie: family members) to their food list so custom foods don't have to be entered numerous times on numerous accounts, which is VERY time consuming!

Recovery Runner

This is a great idea. 

Although not really applicable in the UK yet as we still have no UK food database 😞 

First Steps

I agree - can't believe it doesn't have more votes.  My husband and I - obviously - usually eat the same meal.  So it would be nice if once one of us logged it, if we could easily click "make it a meal", then the other one could log it with just a click or two.


NutriMirror used to have that feature and it was the best.  Super convenient.

First Steps
My mom and i are trying to help each other out. She is diabetic and was having a hard time controlling her blood sugar levels. Since using the fit bit she had reduced her insulin intake, lost 10 pounds and watching calorie levels. What I'm asking for is for us to be able to see what each other is eating, calorie intake and a pave to record blood sugar levels.
Stepping Up

I think there should be an option to share your Private Foods with specific individuals. I’ve been a FitBit owner for 16 months and have created numerous Private Foods (mostly from recipes) that I can log. My wife just got a FitBit and would like to log these items as well but I cannot share these with her specifically. The only share options are friends and anyone, but this shares my daily logs with everyone and I really don’t want to share this information. I really just want to share all the private foods I’ve created with her for logging purposes and it would be a huge hassle for her to have to manually enter in all those private foods on her own.


I have found a way to transfer private foods or recipes for which you have calculated nutrition information.


Here is what I did.  First open your wife's food log in a browser window.  Then in another browser window open your food log, click on Edit my foods.  This will bring up a list of your private foods.  Click on edit foods again which will display the master list of your entered private foodstuffs and recipes.


Then drag and drop from your Food Log browser window directly into your wife's Food list.  When the nutrition information box comes up, be sure to Log this food and chose the smallest amount shown for the unit you like.  (I do everything by weight in grams, btw.)  The log the food.  Continue in this manner until all of the foods are transferred. 


(What you are really doing is dragging and dropping the links to the Fitbit database where your nutrition information is stored in the cloud to your wife's food list.  You could probably do this in a two step operation by copying the links from your list one at a time into a notepad and then pick them up one at a time to load into your wife's Food Log list.  But you would have to log each food once deposited there in order to save it to her list.)


When you have transferred all the recipes or foods, then just go back and delete these items from your wife's food list for that particular day.


The items which you have thus transferred will appear in your wife's shared food list and not in her private food list.


There may well be another way to do this, but so far I have not found it.  Nonetheless this one works for me.

First Steps

My partner and I both have Fitbit Charge HR's.  We have both made our food entries visible to friends.  It would be great if I could copy a meal or a food that she has logged to my food diary as we obviously often eat the same meals!


Thank you


Moderator edit: Added labels



Since myself and my wife generally eat meals together, it would be greate to share meals with each other rather than all the work to reenter them twice... in fact we don't use this function because of this shortcoming.


The option to copy an entire day or item by item should be a native option and should be included!

Base Runner

I'll seond that. My wife and I have both started using fitbits and it's a pain having to type our calorie counted recipes out twice, into two separate laptops.

Recovery Runner


I see as a great option to have possibility of export and import custom food database. It will allow sharing among friends, users specific food like diets, country, etc.



Moderator edit: Labels

My husband and I eat the same meals, but we have to separately log our food I take. It would be time saving to just log "same as 'nominated person'".
I think that would be possible and a real feature for Fitbit.
Not applicable

It was really helpful if ALL data which is available online could be exported too.

Not just summaries.


Please add.... 🙂


thx -alex

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Great Idea.. it would be really nice to share a meal with a family group!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hey, I really think this is a great idea a could save a lot of time while logging food! Keep voting and commenting! 


Thanks for stopping by! 

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Moderator Alum
First Steps
I think it would be really useful to be able to create a meal on your Fitbit calorie counter and then be able to share it with other users. For instance in a family environment where you all have fitbits, and you eat together, you would work out the calories per serving and then share it with those who ate with you.
First Steps

I think it would be really useful to be able to create a meal on your Fitbit calorie counter and then be able to share it with other users. For instance in a family environment where you all have fitbits, and you eat together, you would work out the calories per serving and then share it with those who ate with you.



Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps

Agreed - my husband and I meal prep a large batch of food for the week and make several (8-10 servings) of each meal, and would be great to have a way to create a meal and then be able to share all the ingredients rather than have to enter it in on multiple dashboards and devices. 


It would also be nice to be able to "split" a large meal into serving sizes - for example, when I create a meal such as "Spaghetti Squash Casserole" - to enter in the total amount of spaghetti squash, tomatoes, etc, that I used...but then be able to indicate that the casserole make 8 servings (and it would do all the dividing for you).

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

This is a really great idea! It can help other users that would like to share their food with their friends or family. 


Thank you for posting this idea on the Feature Request Board.Man Happy

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