Bring back Calories Left estimate on new Fitbit app

Please can we have the actual, numerical estimate of calories remaining back on the app please? I have been following a sedentary calorie deficit plan since mid August and have lost over half a stone. I was very dependent on this metric to plan my food. Now I'm too scared to have a yoghurt in-case it tips my little pointer into the pink zone!

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


I agree! This features needs to be returned. I used it daily to estimate my evening food consumption 


If course this should stay.  Who would think it would be better to make the customer do the math themselves?!?

First Steps

I agree. Showing the estimated calorie allowance for the full day is crucial for meal planning. This new version of the app is not helpful at all.

First Steps

Couldn't agree more. I was disappointed overall on the new app but I think I could get used to everything except this. To me it was the most looked at feature of the app.


Yes! When I went to bed last night I had no more calories left for the day. When I got up this morning, I was 100 calories under for yesterday. I can’t do the math myself because my activity varies day to day and I don’t know the numbers.


100% agree! 

I literally use this to survive- Dr suggested it years ago to track my sleep and food and steps in one spot. I wasn't able to maintain my weight and was really underweight. Now it's habit to check calories and be sure I'm eating enough. With medication changes over the years it also helps keep my weight in check - from over eating. 

There are a ton of other bad changes like grouping the cards and not being able to reorder each of them, turning one click on a plus sign into 2-3 clicks to get to the same spot, but the calories remaining is the hugest problem. 

Especially because the # on the food page is NOT the same, and there is no way to set the # at all. 

AND the new icon shows the arrow in middle even when I've gone over! 

So it's literally useless now. 

First Steps
Not the one on the page with the bar chart as that tells you as if it was midnight. The one on the home page that tells you throughout the day how many calories you have left to eat/burn for the day.
Ultramarathon Racer

Please, please, please put this back on the main dashboard page.  It is essential for anyone who has a food plan with a calorie deficit.  This number is dynamic - it changes as the day goes on.  It will increase when you are active and decrease when you have a long sedentary period.  The Today Summary on the Food page is useless.  I make food decisions (like a little treat) based on that number on the Today page.



Most useful widget there was.

A poor decision to remove it. 



Completely agree! This was a vital part of the previous app! Who on Earth thought it was a good idea to remove this???

Crazy to remove this part of the app. So many people use it to track their calories and try we’ve made that so much harder to do!! I have premium but I doubt I’ll renew now the most viral part of the app for me has gone!


I absolutely agree with this request. Removing the dynamic calories remaining estimate from the dashboard tile (and from anywhere else that I can see) has severely limited the utility of the FitBit app for me. The icon that currently provides a general estimate as to whether I will be under, at or over my calorie goal by the end of the day is not sufficient for me to plan meals and snacks in the evening. I'm left to guess at how much below or how much over I am, which is especially unhelpful as I have acid reflux that sometimes requires I modify my caloric intake for the day. 


It sounds silly but this feature was such a big part of my daily life.. I don’t know what to do without it. I hate this app update and wish there was a way of going back to the previous one which has helped me with my calorie intake for years. I really hope the feedback will get them to reverse this awful update. 


I also am VERY upset that this helpful tool is gone. The new app is horrible.

Not applicable

One of the most useful features of the Fitbit app gone!

What rationale did you have to remove it? 


First Steps

Absolutely agree!  I use this feature a lot and want it back. The new look is awful. 

Recovery Runner
The tile that shows kilojoule intake in vs kilojoule left is gone in this new update. It was a tile that had the apple icon. And i could move it freely around on my Today page. This was one of the best features of Fitbit and it helps me lose weight. WHY WOULD YOU REMOVE THIS? Which people in corporate allowed this to occur? Absolutely embarrassing
Recovery Runner

I agree completely! The tile with the apple icon. I also made a post about this. I'm in the same boat as you and found this feature the most helpful for losing weight. How could they take it away? What a stupid idea.


The daily calorie basic estimate that we built upon as the day unfolded was literally the ONLY reason I have stayed with Fitbit. If it is not restored I will switch to an Apple Watch. I cannot believe that it was removed. How incredibly short sighted of your designers! 

Stepping Up
Please bring back this feature of the home screen for those of who use the app for weight maintenance/calorie counting reasons to maintain a stable weight. For those who need to stay within a certain weight for health reasons, you need to know if you need to eat more or if you’re within the right amount of calories for the day !

Yes, please reinstate the "calories left" feature. This is is super important. I relied on this to plan a healthy dinner or know when I need to get a short in walk after dinner. 

First Steps

Please bring this feature back! It was the first thing I noticed when my app updated to the new version. 

Recovery Runner

Yes! This is the worst part of the new update for me. Why take this feature away? It's the only reason I own a Fitbit.


Yes, now I don’t know how much I can eat! I will blame Fitbit if I gain weight.

Recovery Runner

Yes, this was the function I used the most!! 

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