Bring back Calories Left estimate on new Fitbit app

Please can we have the actual, numerical estimate of calories remaining back on the app please? I have been following a sedentary calorie deficit plan since mid August and have lost over half a stone. I was very dependent on this metric to plan my food. Now I'm too scared to have a yoghurt in-case it tips my little pointer into the pink zone!

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Recovery Runner

I think I can agree with just about everything everyone has said so far.  Why you would remove such a popular and useful function is beyond me.


I totally agree with this comment. I need the count of calories dynamically calculated according to the amount exercised that day to determine if I could eat more food and still stay within my weight loss daily calorie count. Go back to the old app!

First Steps

Agreed. This is an incredibly disappointing update and also really demonstrates a lack of understanding of the Fitbit userbase. 
As others have said this was the major reason I continued to use Fitbit. Workout it i have no reason to continue using it. 

First Steps

This needs to be solved. Until then my Fitbit might as well live in a draw, as this was one of the main reasons I used it. Hugely disappointing 


I agree. I need the "calories remaining" count to keep me on track. Having this information is so helpful and I've been succeeding in my goals, without it it's confusing.

First Steps

Agree - without this feature, I feel completely lost. Please add back the projected calories!



Just wanted to let you know that I think you can see calories left on the Fitbit dashboard. I just logged in and found it. Obviously very inconvenient but seems to be there?



I have just logged onto my Fitbit account and it seems to show the ‘calories left’ estimate. Not ideal to log onto website but at least it’s there if people really need the number (like me!). 

Keeping Pace

Agree.  The dynamic calorie estimate to end of day needs to be available as one of the 4 focus tiles on the app main page. 

The calories left estimate does not account for sedentary calories that will be burned until midnight. It’s a false number, unlike the previous version.

Sent from my iPhone

The calories left number on the website dashboard does include the sedentary calories. But the one on the app no longer does obviously 😕


Wholeheartedly agree! This is literally the feature that distinguishes Fitbit from competitors for me. All in one device/app integrated calorie tracking with real-time estimate changes based on activity is VITAL for me. This is the only way I've ever been able to lose weight consistently. After a few years of being lax with myself and gaining a few too many pounds, I put myself back on a deficit plan 6 weeks ago, and have successfully lost 6 pounds. Imagine my surprise and panic when my app suddenly doesn't tell me the information I need! I researched so many apps and other fitness trackers in the span of an evening and simply couldn't find anything else that compared. PLEASE revert this feature at least to the old app figure! I can get past some weird design changes if the functionality I've come to rely on can still be available to me. This makes me seriously question my planned upgrade from my Gen 1 Versa to the new Pixel 2 Watch when it releases.

First Steps

AGREED! Please please bring it back. This was the main reason that I used my Fitbit. 

First Steps

Yes please bring back this function of the calorie estimate to the homepoge of the app. For me this is also one of the main reasons I use fitbit instead of the apple watch.

I agree!  I rely on this feature daily and is the only reason I've kept with a Fitbit.


In line with all the other comments - please restore the calories remaining feature on the app! This is one of its most useful features! 

Stepping Up

Please return the remaining calories back to the app!  I recently upgraded to the Charge 5. I can adjust to the new format (although not as user friendly as the prior one) but I cannot live without this measure. I could always adjust my meals and/or activity based on calories remaining, but there is no way to calculate how many more calories I will burn. It is not helpful to know I am "in target range" when I don't know the target! Why would you take away such a useful measure????  After lunch today, I am already 195 calories over, so how do I plan dinner? It also helped me stay on a reduced calorie plan especially if I know I can possibly have that little treat after dinner or before going to bed!  An incentive to stay on course. If not returned, I know I will not be upgrading to Charge 6.  Thank you for your consideration.

First Steps
Without the expected daily calorie burn the Fitbit ap has become a massively less useful tool for me. Please bring it back!

Absolutely agree!

I have a medical condition which means I can’t exercise too much and to lose weight I have to do it by diet. Fitbit was first tool that I’ve found works for me.

since update I’ve struggled planning my daily meals, I’m a working mum… I have to plan ahead and I just can’t now. The help line just told me to look at weekly average then do the maths… why would I want an app where I now have to sit down and do the calculations?? Also this doesn’t work when my activity changes day to day, depending on whether I’m flaring up!

First Steps
I HATE the new app format. When I log on in the morning it takes no account of my basal metabolic rate. It told me this morning I had 200 calories left for the day. This was the one thing that made the Fitbit app so much better than the rest, I could go along with my day and adjust based on exercise. It's atrocious
I discovered that going to the website will still give you the correct estimated calories left for the day, but that’s a pain when you’re used to using the app.

Sent from my iPhone
They’re right! Log into the website:

Then save to quick notes (iPhone) and login. At least it has some useful
information. You can refresh to update. Good luck!
Recovery Runner

Yes, please return the remaining calories in ios for fitbit app.

And please also check the integration with other food apps, so the registered food shows in fitbit app, without need to update the calories section several times. Before the update this was registered automatically. It is important since fitbit doesn't have food base from all countries, so some of us depend on this integration to function properly. 

First Steps

I dont want to have to go into another app - this defeats the purpose of having the app and the ease in the first place. I will be buying an apple watch if this isnt sorted as their interface was the one thing that ever put me off. The hardware is so much nicer. I've been using fitbit since 2016 religiously, and this is one of the main reasons that it appealed to me.

Yes PLEASE bring back this feature!!!!!  It's by far one of the most helpful pieces of data the app provides!

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