Bring back Calories Left estimate on new Fitbit app

Please can we have the actual, numerical estimate of calories remaining back on the app please? I have been following a sedentary calorie deficit plan since mid August and have lost over half a stone. I was very dependent on this metric to plan my food. Now I'm too scared to have a yoghurt in-case it tips my little pointer into the pink zone!

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps
I’m not seeing the predicted calories remaining either.

The “calories” page still shows calories in/out so far in the day but this
is extremely unhelpful when meal planning…
First Steps
Same. It’s not back on my app either. The simple formula of calories burned
so far minus calories eaten so far on the Food page is not even close to as
helpful as the estimated remaining calories function on the Home page that
has been eliminated. Hope they bring it back!!
Recovery Runner

YES! I’ve been using the Fitbit app for nearly a decade and this has always been the most useful metric to me, and the dial is absolutely useless! PLEASE bring back the numeric values!!!!


Please, please, please put the calories left for the back on the main dashboard page in bold easy to glance at font  It is essential for anyone who has a food plan with a calorie deficit.  This number is dynamic - it changes as the day goes on.  It will increase when you are active and decrease when you have a long sedentary period.  The Today Summary on the Food page is useless without showing calories available.  Make it easy to see!!!. 

First Steps

Absolutely agree. This was a useful feature and should be restored.

First Steps

This was THE most useful feature in tracking my calories for the day. Why would anyone think it should be removed? Do the people developing the app actually even use it? Is there anyway we can revert back to the old dashboard or are we stuck with this garbage update?

First Steps

Why was this feature removed in the first place. Really confused since my iphone has lost the calories left following the update, but my husband's pixel 7 pro android with the updated fitbit app STILL SHOWS calories left... what the heckety heck is going on, Fitbit!

Recovery Runner

I agree!  It's completely useless to be told you've exceeded your calorie limit for the day because it's 3 p.m. and you've eaten 1000 calories and expended 1250!!  The new app is overall terrible but the removal of this particular feature really makes me angry.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Lindsey1981, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about bringing back the calories left estimate on the new Fitbit app with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Tempo Runner

@LizzyFitbit  How can we vote for this when you as the moderator removed the voting status?  It's easy for you to copy and paste standardized responses but since you have blocked the voting on this status, this issue will never get any votes and therfore will be ignored by Google / Fitbit when reviewing what items to reinstate to the new app.  If you are going to post "if it gets enough votes", the voting status needs to be activated. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @waynecz, and thanks for your inquiry. Let me confirm that the voting status is open so other users can continue supporting this idea. If it appears grayed out on your end, it might be that you already voted for this idea. While every product feedback accepts one vote per user, you can encourage other members to vote and share their comments.

Tempo Runner

@LizzyFitbit  I am on a mobile device and on this device their is no voting status shown at all.  I will check my home computer when I get home to verify one way or the other and send you screenshots of what I am seeing.

I suggest you vote the same way most of us are going to, which is with your
wallet. Nothing says “poor upgrade” better than losing a few million loyal

At this point I have purchased an Apple Watch. The dynamic calories remaining number was what set FitBit apart for me, and if I’m going to have to calculate that amount myself anyway, I might as well upgrade my smartwatch capabilities. I still have my Sense 2, and if the dynamic calorie estimate is restored in the future, there is a good chance I would be willing to return to FitBit for that functionality. 

Tempo Runner

@LizzyFitbit  - I opened this on three different browsers on my mobile device; Duck Duck Go, Google Chrome, and Firefox and none had the voting at the bottom.  On my home laptop computer, I opened this in 4 different browsers; Duck Duck Go, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox.  Every browser and device show no voting.  I can see voting on some of the other topics but not this one.  There are multiple topics it appears when the moderator goes in and edits their comments or adds comments the voting is blocked from there forward.  Sounds like another items that needs fixed.  Here is a sample screenshot.  

Fitibt Voting Missing 10312023.png


I find this so upsetting. This is the most importnat feature of why I had a fitbit. I've stopped using the fitbit app and am using the app Cronometer to log my calories and see the "calories left" but it's not the exact same, and it's clunky having to use two apps and sync them. Super not happy, looking around for other watches now so I can stop using fitbit all togehter.

First Steps
My money’s on them reintroducing if for Fitbit premium users only. Does
anyone know of other trackers that do total calories?
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi there, @waynecz. Thanks for the steps tried and screenshots provided. Please scroll all the way to the top and you'll find the button to add your vote on the left side of this idea's title.


For the rest of the comments, we appreciate your feedback regarding the new Fitbit app and please know we'll keep working to make Fitbit more useful for you. Let me recommend checking our FAQs to learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed.

Recovery Runner

@LizzyFitbit “More useful”?  How “product is developed?”  The multiple complaints about the new app involve features that already existed and have been removed, making the app LESS useful. We don’t need information on how product is developed. We simply want the features back that we already had. This isn’t rocket science. 

Recovery Runner

Agree — the ability to vote is gone for me too. In this day and age of so many companies paying exquisite attention to customer feedback (or run the risk of becoming irrelevant) for Fitbit/Google to ignore their loyal customers’ outcry much less publish such a poorly executed “upgrade” is deplorable. 

First Steps

absolutely agree.

i have been using the app for may years solely because of this feature.

without it, there is now no difference between fitbit and other trackers.

so, i'm considering switch to withings now

Tempo Runner

@LizzyFitbit  Thank you.  I had already voted there.  What I was referring to is other forum posts allow you to vote at each person's comments if they elaborate on the subject at hand.  In any case, thank you for identifying where that voting location is now on certain posts.  

First Steps

I am presuming that being a software company, Fitbit engaged their user population /user group to research proposed changes to the software and not unilaterally make changes such as these without consultation? 

I hope that is the case and that I am in a minority that wanted this feature and it was removed from the app because the greater good deemed it appropriate. If so I am not seeing any comments here that say people requested this change. Poor software development process, it would appear.


I completely agree! I now have to use the website instead of the app which makes the app useless. 

First Steps
Concerned no official word from Fitbit on this matter. Perhaps since Google bought Fitbit out they have been instructed to go on radio silence on this matter.

Being a Google fan I would like to believe something better is in the pipeline following their acquisition but I need something from them to stay invested in the tech... Else I'm looking elsewhere.

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
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