Bring back Calories Left estimate on new Fitbit app

Please can we have the actual, numerical estimate of calories remaining back on the app please? I have been following a sedentary calorie deficit plan since mid August and have lost over half a stone. I was very dependent on this metric to plan my food. Now I'm too scared to have a yoghurt in-case it tips my little pointer into the pink zone!

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Distance Walker

@aesmaier I downloaded the MyFitnessPal app and synced my FitBit to get my exercise calories transferred. That app shows the calories remaining from the food I eat. Granted you have to learn a new environment but it works.

I miss when it said the remaining total in my FitBit app and I definitely miss the dashboard but this is what I will do now since I don't see FitBit doing anything to help. Good luck!

Recovery Runner

I was disappointed overall on the new app but I think I could get used to everything except this. To me it was the most looked at feature of the app.

Base Runner

This is the deal breaker for me. Without the calories left feature, my Fitbit is useless. Knowing how much I can eat in a day was my entire reason for keeping track of my steps and logging food intake each day. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Jubles, thanks for sharing this product feedback about bringing the calories left estimation to the Fitbit app with us. This idea was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the product feedback shared here doesn't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

New versions of the app do no show how many calories are left in my daily estimated budget and now that the browser dashboard is no longer available this function has completely gone. Please bring it back to the app.
First Steps
I am an Apple phone user and my Fitbit app is not reflecting properly the calories left for the time of day. Instead, it’s determining if I’m in the target zone based on my total estimated calories for the whole day. So if I eat a 1,000 calorie breakfast, and have only 500 calories out, my app will say I’m under target. Unlike the Android app
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @sheila2471, thanks for sharing this suggestion about bringing the calories left back on the Fitbit app with us. This idea was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support and keep adding your suggestions!


The daily calories estimate feature was literally the main (only?) reason I have stuck with Fitbit for more than 12 years - PLEASE BRING THIS FEATURE BACK! 


I have actually always used a third-party app (Lose It, MyFitnessPal, MyNetDiary, etc) in conjunction with Fitbit.  But only for meal creation/tracking.  Sadly, in each of those apps, the estimated calories remaining number was wildly off.  None of them matched the number Fitbit has (...had...)  and Fitbit's number is the one that always gave me the greatest success.  

With that being said, a person could take a third-party app and with enough fiddling, get to a place where the Calories Remaining in that app are accurate for them.  The closest I came to getting that to happen was with MyNetDiary.  Mostly because that app doesn't impose limits and lets you choose the percentage of Fitbit exercise calories you want to import.  I found that importing only 70% of my exercise calories is the sweet spot and it assists with Fitbit's overestimation of calories burned.    (Plus, I make myself shorter in the Fitbit app.  That affects the overestimation of calories burned, too)


Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Mikestrong, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about adding the calories left back to the Fitbit app with us. I noticed this product feedback was already requested on this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

Base Runner

So over 1k people have posted the same request and we're being ignored. Anyone find an alternative app or tracker? 


 Yes, I have completely given up on FitBit. Their trackers are garbage, and
the "Calories Left Estimate" feature of their app was literally the ONLY
thing that kept me buying their junk trackers (I average one tracker a
year, and I tried them all: the cheap ones and the "higher-end" trackers -
they all crapped out right at the one-year mark). Now that this feature of
their app is gone, I'm done.

Unfortunately, when my most recent Fitbit tracker died (at exactly the
one-year mark, just like all the rest), I decided to try the Google Pixel 2
watch. (This was before I realized the "Calories Left Estimate" feature was
gone - I hadn't been tracking calories for a while, as is evident by the
expansion of my backside)

That said, I am now using (and loving) the Lose It app. You have to pay for
it, but in my opinion, it is well worth it. Plus, once you join for a year,
you will get the option to buy a lifetime membership at a highly discounted
rate (around $45). It is so much better than Fitbit! Since my Google Pixel
watch is still tracked through Fitbit, I am connecting my Fitbit app to the
Lose It application for now.

Next time, I plan to get a Garmin, and NEVER EVER deal with Fitbit again!

I got a new app called my net diary, but it's not very accurate. When I walk in the morning with my friends, I walk 2.3 miles and when I put the tracker on that one, it was only 1.5 miles. That's a big difference.
Sent from my iPhone

It looks like someone has a dashboard available for use for now.  It brings back the “calories left to eat” calculation. It’s missing some of the exercise features, but I’m pretty happy with it.  That paired with myNetDiary (which is also pretty accurate for me, btw) and I’m good to go. 🙂 


Recovery Runner

Not seeing anything on my end. Just the dashboard no longer exists — go to the Fitbit app. 😥

Base Runner

I just tried this out and it works nicely


@Healeygal You tried the link I added and it doesn’t work?
It’s another dashboard, not the official FitBit dashboard.  I added the link to it: 

Recovery Runner

Hi yes the link worked. 😊 At first I thought it was Fitbit bringing back the dashboard but now realize it’s a third-party. That’s why I was confused. Thank you for posting!


Since Google purchased it, it is no longer the fitbit with advanced functionality and features used most. It's basically another dumbbed down version of all the other 100's of fitness trackers and apps. I needs to stop estimated for entire day, but allow you to earn calories based on real activity through the day like it use to. 

Recovery Runner

The calories left feature was the only thing that made FitBit stand out amongst competitors. You don't have wonderfully usable tech, you don't have fashionable tech. But that feature helped thousands of people lose and keep weight off. You have now added insult to injury by removing that same data from the online dashboard??


Please listen to your loyal customer base; we will leave you if you do not give us back the one feature that made you a useful product. I am actively looking into alternatives. You are a company. You should not want to lose loyal customers.


Whomever took over product development for Fit Bit needs to set their ego aside and realize they were wrong, and give us back the feature we've been asking for for OVER A YEAR.

Recovery Runner
I totally agree
First Steps

Totally agree. I had a similar post a while back and got no response from FitBit.

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