Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

My Fitbit died yesterday. Called Fitbit support today. They have no plans to change it. So that’s it. I will be going to Garmin I think. Vital has bad reviews. I don’t want an Apple Watch as the charge life is terrible. If they’d never touched the sleep features, I’d have purchased another Fitbit immediately. Been a loyal customer for 10 years but no more. They’ve made the app dull to look at. Non-engaging by removing challenges. And now finally, the sleep was the final straw for me! So goodbye. 

Recovery Runner

Having reviewed the thousands of feedback comments, I think it is safe to assume this downgrade was absolutely deliberate on the part of Google in an indirect attempt to kill off fitbit which it clearly doesn't want. This is underhand an unethical and I hope Google will learn that all they have done is increase a massive hostility to its monopoly power. They should rather have refunded us so we can move on from this nightmare. I will never ever consider buying a device that is owned and controlled by Google even though I have always found their search engine and other apps useful. However, I will never be a defender of Google again. They have been quite hateful and disrespectful to us and they will instill hate in return. Many comments have been removed as 'inflammatory' including mine, which is ironic in view of their inflammatory attacks on customers who purchase fitbit in good faith. They are male fides not us.

Recovery Runner

I understand Goggle bought Fitbit and it appears they just paid out dividends to shareholders due to revenues; but this move will leapfrog them backwards.  If that doesn't influence any future product development, then what will other than your customer satisfaction which obviously is plummeting with this new change to the introduction of the new sleep tracking metrics.  Is this alleged 'upgrade' worth losing all this?   It speaks poorly to your term 'customer satisfaction' and 'we care' statements.


Another disgruntled user. Sleep is important to me. This change is definitely for the worse. What could your development team possibly be thinking? This change is just a change to make a change. 

The details of the problems have been described by other users. For my part, this may be my last Fitbit. It is time to look for a watch that tracks my sleep better.

Recovery Runner


Having the sleep score subcomponent scores as a baseline was very helpful but now they are buried under the sleep score tile itself.

It is much more intuitive to see how the sleep score is calculated and then be able drill into each subscore if needed. Without this, the sleep score is just a mysterious number. 

Please redesign or at least revert to the old design. 

First Steps

The update to the sleep tracker is the worst ever.  The graph is unreadable and apparently someone doesn't understand what the word benchmark means because now it just shows your sleep.  There is no graph for your breathing rate.  The whole thing is a huge mess.  Used to love fitbit but now it's time to start shopping.


Please change the sleep score displays back to the last generation. The new layouts are not very helpful at all. I have been a longtime Fitbit user and I can’t believe they did away with the displays that was enjoyed and used by so many and replaced with these new displays that are so inadequate. 


The new design is horrible. The sleep graph is really really bad and as it’s the main metric I care about, it even has me considering looking elsewhere. I’ve been a Fitbit user for over 10 years and have convinced so many friends that Fitbit is the way to go over an Apple Watch. But I’m very dissapointed in the new  design. I can’t believe any product team would release something like that. As a VP of tech, I would never allow my team to GA something that has such bad UX. You launched this before and rolled it back, and the new version is even worse. I get that you have updated the aesthetic. But you have sacrificed functionality and readability. The sleep graph is unreadable and looks like you’ve made a mistake. What people want is to easily see the weekly stats and be able to scroll down and see weekly averages and sleep start and end times as you coven before. Now to get the weekly average, you have to scroll to the week and then scroll through each week. And it’s missing the start and end times. 

As a long term product leader, I’m shocked. Did you not test the new UX with your users? Are you not listening to the feedback in this forum? Please do better. 


Who thought this update was a good idea? They should lose their job. The old layout had very useful information and was more interactive. Change for the sake of change isn't progress. Please bring back the old interface. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Moderator, you should definitely share this with the "various teams" you mention in your response. Nobody seems happy with the new sleep summary. How many thousands of votes do you need?

First Steps

I agree! Please bring back the previous version! 


I would like to suggest to Fitbit/Google that they send a survey out to all subscribers asking what improvements need to be made to their products and what users priorities include.

The appearance of a survey would be an indication that the company is sincerely interested in serving its clients.


Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Recovery Runner
Thank you . You’ve done everything possible to help maintain what has been
a wonderful fitness device. I also had a lengthy conversation on the chat
line, and it appeared to be a robot that couldn’t actually answer a
question. They finally ended with just an acknowledgement of something to
the effect, “ this is the app “. I might have lived with the prospect of
the company forcing a new purchase every year, but it’s the sleep portion
of the app that Most important. Since you are a good investigator, if you
find a good replacement, please post.
First Steps
I will be leaving too, the quality of sleep was so easy to track on the previous edition, this one is so bad I didn't even bother to look this morning.
First Steps
The new sleep timeline is horrible and hard to use and visualize compared to previous one. Please bring old one back or maybe improve on it somewhat but it was working fine and easy to comprehend
Recovery Runner

The changes suck.  I want the feature of the old interface back.  Can’t dig into details as I used to and adjust sleep.  You’ve got me sleeping like 8 hours and it’s actually 5.  How could the dev team break the app so badly?   


I agree totally with J-Jag, who put it in better terms than I did. Like J-Jan I have recommended Fitbit to friends (over Apple). Now, I am not sure I will be keeping it for myself. 

First Steps

Respectfully, I must add my voice here.  Please revert to the previous display of sleep tracking.  
I am a 9 year Fitbit user, and the cumulative app re-designs of the last year have been "form at the expense of function."
I don't want to leave Fitbit but the app re-designs are making it tough to stay.
Thank you.

First Steps
Great idea!
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Why isn't anyone from Google/Fitbit replying to all of these messages? I feel like Fit Bit was much more responsive to customers before they sold to Google. Is Google just trying to run Fit Bit into the ground so all the customers leave? 

Recovery Runner

I have had a Fitbit for many years.  The only tracker I wanted to use.  I pay for the Premium, but if the old sleep format is not restored, I will cancel and move on.  I have not been happy with several other "changes" either, however, I learned to live with them, but this one is a deal breaker.  

First Steps

I've used this app for a couple of months. I initially choose Fitbit because of the fun design of the app. Unfortunately the new lay-out is mandatory and I really don't like it. I'm really considering canceling my account and go to another activity tracker. Please fitbit. Give us at least the possibility to choose our own colorscheme or else accept that you will lose me as a customer. 

First Steps

I will also respectfully weigh in and say that the recent app updates have been "Form at the expense of Function."
Please consider reverting the app UX back to the versions from last year.  
I realize that your design/development teams work hard, but perhaps it is time for a path forward that brings back clear usability.
Thank you.


This new sleep summary page would be fine if it were for 1 single page of it, and then the rest of the pages were the old style scroll through to see each nights sleep day by day week week by week. Also getting the one or two page simple. Graphs of weekly, monthly sleeping habits that you could simply, like the daily sleep stats, tap side to side to scroll through history was massively more user friendly.

This new design locks data behind obscure summaries and prevents us from being able to manually fix mistakes that the Fitbit sleep recording is undeniably still making. And even worse than before. It now assumes I sleep 4-5 extra hours simply because I'm still in bed, and I can't edit shiii if I leave it for a day or 10, which I almost always do.

My habit has ALWAYS been to check my sleep every 3-5 weeks. Then go through and delete all of the 1-3 hour sleep recordings that are from time at the computer in the middle of the day, or while I'm obviously awake in bed, using my phone, getting up every 10 min, yet it somehow decides I was asleep the entire time. Now? Not possible at all. I can't give my doctor a realistic idea of the hours I truly fall asleep at. Nor can I rely on the app now to actually track my true sleep length with any accuracy. I'm disabled and spend a lot of time in bed, but very little of that is sleep, and distinguishing even if I need to do it manually is extremely important to the quality of my care.

Recovery Runner

Not only does the new sleep display sucks it also doesn’t display any historical data, for someone with ALS historical data is very important yet Fitbit doesn’t seem to care about how the end user feels.

The new sleep app incorrectly segments my sleep. Some nights, huge chunks of my sleep are missing. Other nights, chunks of sleep show up as “other sleep” with no analysis. These aren’t naps … this is sleep inside my normal sleep times. I’ve had my Fitbit for 4 years. This only started when the sleep app was recently updated.
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