Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
Recovery Runner
I found it and installed the old version. It worked! The ones "golfer" posted did not install without "a bug". Do internet search  for fitbit fix and choose the guide on Reddit. Follow instructions.Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device
I can't even get a reply from a moderator. I have asked 2 for an update as
to when we might see at least some information as to if an update is in the
works. NO RESPONSE, silence.
Recovery Runner

Please count my vote on bringing back the original and previous Fitbit version. Uggghhh. Thus latest version has a horrible, very unfriendly Sleep section, as opposed to the previous  version. So many, like myself,  use the Sleep function of the app stats, as SOON as we look into the app each morning. I was one of the very first to make note of thr distaste of this latest Fitbit "downgrade", when it was first posted on by a Fitbit associate.....asking for Feedback. 

Please, please heed this feedback, that has consistently detested the new version, and bring back the previous one that everyone absolutely loved. 

Recovery Runner
I don't know if this helps but I got this from the Fitbit Users UK Facebook
page and I'm a bit worried about mentioning it in case I lose it.

Click on the You tab at the bottom of the page. The next page that opens
is Community with a series of coloured pictures across the top of the page,
scroll right until you find the picture that says 'Feed'. Tap on that and
near the top of the page is a blue running man and a navy moon. Tap on this
and it will open another page with a series of boxes. Tap on the box that
says Sleep and you have a daily/weekly list of your sleeps. Check out
Activity/ Exercise too.

Hope that helps you and your doctor.

It's horrible

@annieb57 this is genius
How nice to see it like this
Thank you!
Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

@annieb57  Thank you for this! It has the old weekly exercise format too. Thanks so much!

Recovery Runner
Thanks! Does it work with iPhone please?
Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

Fitbit has pulled its email support. After the last update, they stopped doing email support. As little as only a week ago, I was working through tickets via email. Note:

"While we’re no longer offering support by email, if you don’t see what you’re looking for or need additional support, you can always chat with us online or give us a call."

Recovery Runner

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery!
Today is a gift!
That’s why we call it the present!
Enjoy your gift of today!

Recovery Runner

I guess google is waiting for people to stop complaining. Much easier to do that than actually do something users are asking for - well, anything that won't immediately generate any new revenue anyway (lost revenue? how many will leave because of this? if I had a 1:1 replacement, I 100% would). A semi-sweet victory is that the web site (once you ignore the warning that 'this is old stuff, leave here and get the new stuff') has a beautiful, extremely easy 'analysis at a glance' chart. Which is easier to understand, this?


Or this:



Tempo Runner

@BJEANW. Yes. I agree. If they have the ability to change the info to a useless jumble of junk, they have the ability to reprogram it back.

First Steps

I agree.  I am not a fan at all of the new sleep "graph".  It's very difficult to read.  I'm not a fan of the new layout of the "Today" page since Google took over either.  I thought everything before was just fine.  Not sure why they felt the need to make changes.  If they were changes for the better, I would be more accepting, but they are not.

First Steps

I agree. First, the awful update late last year with giant, obnoxious lettering and a lack of the color it used to have. Now, my sleep chart is goofed up with some sad excuse of a chart and missing time labels. It seems my fitbit has also stopped recording my naps for whatever reason. I was 75% sure I'd be switching devices after this one dies, and now I'm pretty much 100% sure. I've never owned a product in my life that has reverted from something so good to something so terrible in a matter of months. 


Thanks to Advantent for the fix. It worked, for now.

First Steps
Geez, what a retrograde step with that new and terrible presentation of the Sleep stages! Please bring back the simple and very effective old version. The new version appears to be on a diet and it just is not easy on the eye. Fitbit, remember the good old advice: “KISS” or “Keep It So Simple.”
Stepping Up
Please bring back the sleep chart. The one you have now is like "connect the dots". Really? It's really ugly UI/UX Design. It's hard to read and NOT pleasing to the eye at all. What you had before was just fine. Please bring back the previous one or give us some better cool design. Thank you.
First Steps

Incredible bad update! Please bring back the previous sleeping summery. No one asked for such an unprofessional update, I guess.

First Steps

I have just received my 6 year badge. I am so frustrated with the change to the Fitbit sleep tracking that it will probably be my last. I found the previous sleep feedback clear, informative and useful. The change means the graphic is harder to read, you have to search for information that was previously clearer and all previous history of ‘sleep animal’ has been lost. I actually checked this and found it useful as a record, matching sleep patterns to what had happened in my daily life. One trip to the bathroom at 3am now invalidates the whole night’s sleep as it shows up as wake time. If I edit it to actual wake-up time, all the specific information disappears and just bars appear. My Premium membership is feeling more and more a waste of money. I much preferred the previous version, please revert or modify the new one so that it has the best features of the previous one. 

First Steps

Yes.  The new one is awful!!

Totally agree that the sleep update sucks. Also looking to drop Fitbit. 

First Steps

I hate the new sleep format! I’m a huge Fitbit fun but I’m considering to change the brand, at least to see the others what they propose. I’m so disappointed by their recent changes. I’ve got impression that every time they change it’s often for worse.

First Steps

Please bring back the old changes. 

I've had to sideload an older version just to bring back the good sleep UI as the new one is awful.

At least give us the option to choose between the two. 


How did you sideload it?

We have choice in watch faces, a choice in sleep data presentation would be
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