Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
It’s changed again this morning. No different stages of sleep and no oxygen

Itvreally is awful
First Steps
One of the main reasons I even wear a fitbit is for the sleep tracking and monitoring. I've always loved the amount of info it provided, now it is pretty much useless. I just invested in a new fitbit this year, I'm worried now I made a poor purchase and should have gotten an oura ring. I won't be continuing with Premium that's for sure.
First Steps

Couldn't agree more! There's a very old saying - don't try to fix something that works!!

I personally have never seen such a bad improvement. 




Absolutely massively disappointed. Not only is it awful on the eyes no sleep stages , no xygen levels.

Really bad update Garmin is looking good for next fitness tracker 

First Steps

I liked the old sleep summary much better. On the old summary it was much easier to see details about time spent at each sleep stage through the night and how long for.

I like the heading for sleep schedule on the new summary.

First Steps

Totally agree. I don’t like any of the software updates/displays but this new sleep arrangement is particularly awful. 

First Steps

I bought a fitbit to monitor my sleep. Fitbit gave me a lot of information. After the update I get much less information. no more precise hours, no more minutes of how long I am in a certain sleep phase. the update is confusing. Please restore the old version.


First Steps
New layout of sleep screen is horrible & discourages users from tracking their sleep - which is one of Fitbits differentiators.
It is cramped, hard to see a pattern and generally unhelpful.
This feedback is consistent across other users but your new format in NO way accommodates for users with Dyslexia and other nueorodiversity challenges.
First Steps

I TOTALLY AGREE! I really am struggling with the new version of the app! I don’t mean technically but visually! The previous version was SO easy to read and understand and this version is terrible and I just wanted to provide some feedback to say I wish we had all the features of the previous version..
Sorry to be negative but after 6 years as a loyal Fitbit user, I don’t feel like using it anymore 😞

Recovery Runner

I have already posted twice on this; Re: Redesigned Sleep experience now in the Fitbit app (Fitbit Community Subscription Update) to show how utterly disappointed I am with the new sleep experience!?! Hundreds of comments all expressing their frustration with the new sleep graph/format. And also dissatisfied customers already looking to buy an alternative, including me! Please what’s going to take to bring the previous sleep track back?? PLEASE!!! 

First Steps
The latest upgrade to the fitbit app UI, has made the app almost unusable. Most egregious is that the new sleep graph is unreadable as it just looks like lots of black lines trying to connect all the colour blobs together. Plus it's no longer tappable to get information at a specific graph point. Very disappointed. Is there any way to go back?
Recovery Runner
The new sleep-duration in Android Fitbit app 4.14 is useless.
First Steps

I do not like the new sleep results that Fitbit now is using. It is not user friendly at all! Please go back to how you had it before. I checked it daily and bow I don't even understand what I'm looking at! Please consider going back to the other design whivmch was easy to read and user friendly.

Recovery Runner

I completely agree ! I was going to write to talk about it, thank you for doing it before me!
I've been taking the paid version of Fitbit for years SPECIFICALLY for sleep (it helps with my health problems), I'm disgusted!
The graph is ugly but if it wasn't that maybe I'll get used to it but:
- It is no longer possible to see at what time (and for how long) I was insomnia since you can no longer click on a point on the graph
- Sometimes the watch thinks I'm sleeping when I'm just on the couch in the evening watching a movie before going to bed. Before I could click on a “wake-up” point to see the actual time I went to bed and therefore modify the bedtime. This is no longer possible ! This night, it is noted that I slept from 8 p.m. to 9:50 a.m., this is false!
- Since the update, I went to the web version (even if it's a shame to have to go to the computer for that) and I could see the graph and modify the bedtime but now the web version DOES NOT DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE
- I can no longer click on the graph to enlarge it and then turn my smartphone to see in landscape mode more easily
- Basically, it no longer has any use

I hope this will be corrected soon! I bought a new watch this fall, my subscription was renewed for a year a few weeks ago. I'll be really bummed if I had to change watch brands and lost all that money because of this stupid update.


Just  got a message  back  from  them,  seems they  think they have  done  well ~   they are not  listening and they  say you cannot  opt to  go back. The screen is  more  difficult to  read,  it doesn't  look  good..  If this  is their  direction they are going  in I may be looking elsewhere  for  product and I have had fitbits  for  many many years.  It would  be nice to have an option.   



Dear Fitbit developers, please don’t assume that some people like this new sleep chart just because you may only have 1000 complaints. I can assure you that if you poll the entire Fitbit community who uses it for sleep tracking, nobody likes it and we are all disgruntled. It took me a while to find the place to post my comment and I almost  gave up. Please give us the option to reinstate the older sleep charts.

First Steps

Agree - same here.   The new product update makes it difficult to determine how well you slept and to track/compare trends to better manage your evening activities in preparation for sleep. Disappointment. 

First Steps

The new sleep stats are terrible - less accurate, and far more difficult to read. As a visually impaired person, changes like this make something so inaccessible😞


Fitbit, please change it back...or give us the option to customise the colours and style. 

First Steps
Most recently how we view sleep has been updated, but this updates is only the continuation of prior updates to the interface which are terrible. It very difficult to read, fonts are small making the insights blend in with the general fine print. I'm not gaining much from this app anymore. Returning to a format similar to the old would be better.
First Steps

Very unhappy with the new sleep UI. Week at a glance no longer shows daily sleep and wake times and this was the most useful part to me. Almost useless now. The analysis portion is very difficult to read and the previous one was so good. Please bring back old UI.


I completely agree. I hate the new sleep display. It is practically worthless to me now. They removed functionality and made the existing data almost impossible to interpret. I am due for an upgrade and was going to get the newest Inspire, but now I’ll be looking for a different brand instead. So disappointing. 

Stepping Up

I agree. The new sleep info is awful, very difficult to see. Much better before.

First Steps

They took the most important part of the app and made it unusable. So disappointed 

First Steps

I totally agree with everyone regarding the Sleep Tracking. Hey Google, ever heard the saying "If it ain't broken,  don't fix it"?  I suggest you put it back the way it was.



Have to agree with majority of the comments re new sleep data display.  White background is horrible.  Color choices hard read against background.   In searching today, did learn could take my finger and scroll across the bar to see exact times.  That was ok. Regrettably no oxygen level data today. Not sure why. I've asked before and am asking again, how does fitbit vet new changes? Seems to community you are vetting amongst yourselves and not a wide audience. If the latter, pls tell us how to join one of your focal groups so we can weigh-in on proposed changes.  Plus you do a very poor job of announcing updates!!!!  Appears you just do it and wait for users to react.  Shame on you! Sleep data is critical, so unless you are sure a change is for the best, quit messing it up!

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