Bring the old food log interface back.

It appears that the food log input format changed today (2/13/18). Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? The new format is much more cumbersome in my opinion. I prefer the original format. Any input/comments/recommendations welcome!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

Recovery Runner

I too hate the new format. I can still log on my phone but I like to sign into the site sometimes to look at my actual macros (not %) and this new layout is a pain ;-(


This is the third day using this miserable "new & improved" food log system, & that just about says it all - MISERABLE.


Birthday this weekend will definitely be spent looking for a different brand of fitness tracker - one with more consumer-friendly software AND more consumer-friendly customer service.

Recovery Runner

I didn't like the new format when they introduced it a few months ago and don't care for it now.

Recovery Runner ……… I thought it interesting that if you go to this main Fitbit web sight there are over 4000 unhappy people with the new food log. But what I thought was really interesting was right at the first a Fitbit employee typed a statement....You will get use to it..... I then left a message on that web sight. there's employees reading the complaints over there. 46 people complained here but over 4000 complained over there. Maybe we should make it 5000 and do messages over there I did.


go back to old food log don,t change things that work  wake up


dumb move on food log


Ugh, they did it again.  Dear Fitbit people, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!   What you had was good, and I really wish you'd just leave it.    The new interface is clunky and annoying to use, please revert it back to what we had.   Thank you!

Recovery Runner

hi.  i agree.  this new version of the food log is completely awkward and non-user-friendly.  can you give us a way to revert to the basic/orginal form if we don't like it?  thanks.


I applaud the effort to improve the editor... but you've made two steps forward, and fifteen steps back.   You've upgraded the stereo in my car, but now the engine won't start.  You gave my airplane a new paint job, but now it's missing a wing.


Come on guys, why did you take away functionality?  Did you even bother doing any beta testing or usability testing outside your own closed group of developers? 


Y'all need to go read some of Donald Norman's books on design and usability.  Take (part of) a page from Google and give people the option of trying out a new interface in order to get feedback.  Don't break critical functionality in the name of aesthetics.


Fitbit has been an awesome tool to lose 40lb and get in the best shape of my life.  I've pitched it to coworkers, family, friends, and even my dentist.  I'm hoping I don't have to regret that recommendation.

First Steps

The new interface for entering food is horrible.  How in the world did this ever make it through quality control?  Its twice as hard as the old system, missing half the features, much slower, and very frustrating.  Whoever thought that this was a good idea needs to be fired, it is so poorly done!  Since is has been up for several days, I'm guessing that there is no hope.   I'm on my 4th fitbit watch, but I think this is the straw that will make me move on to another alternative.

Recovery Runner
sorry to hear that you'll be moving on.  i've had the fitbit one forever (a few times since they got laundered by accident), and rely on daily calorie/nutrition logging.  this is so much more time consuming and clumsy.  so it's very disappointing change.  hoping to get used to it though.  at least it's colorful.  
Recovery Runner
They’re counting on us to “get used to it”. Don’t cave. It’s not colorful, it’s bland, unintuitive and it sucks. Give us back the old UI.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

You’re killing the Fitbit passion. With all the competitive options, one would think you would listen to your users. They are the reason for your success. 

First Steps
I totally agree. It's hard to read and hard to use. Why mess with something
that's working well?
Interval Runner

as I don't want to duel post could I request that the developers or whoever reads there check my suggestion on

to see if you could do this - its not ideal but its a compromise I think a lot more people will be happy with


Kind Regards




First Steps

The new interface is overly complex interface clearly designed by someone in IT department who's working with servers. An accepted principle of user interface design  is to keep it simple and then let the user select options for introduce complications. This user interface is a mess of graphs. Wish we had to option for the old version... call it "classic" 


I am totally incensed with this update.  Not only is it cumbersome but you do not have a good view of the total for the day and it is awkward to put in previous days.   One of my main complaints then, is it would be nice if your R&D dept could sent a mass email to the customers regarding this updates and give us the option to go with the new or stay with the old.  It seems to me that a lot more planning  and communication with Clientele is needed before updates are arbitrarily put into production. This reminds me of the download debacle that occurred a few months ago.  It seems to me that the developers are attempting to drive customers away.  My philosophy is "if it ain't broken don't fix it".

Recovery Runner

Two words....Clunky and counter-intuitive...The former interface was easy to use and at least tracked what we needed which included fiber...and to try and modify serving size was easy on the former I can find that is user friendly. This design is like taking a sip of water out of an open fire hydrant. Too much on one page and too little of what was needed to track. I've been using this application for two years and during that time I'd lost over 60lbs by tracking primarily fiber, calories and protein...Also hard to trust given that the new recipe we just input for an egg pie with vegetables is showing 29 grams of sugar in it...that's a hard No...

Recovery Runner

Hate it today just as much as the day this new and NOT improved version of food tracking was forced upon Fitbit's loyal customers. On the other hand, I'm enjoying researching the current and upcoming trackers/smart watches being released by companies which are likely more (or even somewhat) responsive to their users' needs. Good-bye to Fitbit as soon as I return to the US in the springtime.

First Steps

The new food log interface is not useful at all.  In the old interface I could easily scroll back weeks at a time using the small calendar and find a meal that I wanted to replicate. I just had to click on that meal and it would add it to my current days log.  I can't do this anymore.  Now I have to scroll through the recents log of hundreds of items or key it in from scratch all over again.  Bring back the old interface.


An illustration of some problems:


fitbit food editor.PNG


I cannot express how much I hate it.  The old one worked just fine and while I may have had a suggestion or two for improvement, what they did was take it in the complete opposite direction of where it needs to go.  It is SO cumbersome and confusing it makes me want to give up calorie tracking.  This purpose of these tools is to make it easy for people to maintain their food intake.  Everything take so many clicks to get to.  Everything needs to be expanded or clicked open where before everything was just there.  You cannot adjust serving size until you log the food then go back into it and change serving.  Calorie tracking is annoying in the first place but it works.  I had settled into a good routine with this and was having success bc it was easy to use.  Now I feel like I am looking at some amateur website from 1996.  Please switch it back.  


I agree the new format stinks. It is not easy to transition from the original site to the current site. You should be given the option to revert.

Recovery Runner

Yes I too hate the new food log please bring the old one back or at least give us an option to stay with the old one 

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