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I would think with the Iwatch coming out soon that fitbit might want to try and compete with a good windows version of the surge. Let see Apple has a heart rate monitor and message alerts. Fitbit has the same for Iphone. When the most Fitbit features support Iphone it almost like you are asking people to go and buy the I watch . We need windows products that can blow apple out of the water.
Having call and sms notifications is such a simple thing to accomplish for Windows Phone 8.1 users! I sent in a comment to FitBit asking when WP 8.1 users could expect an app that would provide the same access and capabilities that are available to iPhone and Android users. The response I got was pathetic and without any redeeming qualities or information.
Come on FitBit...get on the ball and get this same level of interactive capability added for WP 8.1 users of your product. Otherwise, now that Microsoft Band has improved product availability with FAR, FAR more capabilities for Windows Phone users, I will dump my Charge HR, tell my friends and work colleagues who also have Windows Phone to not even consider your product as it is poorly supported...and go out to buy Microsoft Bands!!! Now, are you going to do something positive...or give me the same pathetic "oh, I don't know" BS I received from Stephani?!?!?
It's bad enough that the new ChargeHR does not support the call notification feature in Windows phones that they do in iOS and Android but was really disappointed the the WP ChargeHR app does not even show the heart rate data on the phone app dashboard. All those new feature ideas are great but when are you going to provide Windows phone users with the minium of what your other customers get? I specifically waited for the ChargeHR so I could easily monitor my heart rate during exercise sessions. When will you stop treating Windows phone users like second class citizens!
@KarinP I don't think they are treating us like second class citizens. The Windows Phone app was started much later and is making very good progress in catching up to iOS and Android. (In fact it has even gotten some features before Android.) With the release today that includes Mobile Run I think they are very close to having feature parity.
Fitbit has said that they are working on call notifications and will release it as soon as they can.
As far as live HR with the Charge HR they say that it is currently an OS limitation and they are waiting for Microsoft to fix it.
Michael, thanks for that feedback. Where did you learn all that? I asked customer service and they suggested I make a request on the new features forum.
@KarinP All of that comes from posts in the Windows Phone App forum. The Fitbit manager, TristanR, over the Windows platform is very active in the forum and fairly open about what their plans are and what the problems are. (From what I have seen more so than the managers over the iOS and Android apps.)
They tend not to share ETAs/timelines, but that is fairly common since so many things can impact the delivery dates.
Please support text and call notification on the Surge for Windows Phone. I'm afraid that it is a deal breaker for me, otherwise. As much as I like my old FitBit Flex, I won't consider a Surge without this feature.
Agree,please add this feature in wp8.1 and is pity windows users to be left outside,i own a surge,i paid 250 euro and i cannot use all of its features.
Yesterday bought Charge and big big disappointment from not having caller id feature on my Windows mobile. It’s nice and good product but without this feature its only half and if I knew it I could buy some cheaper stuff.
Please I strongly believe you add it soon and I could recommend your product to my colleague at work. We use Nokia as a company phone so there is many potential customers.
I bought the Charge thinking I would get the call notifications as it said it is compatible with Windows. I now realise that it meant the app is but not call notifications. The website is misleading. The support desk had to send me the link to find the pdf which says call notifications are not available on Nokia windows phones. I returned the Charge as it doesn't do what I really wanted it for in addition to tracking.
If I knew that the Call Notifications feature would be available on Windows phones in the near future I would buy one (again) now if I could run an update to make it work. At the moment I'm undecided whether to buy a cheaper fitbit or look at other makes...
Please FitBit Make it happen i have a Lumia 635 and i so bad need that notifications functions! I only bought your product becuse it have WP support, so please i beg you, we need that!
I recently purchased the Charge HR and am very satisfied with the product overall. However, I am disappointed that the caller ID doesn't work with any of the windows phone platforms. Please add this feature to enhance the fitbit experience for windows phone users.
I'm enjoying my Fitbit but like everyone else it would be great to have the option to receive notifications and texts on Windows Phone 8.1. This option would work well for those of us who want a little bit more "smart phone" options with our Fitbit.
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