Challenges on web Dashboard

Why can't I see my Challenges on my desktop dashboard?  That data is only available on the apps.


Moderator Edit: Changed title for clarification and added labels

Base Runner

I'll try to keep this short but...

I get what you are saying about the popularity of a suggestion, but now I have seen you talking about having the weather on the Blaze twice. That may be a good idea but it only benefits those who have and use the Blaze, where having access to the challenges on the desktop will benefit all.

So because a Blaze costs more than my One, should their needs or wants take a higher place in the implementation board than mine?

Yes there are more people who have smart phones and even if EVERYONE had a smart phone (very unlikely but let's say just for **ahem**s and giggles here). What if I'm in my computer, which happens to be a Mac, and I want to see my challenges in a bigger font or just see more of the challenge without having to scroll down, are you saying my wants don't rate on the Fitbit implementation list?

I did a lot of research before getting my first (first of many and I have bought many for friends and family too) Fitbits in 11/12. A lot has changed and they have come a long way in making it user friendly. I just personally think having a change to having the challenges on the desktop (dashboard) will serve more people than getting the weather on the Blaze!

Just my 2 cents.....

Sent from my iPhone
10K Racer



I mentioned that feature since it's one of the higher ranked on the list by votes, I could've picked any of the top rated feature suggestions.  I mentioned it the second time since I didn't bother to look up another one.  I mentioned it because it outranks this feature by a wide enough margin where there's no debate which one is requested by more users.


I do not know how Fitbit evaluates which feature suggestions to work on, but I'd be surprised if the number of votes was not one of (if not the biggest) contributing factor to that discussion.


No, I do not suggest that Blaze users should get more attention.  While I do have many trackers, the one I use most is the Fitbit One and I too feel that it does not get enough attention or new features.


And while on some level, I would've agreed with you that having challenges available to all Fitbit users seems to be more compelling than having the weather available on the Blaze, you can't ignore that nearly 50% more people (in considerably less time) have voted for the weather app than the challenges on the web dashboard.  This is especially telling when you also consider that the affected population of the former is only Blaze users and the affected population of the latter are all Fitbit users.  The numbers don't lie.


Yes, please make this Challenges accessible from the web dashboard! Voter #954

Stepping Up

Still commenting to keep this going. At least hoping to get more attention. Challenges on the dashboard. Hands up. lets do this. 


Come on!  So many people have requested over the years!  It isn't that hard!

First Steps

I would also like to see challenges and adventures on the dashboard. Where I live and work the phone app takes forever to load not to mention the adventures would be sooo much easier to see on a computer screen.

Hill Runner

I don't have a SmartPhone.  Won't ever.  I had to purchase a Used Samsung Android Tablet so that I could participate in Challenges.  I know when I'm invited 'cause I get an eMail.  But I can't always accept right away and occasionally, I'm the 11th (or more) Person.

Stepping Up

See ^^ and that's a problem We shouldn't have to purchase anything extra when it would be an easy fix just to make them available on the desktop dashboard. smh I love my fitbit.. and I'd love to be able to join challenges with my friends and family using what I already have.. which works for just about everything else. 

First Steps

Agree! We really need to see challenges!

I would very much like to see a "Challenges" tab or feature on the dashboard.   Please add my vote for adding this.

First Steps

I agree with many before me. Having the ability to track challenges from the web dashboard would be a great addition for me and likely more helpful than any of the other tiles.

First Steps

I love fitbit but I wish that I could access challenges from desktop.

I also prefer to use the nutrition on my fitbit app but it doesn't read many of the products I use. My fitness pal has a much larger database.

Luckly, i've linked both accounts.


Stepping Up

Please have access to our CHALLENGES on the computer website.   🙂    I like the access on my phone but would like to have it also on the website.

10K Racer

Note: Until this becomes available on the website, if you're running Windows 10, you can run the Windows 10 Fitbit App and access challenges on your Windows 10 computer (desktop, laptop, or tablet).

Keeping Pace

Not allowing web users to accept and participate in challenges alienates a large number of Fitbit users.  By adding this to the web dashboard you allow travelers without mobile access the ability to participate.


It's an easy fix. Make it happen 🙂

First Steps

I vote FOR this feature.


Btw, really concerning that this feature request has been submitted back in November 2014, and today is February 2017 and 430 comments later, this feature is still not present.

Keeping Pace

I agree.  I really have no understanding of why it is so complicated.  I use three computers, but can only acess the challenge feature on my IPad.  I specifically went out and purchased a laptop because I could not sync on the I have to take both the IPad and the laptop with me when I travel.  I am thinking it might be time to purchase a new type of tracker as opposed to a computer.

10K Racer

Hello @catdav,

If you purchased a laptop, was it running Windows 10?  If so, just install the Fitbit App, then you'll be able to participate in challenges.


Hello @dondondon,

It's not really fair to look at the history of this feature request and say that it hasn't been addressed.  While the feature request says "challenges on web dashboard", I think for many people this really means is "access from a computer" (since the only UI available on 2014 for Fitbit was the web dashboard).  Windows 10 was released on 07/2015, since then Fitbit has released a Fitbit App on Windows 10 which has access to challenges.  Unless you're running an older version of Windows (Windows 7 or earlier) or Mac or Chromebook, you can already participate in challenges.  For many folks, this has been addressed; I access challenges from my Windows 10 computers (desktop, laptop, and tablet) all the time.

I think there are plenty of us that are still working in the Window's 7 platform and/or on Chromebooks and don't use a Smart phone (like teens).   Should I have to buy a separate device?  Carry around a tablet?  Or shouldt they simply update so the older platforms can be accessed?
10K Racer



While I think that the point about Windows 7 is legit, I was merely pointing out that it's not necessarily fair to look at the history (when the feature suggestion was submitted) and the count of votes and assume that these are all folks that need this feature.  They don't all need this feature.


As for Chromebooks, I completely understand the appeal to save a few dollars by getting a Chromebook and giving up some features that a full OS will give you...  Unfortunately, one of those features is the ability to sync your Fitbit.  So yes, you absolutely need to buy a separate device to use a Fitbit, since as far as I know Fitbit doesn't sync through Chromebooks.  So even if you should be able to view the challenges online, you can only see others' progress; you can't update your own progress.

I take a few issues with your post.
The subject of this thread perfectly describes the requested feature - folks want to access challenges on the WEB dashboard. In 2014 (when I originally started this thread), that feature was not available. In 2017, that feature is still not available.
You say that the only UI available in 2014 was the web dashboard. Do you mean to say the only desktop UI? Because the mobile apps existed well before 2014
It is totally fair to look at the history of this feature request and say it hasn’t been addressed. Agreed that for many folks this need has been solved because Win 10 runs apps, but the core request (unbelievably???) has still not been addressed.
It is lovely that you access challenges from your Windows 10 computers (desktop, laptop, and tablet) all the time. What about the folks with Macs, Chromebooks or non Win 10 PCs plus those without smartphones? That number of users who are out of luck is not inconsequential.
But why is this even an issue? Folks (including me, who has every device under the sun) want access to challenges on the web dashboard. Shouldn’t be hard. Add the darn tile Fitbit!
Keeping Pace
Sorry if you get two responses from me. I typed one and think I lost it. I do not think you are actually responding to my post. I don't think I said anything that you would take issue with based on your last sentence. Add the darn tile Fitbit!

Sent from Outlook
10K Racer



Yes, I meant that this was the only Fitbit UI available on desktop computers.  This is no longer the case.


And seeing as though you were the original poster of the feature suggestion, I'll concede that the duration of the feature request is legit, but I still believe that the number of votes is not necessarily accurate.  Sure, by the letter of the feature suggestion it is still not available, but I believe that what some (many?) folks (yes, I understand this doesn't include you) really want is access to challenges from their computers.  And I have plenty of anecdotal evidence to support that.  Like this thread and this thread and this thread.  Many of these folks would've (and possibly did) vote for this feature when they were already able to access the challenges.


And while I understand that folks with Macs and older versions of Windows still don't have access to challenges, I'm a bit perplexed about the need to access the challenges from a Chromebook (yes, I understand that it'd be just the details on the browser), but as far as I know, you can't sync your Fitbit through a Chromebook, right?  So you can see how everyone else is doing, but you can't update your own numbers.  If your only computing device was a Chromebook, how do you even sync your Fitbit to participate in challenges?

Base Runner

It really would be nice if you stop adding the same 2 cents every time
someone responds to this thread. There are people out there who just want
the challenges on the dashboard! It's just that simple.

Yes we have all heard that you can "buy" a new phone, tablet or windows 10
computer to run the "app" BUT we don't want to or shouldn't be forced to. A
few years back they changed the dashboard because of some industry-wide BS
(sorry I don't remember the "why we have to do this").

Fitbit is coming out with so many new products and people are eating them
up left and right, it would be nice if they worked on this too.

I have an iPhone, so yes I can do challenges on my phone, but when I'm at
my desk it would be nice to look at the dashboard and see how I'm doing
rather than pull out my phone every time I want to see who is catching up
to me!

I also have a iMac and yes I can sync my Fitbit to my mac to get updated
step info so that nonsense is out the window. I just want to see the
challenges on my computer.

Please just stop with you blah blah blah. You sound like a Windows 10
10K Racer



I only respond to this thread when:

  • There are new people who post.  This is mostly because, again based on anecdotal evidence, many folks who do have Windows 10 do not know they have access to the Fitbit App (and thus challenges) instead of the online dashboard.  I posted links to at least three separate threads like this, I'm sure that I can find more.  Really... I'm trying to get the new folks unblocked if I can.  I understand it doesn't help you, but if it happens to help them and doesn't harm you, why the angst?
  • Folks make poor generalizations about this and then there's a lynch mob mentality.  "I need a smartphone to access challenges".  Not true.  "I don't want to pay for an expensive data plan".  You don't need a smartphone, so no need for a data plan.  "I should be able to access challenges from a Chromebook".  Fitbit doesn't support Chromebooks (you can't sync with one).  "You can't access challenges from a computer."  Not true, you can't access challenges from some computers.  "It's got so many votes."  Many of those folks do not need this feature any longer because their votes predate the Fitbit App OR they simply weren't aware that it was available.
  • When someone, like you, responds to my post.

So a couple of more observations...


First.... yes, by the letter of the feature request, folks want challenges on the web dashboard, but what if Fitbit instead updated Fitbit Connect (the software that runs on the Mac and older versions of Windows) to support challenges.  No, that does not address everyone's needs, but it addresses most people's needs.  Do you think that's sufficient?...  It doesn't literally address the feature request.


Second, the reason why you can run the Fitbit App on Windows 10 (desktop and laptops) is because Fitbit developed a tablet app for Windows, Android, and iOS.  It just happens that same tablet app runs on desktops and laptops.  Why do I point this out?  If Apple allowed iPad apps to run on the Mac, then this wouldn't be an issue.  You'd just install and run the iPad Fitbit app and you'd have access there.  Similarly for Chromebooks, if Google allowed Android apps to run on Chromebooks, this wouldn't be an issue.  Maybe the more interesting question is...  why can't you run iPad apps on the Mac?

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