Charge 4 screen brightness boost

For direct sunlight situations, add an ability to boost screen brightness temporarily, i.e. one-time event, through an easy to access while exercising method e.g. through a screen tap/scroll sequence. Enable the user to determine the preferred method in the Settings on the Charge 4 device.
First Steps

When you look at how long this issue has been going on for ,2020, and nothing has been done to fix this problem it makes you think again about buying future products from them. Come on Fitbit get your act together and do something to keep your paying customers happy and to all the owners of these watches keep up the comments and complaints. 

Not applicable

Just returned mine. 


First Steps

I know this thread is 3 years ago, but I am experiencing the same problem. Have changed brightness but it stays dim - inside and outside. Cannot read the screen. I have also restarted, etc, but nothing helps. My C2 worked better than this one and had my C2 for more than 5 years without any hiccups. C4 is just over a year and are experiencing many problems. Not happy at all.

Recovery Runner


And don't forget to tell everyone your experience  😉 

I don’t have the C4 anymore but if you scroll on your C4 there is a place to make it brighter or dim on there. I have the C5 now and have only had it about a year and it has stopped working. It also eats into the top layer of my skin really bad. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Well aware of that setting... It's still not enough. I'm all done with
Fitbit, especially now that Google owns it and they're doing nothing to
move the brand along. They have their own devices to push...

First Steps

virginiaeller68, the screen is on its brightest!  And for the past 3 days, the top part of my screen is non-existent, while bottom half is very dim. And FB is on my wrist. It did not fall and I did not bump it anywhere. Screen still brand new as if I have bought it yesterday.

GilGomesJr, I agree. I am done with FB. I have lost all confidence in FB. Liked it that it was slim as I don't like big watches and also the fact that I could have worn the SS mesh metallic band as the silicone gives me a rash. I am changing to Garmin. Sorry FB, you are losing more and more customers due to the problems.


Keeping Pace
I have given up on the FB4, the device was getting unusable and I have now
swapped to a Garmin which may not be as neat but at least it works. My
son's FB4 screen also failed totally another dissatisfied customer. These
problems have been there ever since the FB4 was released, FB would not
appear to care.
First Steps
Over the weekend I switched to Garmin and am thus far loving my new watch.
Just something to get used to with the bigger screen, but at least it is
working and I can see the time!
Not applicable

Same issue.  Although I think something has gone wrong with my device.  It’s dimmer than what it was and dim really is dim.  Just over a year old.  Don’t buy this product.


Actually, the solution is just to set the brightness to auto. If the brightness is set to auto, the screen will be brighter outside. It would help if they also had a bright setting along with the normal and dim settings. So in the meantime, set your charge for two auto, and it will be bright in the sunlight.  

Recovery Runner

You might think so, but no it’s still completely unreadable. 

Keeping Pace
I think that there must be a lot of variability in the devices some may be
brighter than others. I wear photochromic glasses which makes it impossible
to use outside even when it is not that sunny. The auto function only
switches between Dim and Normal and does not provide a brightness boost in
outdoor conditions.

i wear glasses that darken outside. 


On my Charge 4,  I cannot see Normal outside but Auto, I can definitely see on my Charge 4 outside. 
On Normal my screen disappears completely outside. 
on  Auto my screen is definitely visible outside. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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