Charge 4 screen brightness boost

For direct sunlight situations, add an ability to boost screen brightness temporarily, i.e. one-time event, through an easy to access while exercising method e.g. through a screen tap/scroll sequence. Enable the user to determine the preferred method in the Settings on the Charge 4 device.
First Steps

I agree. It is impossible to see the device during the day. I have mine set to the highest brightness it goes. They need a “super bright”. 


I can’t read the time or my heartbeat unless I stop, cup my hands over it and make it dark enought to MAYBE see it. Often I still can’t make it out. Do the developers and product testers run in the dark only!?!?!


 I’ve been using Fitbits since the pocket tracker came out. Charge 2 and 3 had this issue too.  I’m done with them and buying something else on Black Friday that can be seen in daylight.  It’s completely absurd that we cannot use it during the day without finding a dark place or shade to view it, which completely interrupts my run. I finally hit my limit today—it’s taken me 4 years to finally reach the end.

Not applicable
I totally agree with you. What I think is unbelievable is that all our complaints go unanswered and Fitbit doesn't do anything to solve the problem!

A watch that can't be read outside is a useless device.   I moved from the Charge 3 to the Charge 4 because the advertising implied a better screen to read outside and it fails to do so.   This is my third and last version of the Fitbit product which is otherwise excellent.   A technology company should not have to rely on users to raise this issue; just strap a charge 4 on the wrist of the President of Fitbit and send him/her outside on a sunny day and the research budget could be reduced to zero!

Base Runner
Been here before. Let's spin positive energy to solve this problem. I
almost left but glad l gave in. The grass is not always greener
Cool story bro
First Steps
"Spin positive energy" all you want but it won't change the problem. I
can't see my screen in the sun. I won't buy another fitbit once this one
First Steps

Spin positive energy has not worked. I can't read my Fitbit during the day when I am outside. People with Apple watches DO NOT HAVE THAT PROBLEM.


I've got my replacement picked out. The battery on it will not last for over a week like Fitbits do but I will be able to see it when I am running outside during the day.  So I need to plug it in everynight...I can deal with that trade-off. 


I solved the problem of not being able to read the CHARGE 4 screen. I switched to another brand

Not applicable
Recovery Runner

I will also be changing brands because of this. I was just asked what time it is and had to say I don’t know because my charge 4 doesn’t show outside. No amount of shading it helps. 

Not applicable
Welcome to **ahem**bit!
Recovery Runner

The Charge 4 (5, 6 , 7  🙂  is never going to get better.  But if you like the company overall, the Vera 3 is GREAT.  I can see it in any condition.  It was worth the change.  Had I started with that, I woudln't have the bad feelings towards fitbit that I do (why keep a product that is inferior). 

Thanks so much for your response. I was deliberating about a versa 3 but worried it would be as bad so you reply is really helpful

Nicki x

Sent from my iPhone
How long does the battery last between charges. Thanks
Recovery Runner

5 days on average.  But if you are using the GPS a lot I understand it will be less.  It charges really quick however



Not applicable
Well done!
First Steps

I know I'll never buy another Fitbit


Resetting mine, as advised somewhere around where, worked.


I gave up on trying to read the Charge4 outdoors a long, long time ago.  I simply carry my phone in my hand and watch my step count on it.  To add insult to injury, this miserable piece of equipment continually changes from "normal" to "auto" on its own.  In auto, if in dim mode, it's nearly impossible to read the screen well enough to change it back.  And there's no way to change this on the app?  Pretty awful.  Why on earth is there a dim setting???  That's hilarious.  I've since purchased a Garmin product which is extremely easy to read even on a very bright day.  I've recently read that the Charge5 has a much brighter screen.  I bought into that brag when I switched from the Charge3 to the Charge4...  Fool me once, shame on me.  Fool me twice... Ummm...   ahhh...   We won't get fooled again...  (sorry, just had to paraphrase George W... )


First Steps

Fitbit charge 3 display too dim on the sunlight to read steps, right when it matters !

First Steps

Totally agree.   Screen brightness is crucial.  Very frustrating. I too i’m considering going back to FB2 from FB 4. Please make that change.  

First Steps

Another dissatisfied Charge 4 owner. It is practically impossible to read the screen when outdoors on a normal sunny day. I am amazed that Fitbit do not bother to participate in this discussion. I will certainly be trying another brand when this one dies. 

Not applicable
Why go back to FB2 when they keep ignoring our problems? Why not abandon FB altogether? They don't deserve faithful customers and there are plenty of better and even cheaper options on the market.
I agree and was tempted to do so but the 50% discount made the Sense an
attractive alternative. It is a much superior version of FB with a
bright, clear face in all lighting conditions and a wide range of
information to remind me that I am still alive!!! Now if only FB was not
so greedy by expecting me to pay extra to explain what all the health data
means!!! Overall, I am quite pleased with my new FB.
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