Customizable vibrations pattern for Silent Alarms

Could we please have an option to select from a list of possible vibration patterns for our Silent Alarms.


Selectable Vibration Patterns


  • Flex Default (3 long, pause, repeat 3 long pattern until stopped)
  • Charge Default (3 long, pause, 3 long, snooze for 9 minutes, 3 long, pause, 3 long)
  • [NEW] Rapid (3 quick, pause, repeat 3 quick pattern until stopped)
  • [NEW] Rising Scale (1 quick, pause, 2 quick, pause, 3 quick, pause, 3 long, pause,repeat 3 long until stopped)


The patterns and repititions seem to differ between the Flex and Charge without any ability to change them back. I found the Flex vibrations to be a little too harsh and I felt they had the potential to wake up my wife.


I would personally be happy if the setting was per configured alarm or globally for the tracker. Either way, having a few selectable options for the vibration would mean that users could choose how they are woken up!


If you feel this is a useful suggestion please vote for it






Moderator Edit: Title, Format & Labels 

bigAPE | Melbourne, Australia | Software Developer

Flex - Charge - Charge HR - iPhone 6 - Apple OSX

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First Steps
we should have options in the INTENSITY and DURATION of the call notification. . I was looking forward to the call notification vibration pattern when I got my Fitbit charge. HOWEVER I am disappointed because I found that the vibration pattern was not enough to get my attention and it wasn't helpful.
Stepping Up

Fully aree on the duration settings.  I'm a heavy sleeper and often times don't even budge when my Surge alarm goes off.  I want it to buzz until I am concious enough to push snooze.


On top of that, it would be even better to have an option where the alarm could not be stopped except by pressing a button on the phone.  That way I could have the phone across the room but it wouldn't need to have an audible alarm, forcing you to actually get out of bed to shut it off.

First Steps

I was excited about the alarm at first, but tried it with a regular alarm as a backup for the first few times.  The fitbit alarm pattern and duration just wasn't enough.  If there were some options besides the 3 cycle vibration, maybe even having the option to have the app alarm on the phone if not acknowleged after a certain period of time.  I know this isn't a core function of the device, but some more control would be welcome.

First Steps

On fitbit's main page for the charge it calls it an "activity + sleep wristband."  More than once down the page when discussing the sleep functions, it says, "Auto Sleep + Alarms."


It really is a core function.

First Steps
Great idea! I believe this is a much needed feature. The vibration pattern now is not great at all and it doesn't get my attention
First Steps

I agree, one buzz is way to easy to miss a phone call. One of the reasons I bought this device is so I can keep my phone on vibrate and not miss calls. 


I have my alarm set for 7:10 in the morning everyday but it doesn't wake me up. There should be a setting to put the vibration a little higher so when school time comes for me I will never be late to school. I hate an annoying alarm waking me up everyday!!
Please include the Surge in this too... Allow us to decide the duration etc of the alarm, as currently my Surge is not 'cutting it' and having to set alarms a minute apart (as suggested in another post) each day (my wake up times vary daily) is ludicrous... Will think about moving to another brand if its not addressed. Many thanks.
First Steps

Please update the Surge silent alarm to vibrate for more than a few seconds.  I woke up often with my flex silent alarm, but the Surge alarm is too short and does not repeat.  I've overslept too often to rely on it. 


I would like the alarm to run for 10-15 seconds at least, or until I turn it off or snooze it.  Please consider making a change. Thanks!


I fully agree with this on the Charge HR. The silent alarm was one of the key reasons I bought it in the first place; but the feature is very disappointing. If an update doesn't follow soon I shall review it on Amazon to warn other users.

First Steps

Fitbit provides a handy list of places to warn people!




Why does the alarm stop after a few seconds? I always snooze a couple of times in the morning and my surge alarm should NOT stop until I have cancelled or snoozed it. 

First Steps

I also need to be able to customize the silent alarm.  I need to decrease the intensity and the frequency of the pulses as the alarm is just way to jarring for me in the morning.  Thanks.




I'm a happy fitbit surge user Smiley Very Happy


However I usually have to set 2 or 3 alarms to wake me up. This makes me unable to use fitbit as my main alarm and I consider silent alarm as one of the main features.


The reason, I believe so, it's because it vibrates during a short time (seconds ??) and then it goes off (auto snooze for 10m or so). Wouldnt be awesome if the alarm once triggered, would vibrate until you press snooze or OFF ? Like the scheme that we usually have in a phone i.e.


Thanks Team,




Buongiorno esperti,


Quando qualcuno mi chiama il FitBit fa 1 sola vibrazione e spesso non la sento.

E' possibile fargliene fare di piu' e/o impostare un pattern di vibrazioni quando qualcuno mi telefona?

...eventualmente anche con un'app esterna.


Grazie mille

Recovery Runner

all alerts give you the same vibration... and if ignored, they "snooze" for 9 minutes and give the same pattern again...

would be great if we could change the snooze/followup to something else...

would be great if my wake up alert and my don't miss this meeting alert weren't the same!

First Steps
I'm agreed that this needs fixing.
First Steps

I keep missing calls because my Charge HR only vibrates once very briefly and I don't notice it.


Please add the ability to customise the vibration length for alerts and alarms!

First Steps

Yes, please. After I used it once, I realized that was never the way I wanted to wake up again. It's way too powerful.  Needs to be more gradual. 

Would love to have different strengths of vibration for the silent alarm...light for at work and heavier for waking up. Is this a possibility?
Recovery Runner

This would be awesome, I've slept through my alarm many times, but the vibration is very obvious when I'm awake.

Recovery Runner

Yes, I sleep through my alarm all the time. I'd love it if the alarm kept vibrating until I turned it off. As it is now, I can't depend on it at all, even though I set three alarms and hope for the best.

Needs to vibrate longer during an alarm. Currently only goes off 3 quite times. Needs more intensity as well.
Tempo Runner
I set 3 and did not wake up!!! Lucky I was just testing it, but I need more reliability, thanks, also time to fall asleep tracking. See my page for ideas on that.
Three quick times is what I meant. It needs to be a reliable way to wake up and right now it is not.
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