Decide if you want to delete recent/frequent food entries

1. You can add custom food entries which you can delete via the web interface - please allow deletion of these foods on the apps as well.


2. When you add foods to your recent/frequent list you cannot delete them anymore and so the list just grows and grows. Please let us delete these entries in the apps.


Moderator edit: Labels 


I'm totally agree with what is stated in DNA_Dude's last message.
Please fix this app section.

First Steps

The ability to delete food entries in the frequent and recent listings.  Sorting ability would be helpful. 

First Steps

I've seen this question asked before and checked as answered. However, it was only answered for custom list solution. I can delete custom foods but there's no option for the other 2 lists. It's so cluttered & must scroll down alot since it's not alphabetically listed which would also be great! I need to delete foods I've chosen accidentally or no longer want to see or need. Please add this option! I use updated android version.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Medusa5150, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.

First Steps

Being that it's 8 years later and nothing has been done about it maybe it was time for the poster to start a new topic. It's really absurd this hasn't been implemented yet, basic common sense tells you that you need it. Step up your game Fitbit

First Steps
I agree fully, we spend money on their products and get nothing in return. They take our money and run. Step up Fitbit and get it done. I posted this same thing approximately a year ago, some have posted this. More than four years ago….

Sent from my iPad
First Steps
It's been many years since that post you shown of. I figured a fresh new
one asking for these options may catch the developers attention this
time around.
Recovery Runner
Yes, absolutely would like to be able to delete foods from frequent/ recent/ create list!
Sent from my iPad
First Steps
I am updating soon....and I am looking at other options!

Kind of crazy that they want people to pay for premium meanwhile they can't even be bothered to add a delete button for food items under frequent and recent.  Even after 8 years of people asking for it.  Exactly what is premium support paying for?

Recovery Runner
Sent from my iPad
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