Different celebration symbols when daily goal reached

SOLVED! My Fitbit Charge 3 shows a disco ball every time I reach my daily goal (10.000 steps). My charge 2 had different celebration symbols, i.e fireworks and a star. It was so exciting to see what symbol came that day. This excitement is gone, there is only the disco ball in charge 3. Boring! 


Different Celebratitions 

 Right now we only have one celebration when we reach our daily goal. I wanted there to be more so that we can see different things when we reach our goal not just the one celebration.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Base Runner

Great idea! I would love to have checkboxes to enable/disable a celebration for each goal (steps, floors, distance, calories). It would be awesome to be able to set a goal for water intake as well.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I think this is an awesome idea! It would be really nice to have different celebrations for achieving your daily goal. That way we will be able to see different things when we reach it, so it will be even more motivating to reach the goal as you will not know for sure which of the several celebrations will be displayed. It will be a surprise. Thanks for suggesting your idea! 

Stepping Up

I love watching my Charge 2 celebrate when I've reached my 10,000 . It would be nice if I could also have a celebration when I've burned a certain amount of calories for the day or been active for a certain # of minates also. I think the celebrations are very encouraging. Why only limit it to one type of daily goal celebration?


Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Keen to hear what others think?


Hmm yes please!

Hi everyone,

I really liked the different animations for reaching the 10,000 step goal on Fitbit's Charge 2.
Now I am wearing Charge 3 and I'm a bit disappointed, only getting the mirror ball when reaching the goal.

In the future, will there be some other animations like the bubbles, rings or the rocket we all know from Charge 2? I hope so.

Best regards!

Not applicable

Sounds good I'd love it Smiley Happy

First Steps

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please add more animations for reaching the step goal!!! I loved having those on my Charge 2....and i keep looking at that disco ball and wanting it to be something else....and then something else....and then something else.....add a little guy doing the cherry-picker dance under it something. 


I like this idea!

Base Runner

What a fun feature suggestion Smiley Happy I forgot my previous Fitbit devices displayed multiple celebration animations

First Steps

Would be great to have the option to download different animations similar to how clock face displays can. Rocket is a particular favourite 👍

Today for the first time fitbit did not show the disco but the firworks!

MANNY MANNY thanks, you have heard volks voice an programmed new animations




Hurray, I got fireworks today 🙂

First Steps

Thank you #IfYouDontAskYouDontGet 😊 

Recovery Runner

The disco ball celebration on my Charge 3 recently changed to fireworks. Why did it go? It was my favorite, although it would be really cool to have it change up every day!

It’s still there, it just changes from one to the other.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
Okay, good to know.

Is there a set schedule? It doesn't seem to be alternating daily, but is
just random.

Totally random from what I see

Sent from my iPhone

I don’t even want variety- I just don’t like the disco ball and miss my fireworks!

Recovery Runner

I agree :hundred_points: fix this now Fitbit people

@Champanja wrote:

My Fitbit Charge 3 shows a disco ball every time I reach my daily goal (10.000 steps). My charge 2 had different celebration symbols, i.e fireworks and a star. It was so exciting to see what symbol came that day. This excitement is gone, there is only the disco ball in charge 3. Boring! 


First Steps

Confused? We asked for more celebrations than the standard Disco ball and Fitbit have responded with now three random celebrations- Standard Disco Ball, Fireworks and Bird. I say good work Fitbit and thank you for listening to the forum posts 👍


Fitbit should set this suggestion to solved, as they listened to our wishes. I don't think I am able to change the status myself. Thank's Fitbit! :)

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re happy to let you know that this has been released on Charge 3, which now has different celebrations for your daily step goal achievement. @Champanja, as you've submitted a high quality suggestion that was released, you will now receive a higher voting weight worth 5 votes. Thank you for sharing your ideas and enthusiasm with the community. Please enjoy the new feature!

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