Don't remove Challenges & Adventures

Do not remove Challenges & Adventures! A lot us use these features to motivate us and connect. My kids are able to connect and do challenges with their friends too.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Recovery Runner

This is an insane decision to stop challenges. This has been a staple for all the years I have had my Fitbit. Some people I have been in challenges for years. You really need to rethink this decision.

Recovery Runner

I have used Fitbit since the very beginning and have really enjoyed it. My main reason for using it is the challenges. They allow me to connect with family and friends daily, stay accountable and just have a great time competing. I have encouraged them to be on Fitbit but now the main reason to remain is possibly going away. 

First Steps

My husband has been trying to convince me to get an Apple Watch for years now but I stuck with Fitbit because I’ve been doing recurring weekly challenges with a group of friends for 6 years now and I wasn’t willing to give that up.  And I kept my premium subscription after the free trial ended because I liked the bingo challenge so much (and for the sleep tracking).  But unless you change your mind and end up keeping these features after all, once they’re gone, I will be canceling my premium subscription and switching to an Apple Watch because I will no longer have any incentive to stick with Fitbit.

Recovery Runner

This morning I read the upcoming changes to Fitbit. To say I was really bummed me out is an understatement. I have been a Fitbit user since 2013. One of the reasons I subscribed to premium is for the challenges. If this is taken away, I will not renew my subscription this coming April. I am not sure why this came about and why community was not polled prior to making these decisions. What is the rationale? I would reconsider this decision, otherwise you will lose many subscribers. 


I was dismayed to hear that Fitbit is getting rid of challenges. I do the work week hustle every week with family. 

Recovery Runner

The challenges keep me going!  I LOVE the get fit bingo and have purchased Premium because of them.  That will be going away.



Stepping Up

Fitbit/Google, please reconsider your decision to remove Challenges.  It's the weekly and weekend challenges that keep me engaged with friends, and motivated to keep me walking and increasing my fitness level. I had purchased my first Fitbit, a Charge 2, and it sat in the box on a shelf for many months. It wasn't until my friend invited me to their weekly challenges that I started to wear it daily. I continue to participate in their weekly challenges and am now on a Fitbit Charge 5. 

First Steps

This is an absolutely terrible idea 

Not applicable

As of March 27 I will be canceling my premium membership and getting a new tracker and it won’t be Fitbit . The challenges are what keeps me motivated and the only reason I use Fitbit. But at least now I will be able to buy a more reliable tracker that doesn’t need to be replaced once a year. 

First Steps

Google - listen to your users. The Challenges are the best part of Fitbit. For me, a terrific inspiration to stay active is some competition, healthy rivalries, and friendly banter with my friends. There is no better way to do that than with the Challenges. Please keep them - folks will keep walking, but you're running the risk they'll walk their steps to another App if you follow through with this.


I received my first Fitbit 5 years ago as a gift. Have had a lot of fun with it and have upgraded to other models when opportunity presented itself. Please keep it fun for me my keeping the Challenges

First Steps

I have been participating with friends in Workweek Hustles and Weekend Warriors on and off, but mostly on, from about 8 years now, ever since I got a Fitbit. Honestly, it's the only reason I still have a Fitbit. I can barely use my Inspire 2 as a watch because it's so dim, I can't see the time outdoors. So why would I continue using a Fitbit if I can't see the time and I can't participate in challenges with friends?


The email I received this morning from Fitbit assured me I can still connect with friends, but if we have no challenges to participate in, what on earth is the point? What activity would be our focus, if not an challenge? How hard is it for you to provide us with a friends challenge? I get that you don't want to provide challenges for a wider community, you say there isn't enough participation, but I do believe that people (like me and my friends) really value getting to connect with each other in a friendly competition ever week and weekend. We are strewn across the continent, and this is really a big way we stay connected. 


Please reconsider ending challenges for friend groups. Thank you.

First Steps

Definitely will switch to Apple Watch if the Challenges and Adventures go away.   The only reason I keep upgrading everyone in the family to newer fitbits, is we can promote community within the family with Challenges and Adventures.   If I can't connect with friends and family, no reason to continue with fitbit.  Apple Watch has so many more features.

First Steps

PLEASE keep the challenges and new ones - do not take them away or many people will quit -me included!

First Steps

We should all look into Stridekick, it lets us keep doing challenges, and we can include our Apple Watch, Garmin, and WearOS Friends.


Like many who have posted before me - I also (mainly) use my FitBit and the challenges to stay connected with friends.  A group of former coworkers and I have been in competition for the last three years, since COVID began.  It has been a huge part of our coping with the lack of socializing and motivation to continue to better ourselves.  


I was extremely unhappy when some of the Adventure Races were removed and not replaced.  I'd considered moving to a new company at that time, but there were still enough to do with the remaining Adventures and Challenges.  With this change and removing these remaining activities, I will absolutely be switching to another SmartWatch/Tracking device as there is nothing to keep me here.  I've canceled my Auto Renewal for my Premium, but will await deleting my account to see how this plays out.


Please, listen to your customers.  This is HUGE self sabotage - check out the news on Wizards of the Coast and the recent, very expensive mistake they made.  Don't be like them...fix this now.

First Steps

Well I’ve been wanting a iwatch but I loved my weekly challenges with friends and family more. Thanks for making the switch easier, Fitbit. I can tell people are thrilled with this asinine decision. 

Recovery Runner

I’ve used a Fitbit for years. I do challenges every week and love them. It’s the only reason I’m still with Fitbit. I also use an Apple Watch. If Fitbit gets rid of the challenges, I will just use my Apple Watch. I just renewed my Premium and plan on cancelling it today. I’m wondering if Google is just trying to get rid of Fitbit, because this move is going to upset a lot of people.

First Steps

I totally agree with ALL of the comments here and have to back that up.  I'm in a Workweek Challenge every week for the past 3 years with people I used to work with.  We are across the US in different timezones, but enjoy the FitBit challenges as a way to connect with one another and inspire each other.  If it wasn't for the FitBit challenge 2020 would have been bleak for a lot of us.  

The ONLY way I'll move is with a challenge.  If what I'm hearing correctly is true - FitBit, you will have sunk yourself, regardless of partnering with Google.  EVERYONE on this forum will migrate to another platform that allows challenges and fosters community.  I need a new Fitness device as my Charge 2 is getting older and scratched up.  I just bought new bands for this as well. 

Very disappointed would be an understatement.

First Steps

This makes me soooooo sad! I’ve been doing challenges with my friends for years!!! I’m always in the ww hustle and the weekend warrior. We cheer each other on and enjoy staying connected. I can’t believe Fitbit would take this away, based on the assumption it’s underused. Please Fitbit, look at these comments and don’t do away with this feature!


I have used a FitBit since 2014--starting with the One.  I stayed with FitBit because of the connections I have with friends around the world and the ability to do challenges with them.  There are plenty of apps and websites that offer all the other features that the FitBit offers, aside from challenges. It takes years to build a strong community and, without knowing what your "new direction" is, you are not offering a better experience by taking this feature away.   This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.  I do hope FitBit/Google reconsiders.  

Recovery Runner

My friends of 70+ years old have done the Workweek Hustle for over 6 years. This literally kept us alive during COVID. We are a group of sorority sisters from 4 different states and we talk daily via Fitbit challenge. During COVID we even Zoomed. Also, during COVID a grandchild joined our challenge and he keeps us going!! I have bought 4 Fitbit devices and my friends have bought at least two each. Don't take away our challenges!!!


Marmee and the "Razorgirls"

First Steps
Dont remove the feature
Recovery Runner

YES. I’m mad that I just bought an ew Fitbit. The primary reason I use fitbit rather than another activity tracker is the challenges. 


Same! After commenting here im going to look of the return policy on the Fitbit I just bought… the main reason I sue fitbit rather than another activity tracker is the challenges. 

Recovery Runner

Deleting challenges and bingos is the worst decision ever. I am on my 5th fitbit and keep buying because I love the challenges, bingos and the fitbit friends I have made.  If this is true I will be cancelling my premium account and buying an Apple Watch like my kids have begged me to do for years. The whole Fitbit community is devastated over this news and this needs to seriously be considered before doing this.  

First Steps

I'm disgusted by this. Shocked that fitbit has been blind in seeing how used this feature is and also how it's one of their massive USP's compared to other watches on the market. If this goes ahead I have no loyalty to stay. This is gutting as it's a huge motivator and to be honest makes it enjoyable! Will be switching very quickly to a competitive brand if this is the case. 

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