ECG App for Canada

What happened to "Canada" as being pending on this list of countries for the ECG app?
Now it has been totally removed.
Are there still plans to bring the ECG app to Canada (& if yes, when)?
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @67Healey. Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about supporting the ECG app in Canada with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

Any updates or links to when ECG will be coming to Fitbit’s Sense in Canada?

First Steps

Has Fitbit submitted the approval application for EGC with Health Canada?

First Steps

I have been waiting for this since the day I purchased my Sense. We need this feature. It is part of the reason why I chose Sense over Withings scanwatch, but if this doesn't get the feature soon, I'll be forced to return it. Please listen to the Canadian customers. Thanks.  

First Steps

Super disappointed Fitbit didn't include Canada for ECG app.  Only reason I bought it.  Will be returning it and posting on Twitter, FB, Instagram etc... 

Not applicable

Any news on release date for the ECG app I'm Canada. Eben an estimate would be helpful, or some info on steps that fitbit is going through to get it on Canadian sense watches?

First Steps

I’m also in the market for a smart watch especially one with the ECG capability. I will buy a Sense Fitbit only if this app is on it. 
Please expedite it’s approval in Canada. 

First Steps

I bought the sense expecting to be able to use the ECG capability.  When will this be in Canada.


I want to upgrade my Fitbit but am wanting ECG for Canada first.  Does anyone know another brand that works in Canada? Having trouble finding next best option

First Steps

Hey Fitbit! Anybody monitoring this site?? 
an answer would be appreciated. 



Moderator Edit: Formatting


Apple Watch seems to be the only licensed ECG watch in Canada. Just an FYI.

We only have a population of 37 million consumers so we're too small a market for Fitbit apparently.

BTW, called Fitbit support on this and they said "be patient".


I am holding purchase and getting mighty tempted to buy the apple watch despite having invested 2 years in Fitbit.   I had a similar question which was answered but, frankly, based on a non-answer, ignored on FB a few weeks back.


Fitbit: you’ll lose on the Canadian market if this isn’t addressed by X mas.   Good luck.   And you should be posting an update based on all these comments.   Your silence is deafening!

First Steps

Was super excited that the Sense had ECG capability, but with this feature not being available in Canada I am extremely hesitant to purchase it. 


I have been using Fitbit for more than 5 years now.  I tried to switch to the Apple Watch twice but came back to Fitbit.  That said... the need for the ability to have ECG in Canada is just as important as it is in other countries.  Without this feature (and soon) I, and many of my fellow Canadians will have no choice but to look for a device that will meet this very important need.

I hope the Fitbit mods will see this and take it to heart.... so that we can protect ours!


Heather (Calgary)

First Steps

I will not buy this fitbit, despite really wanting one, without access to the ECG app. Please provide some confirmation that it's coming and some idea of when. Your clients understand that it's a process and there is significant hurdles to clear with Health Canada. We're looking for confirmation the process has started and that there is an end date in sight.


Very disappointed that this is not available in Canada. This is why I got it!!! I really hope this changes asap. So frustrating :-(. 

First Steps

Disappointed this isn't available in Canada, has Fitbit even requested approval yet?

I'd rather not have to go with another company but I'll have to if it doesn't come available.

First Steps

Looking to order a smart watch for a friend with a heart condition. Really want the ECG app, but if it’s not available, will purchase another brand. I get so tired of technology not being available in Canada. 

Recovery Runner

I bought the Sense specifically for the ECG capability. If this isn’t available in Canada I will return it. Please respond to the many people who are asking for this information. 

Recovery Runner

I also thought the ECG capability would be available in Canada by now. Please make this a priority. 

First Steps

I am thinking of returning my sense when will we have ecg in Canada

First Steps

Just got mine today and didn’t realize the ecg app wasn’t available in Canada. It’s the entire reason I bought this specific one. Is anyone going to update as to when this will be available because honestly, I’ll return it and go with someone else if it’s not happening. 

Not applicable

The advertising for this feature is why I bought my Fitbit Sense. I was willing to wait until approval in Canada. It felt as though it was promised. 

Extremely disappointed. 

First Steps

Please provide update on when this feature will be available.  I bought the watch for this reason.  I'll return it if it's not available soon.

First Steps

Extremely disappointed. Received my Sense watch yesterday and just realized the ECG feature is not supported in Canada.

Fitbit, please let us know when you are planning to include it. Thank you.


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