Enable Celsius units on weather app without having to change distance to kilometers Ionic/Versa

Currently the ionic will only  display Celsius units when the distance unit is in 'kilometres'. It would be great if the ionic weather app displayed Celsius units regardless of the distance unit selected .... E.g, miles .


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


This is my last Fitbit. Their lack of customer service/help if you’re outside America is disgusting.
Recovery Runner

100% agree. Fitbit are supposed to be the next best thing to Apple for smart watches. Obviously the next best thing is awful, So I’ll definitly not be getting another one. Fitbit should just stick to the cheap fitness tracking devices. You can’t charge £200+ for a device and provide so little support.  


They’ve done a great job for Apple though. I’m sure the few hundred people in this thread will all soon be Apple watching owners. 

Samsung watch for me absolutely hate Apple devices.
Recovery Runner

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

Surely a "Released" status can't be justified - its nearly 3 weeks and this is still an issue for a large number of people.  "Alpha Test" is about the best status you could have, although how much say the 10% got in being FitBit testers I don't know.  Perhaps someone was getting a lot of flack for having such a significant bug open for so long and now they are happily working on other things safe in the knowledge that a fix has been released.


I have read many comments on this thread and this issue has been going on for over a year.  I just bought the Versa and it seems you have made some changes; as I set my distance to miles (I live in the US), but my weather says celsius.  I really don't understand the celsius reading making that part of the fitbit absolutely useless.  It's beyond me why it isn't a separate setting as it is on virtually every device I own outside of a fitbit.  Is there any chance this will be corrected?  My weather doesn't change from celsius when I use the directions you have listed on here.  no matter what setting for distance, I still get celsius.  

Recovery Runner

Starting to feel like my versa will be obsolete before this firmware update gets fully released. Why does anything regarding fitbit  and software drag on for so long?

And as for the SP02 sensor, I'm guessing that's never going to get any use either. What a waste of £200!

I was able to Change mine with the new update. Let me know if you would like some directions
Base Runner

I checked my Versa and the Weather App within the Fitbit App yesterday and both show Celsius. 

I am UK based it seems if you go into the weather App as above you now have a choice of Fahrenheit or Celsius. 

As far as I am concerned this is now resolved.  

Recovery Runner

Sounds like you're one of the lucky 10%, I've, just checked mine for the umpteenth time and the firmware version is the same with no additional settings in either the Fitbit or weather apps. It's hard to express how disappointed I am in Fitbit as a company and this watch (and this isn't just down to this issue, there are several others which are just as frustrating as this).

Base Runner

Probably @Nick—B. I also have another issue with Versa/App whereby my miles are totally disproportionate to the steps taken. The norm in this situation is for FutBit to to under count miles (which I could live with) but for me it is overcounting miles with 3,000 steps sometime equating to 3miles.  This issue remains unresolved and has done for 6 weeks. I am now looking at a Garmin. 

First Steps
Still not fixed here weather hasn’t updated since March 🤨

Get Outlook for iOS
First Steps
Yes pls

Get Outlook for iOS
Base Runner

Still no change here either and i’m In the uk. I think it would have been clear had there been a firmware update on your watch/ app. I have seen someone suggest that if you set up the watch from scratch again, it’ll pull down the latest firmware.

Base Runner

@Brantome this may be right as I did a factory reset this week to try and resolve the mileage issue I have.  That didn’t work for the mileage issue but Celsius is  now showing correctly. 

Recovery Runner

@Beany71 have you set your stride length?

Recovery Runner
Hi Kimrae2, I'd be interested in being shown how. Did you receive some kind
of notification from Fitbit that an update was available for you?
Recovery Runner
Happy for you Beany71, but my settings still only have the option of
location, so this issue is not universally resolved.
First Steps
Maybe obvious but have you checked your height / stride length is set up correctly and not overstating your mileage as a result?

Sent from my iPhone

So tried doing a reset, and it’s gone, or trying to go through the whole set up process again, now my phone and Fitbit won’t connect to each other so I can’t even set the thing up.

Kind regards

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Base Runner

Thanks for suggestions @BobbyNick and @Riocaz tried all of this and factory resets and even been sent a replacement. This issue is daily but not for all walks and the Versa only spikes upon syncing. If you look at the watch before syncing all is good!!! Sync to the add and you get a spike of 0.5-2miles for a walk.  


Reset the Ionic, and I now have degrees Celsius and miles.

Kind regards

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Recovery Runner

It should be possible to force a firmware update without having to do a factory reset. I really don't want to have to reinstall and configure all my apps and my watch face.

Base Runner

When will this be available to everyone Fitbit? Will we be emailed to be told or are you just expecting us to keep checking to see if the option us there?

Reset mine today and didn't give me degrees c so that's not a fix for all
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