Enable Celsius units on weather app without having to change distance to kilometers Ionic/Versa

Currently the ionic will only  display Celsius units when the distance unit is in 'kilometres'. It would be great if the ionic weather app displayed Celsius units regardless of the distance unit selected .... E.g, miles .


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


First Steps
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First Steps

I believe this update should be available to those outside of the UK as well as I just moved from the UK to the US and I do not want to know the weather in F, I want it in C! I think they should separate everything out rather than bulk it together.


Please support your customers, Fitbit!

Recovery Runner

Don't worry it's not available to customers in the UK... We're still waiting for it to be made fully available too.

Recovery Runner

Come on fitbit - get it together and give your customers what they want!!!!!!!


Why is it that the only way to get it at the minute seems to be setting the device up as new? Surely you should be as to release an update that works and does what so many of your customers obviously want

Recovery Runner

Its been over a month since the fix was "released" and the cynic in me is starting to believe that its a myth.  Its only the few people on this forum reporting that they have Celsius and Miles that's stopping me from thinking that FitBit are saying that there's a fix just to shut us up.  Surely if there are no reported issues with the fix then they would have rolled it out by now.


I can only assume that they've found an issue with the fix and, this being the case, the decent thing to do would be to let everyone know this so that firstly, the people with the update will be aware that they could encounter the issue and secondly, the people without the update will know that there will be a delay in a fix being available.

First Steps

FWIW I had to do a factory reset to resolve a connectivity issue, and the temperature unit option in the Weather app has now appeared for the first time.


I know we should have had to, but I did a factory reset on my Ionic and then Celsius was enabled.

I think it’s disgusting that Fitbit are treating paying customers the way they are.

Kind regards

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

I did a reset on my versa and got no change
Base Runner

C'mon Fitbit, keep us informed! What's happening, do we need to do a factory reset?

@Haz11 wrote:

Currently the ionic will only  display Celsius units when the distance unit is in 'kilometres'. It would be great if the ionic weather app displayed Celsius units regardless of the distance unit selected .... E.g, miles .


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.



First Steps

Please allow temperature units to be set independently of distance units. A massive number of people use miles for distance and Celsius for temperature. 

Recovery Runner

There are some updates from mods in This thread. But they basically sum up to ‘Only some people have the update atm, we don’t know when everyone will get it, it’s not a beta version but also we aren’t sayin why it’s bot being rolled out.’ What a **ahem** show. 


They have said said you can get the update by doing a factory reset but that’s ridiculous, I don’t know why they would even suggest it. Do they have UX staff? I feel like fitbit might be letting the the Ionic die already. Worst £230 I ever spent. (And it’s still that price)

First Steps
Same here, No update for me either 

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Not applicable

I found a suggestion on the Fitbit site suggesting a factory reset. I had
an online chat with Fitbit today and they implied it wouldn’t help.

I did it and the reset forced a firmware update - I now have Celsius on my
weather app!!

The firmware version required is 32.12.19

Hope this works for others

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps
I did this too

Get Outlook for iOS
Recovery Runner

I factory reset my device today and now have the temperature in right units.


SHAME THAT FITBIT ARENT ROLLING OUT UPDATE WITHOUT THE NEED TO FACTORY RESET DEVICE THOUGH.  I lost all data on one of the apps I use (Treasure Trek - I know not one that fitbit created, but one that i find motivates me to keep moving) 

Recovery Runner

It seems a bit hit and miss as to whether a factory reset forces through the firmware update, its worked for some and not others.  FitBit themselves have said that it won't work, which is clearly an inaccurate statement and we're still getting no official communication on the subject.


I've seen quite a few Black Friday deals for other smartwatches which, with what I know now about FitBit, would be a much better purchase but I can't justify chucking the best part of the £200 that I paid for the Versa away.


Like many others I think this will be my last FitBit purchase unless something significant happens at FitBit and they actually turn this watch in to a smart watch - ie: weather forecasts that I can use, a calendar that works, entering my own water units, being able to change watch face without having to scroll through hundreds on the app for the one I want and then struggling to sync it first time, etc - most of which functionality was available for Pebble watches.

Preferred my cheaper Garmin watch wish I hadn't wasted my money
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Derek1971, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. At this moment we don't have more details about it, but you can stay tuned we'll keep you informed if anything changes.


Nice to see you around.


I factory reset my ionic today (UK) and now I have miles and celsius.


I got feed up waiting for the update so decided to try the factory reset.


Now to decide on which clock face to use that shows correct temperature.

Recovery Runner

Still no update for me.  I really would rather avoid a factory reset but I may be forced to do this.  I'm still staggered that a "global" company the size of Fitbit cares so little about its users.  The fact that posts from new users asking for Celsius are met with stock responses saying that this would be a good feature and lets see what everyone else thinks as they move the post in to a thread which says this bug has already been "resolved", just shows how little attention they pay to these forums and their users.


Drisc, resetting your Ionic in the UK worked but other people have said that a reset doesn't work, this makes me wonder whether the reset only works for the Ionic and not the Versa (which I have).  I haven't reread all the posts to check but if anyone in the UK with a Versa has reset theirs I'd be interested in knowing whether they now have Celsius & miles.

Versa reset didn't work for me
Recovery Runner

OK.  I've done a factory reset, but now I just have my Ionic telling me to go to fitbit.com/setup.  I go there, but I am redirected to https://www.fitbit.com/eu/setup, which tells me to get the app.  I have the app.


The app tells me to connect to WiFi and I'm back to where I started.  It took me all day the first time I took the Ionic home.  Today, like before, I keep getting a message saying that I can't connect to WiFi, and to dismiss, and then I am told that the device won't set up unless I connect to WiFi.  I have no problem connecting any other device to WiFi, only Fitbit devices have a problem.  The first time it took about five goes for the device to connect to WiFi.  To date, I've tried ten.  This is really twisting me melon.  The app tells me to put the device nearer to the router.  It is hanging on the router at the moment.  The router is not a problem.  There are no firewalls.


Why can't the Ionic connect to WiFi like any normal device?


If, after all this, I actually get it working it will be a miracle.  And if I get the temperature in Celsius I will run bare-arsed through the nearest Christmas market and kiss Santa Claus and all his elves.  Not that there's a remote possibility that Celsius will appear on my Ionic.


Happy Christmas Fitbit.

Not applicable

Worked for me on my Versa.


The option appears in the Weather app settings only and not under Advanced Settings > Units. 

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Recovery Runner

OK, Santa Claus beware!  I now have Celsius measurements on my Ionic.  Result!  I hope that one day the Ionic will be able to connect to my WiFi so that I can transfer music again as, of course, the reset has scrubbed all my Beethoven, Captain Beefheart, Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Johnny Winter.


But the Celsius is there - I hope my distances haven't gone metric!


Onwards and upwards.


Thanks, Fitbit.

Recovery Runner

Finally bit the bullet and factory reset my Versa, after several instances where the app found the watch but wouldn't connect, I finally got it set up (FYI, I had to forget tell my phone to forget all the Versa bluetooth connections and reset (left/bottom right buttons) the watch).  Pleased to say that there is now a temperature option in the weather app and I have Celsius and miles - finally!!!


I still think its incredibly poor that you have to factory reset the watch as opposed to just being able to install an update.  The lack of decent communication from FitBit is also very bad for a company like this.

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