Exercise Tracking Cues - include spoken current heart rate as an option

A great feature to have which would increase and assist my running is the option to select spoken current heart rate as an exercise cue (for fitbit devices with pure pulse). 


I would also like to see a feature for spoken encouragement when ones pace / heart rate drops. This would be amazing 


For example, voice cues could include:

* Encouragement option - keep up the effort when fatigue is detected

* Heart rate

* Distance

* Time

* Weakly/ monthly Average Pace

* Split Pace (since last cue)

* Calories burned


Thanks 🙂


Recovery Runner

It would be nice if the voice cue feature in the fitbit app would announce your heart rate too (for those of us with the Charge HR or Surge devices)

Base Runner

This is a very nice feature, but due to having to press the button on the Charge HR, I'd think it would be very nice to have your phone tell you the heart rate the zone you're in too!

First Steps

I completely agree...I need to know how hard I am working out without constantly having to check my watch...


I was used to run with mapMyRun and before that runtastic. 

Both apps tell you your heart rate in the voice cue while running. I really liked that.

I was dissapointed to find out that this isn't available in fitbit.

Please add this feature.


Thanks, corpa

First Steps

seems like a no-brainer.  Why would heart-rate voice ques not be available - at least, information as to which zone I am in, or perhaps when I cross a zone threshhold?


there ar cues for distance, time, and pace but if i am interested in HR, I have to look.


Would really appreciate an answer on this request as well.  An obviously valuable feature.  Can we hear whether its a technical issue or ETA?

First Steps

This is a great suggestion. As a new Charge HR user, this is the first thing I noticed missing during my daily walk.

First Steps
Is there any way that an option can be added to the voice cues in the Fitbit app? In adidition to time, distance and pace, I would love to get my average heart rate while training. Thanks!
First Steps
please add average heart rate as an option to the voice prompts. Isn't one of the reasons the Charge HR was developed was for tracking HR? Only makes sense to track it while you are actually exercising. Other apps have this ability.
Is there any future updates that will include heart beat in the voice cues during exercise tracking? I am checking my heart rate every few minutes by double tapping but hearing it during the voice cues would be very helpful.

Is there any future updates that will include heart beat in the voice cues during exercise tracking? I am checking my heart rate every few minutes by double tapping but hearing it during the voice cues would be very helpful.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Is there any plans for a future update that will include heart rate in voice cues during exercise tracking?
Great idea. I'd like to see this 🙂
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hey @Ceharper thanks for sharing your idea with us! We love to hear  you! I think that this feature could be great, so we don't need to keep checking the heart rate all the time during exercise. 


See you around! Woman Wink

Stepping Up
Yes, please add heart rate to voice cues.

This should be a really easy enhancement to the app, since the app already has access to this data.  I wish Fitbit would focus more on the exercise uses of the Charge HR.

First Steps
It seemed like such a native function that should be there I actually bought my Fitbit thinking this feature would be standard and was very disappointed that it isn't. Complete no brainer to add some voice cues that tell you what your heart rate is and when it changes 'zone' and perhaps some warnings when in the peak zone for longer than recommended or if over the recommended maximum. If live voice cues arn't possible perhaps the Fitbit could silvery vibrate when in warning conditions?
First Steps
Please would you add cue options to report current heart rate, heart rate zone and possibly average heart rate since start of exercise during "exercise tracking" on the App. The existing cues are really useful but I would think that most users bought the Charge HR for the heart rate monitoring functions and it makes life a lot simpler if you don't need to look at the display and mess about trying to press buttons when exercising. Especially for us old bullets who need to find reading glasses to read the display. 😉
Stepping Up
Yes please
Would it be possible to include HR cue during exercise besides distance, time and splits?

I am an older (66) runner who can't see the fitbit display without reading glasses. I got a Fitbit Charge HR for Christmas and hoped my current heart rate would be included with my time audio cue on Runkeeper, but I don't hear it with my time at every mile. If there could be a way to add that to the cues, it would be greatly appreciated. Or is there a way that Fitbit can do what Runkeeper does?

Not applicable

I agree with everyone above.  I'm still using a chest strap transmitter when I run because I refuse to keep pushing the button to check.  I'd happily upgrade my FitBit Charge HR to a Surge but refuse to until this relatively simple change is made.

First Steps

Hi all,

This idea is a no-brainer! I think it would transform a nice (but pretty useless) feature into a powerful training tool. All the hardware is there ... it only needs someone at FitBit to implement the code!

Come on FitBit get it done!


First Steps
Yes please, important missing feature!
First Steps
Yes! I would use this feature,
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